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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Cannot compile sane-1.0.2 on SuSE 6.4</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Henning Meier-Geinitz (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Cannot compile sane-1.0.2 on SuSE 6.4">
<H1>Re: Cannot compile sane-1.0.2 on SuSE 6.4</H1>
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<!-- subject="Re: Cannot compile sane-1.0.2 on SuSE 6.4" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Henning Meier-Geinitz (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Wed Apr 19 2000 - 12:38:19 PDT
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<P><EM>&gt; This is the result of a &quot;configure &amp;&amp; make&quot;:
<EM>&gt; make[1]: Entering directory `/home/local/sane-1.0.2/sanei'
<EM>&gt; rm -f .libs/sanei_ab306.lo
<EM>&gt; /usr/bin/gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../include -I../include -DNDEBUG
<EM>&gt; -Df2cFortran -D_GNU_SOURCE -DPATH_SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/usr/local/etc/sane.d
<EM>&gt; -DPATH_SANE_DATA_DIR=/usr/local/share -DV_MAJOR=1 -DV_MINOR=0 -O -W -Wall
<EM>&gt; -DSCSIBUFFERSIZE=131072 sanei_ab306.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/sanei_ab306.lo
<EM>&gt; sanei_ab306.c:257: macro `DBG_INIT' used without args
<EM>&gt; make[1]: *** [sanei_ab306.o] Error 1
<EM>&gt; make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/local/sane-1.0.2/sanei'
<EM>&gt; make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
<EM>&gt; callisto:/usr/local/sane-1.0.2 #
<EM>&gt; Any idea?
<P>Yes. You have compiled SANE without debugging support (maybe this decision
was made by SuSE, I don't know, why). Try to compile with debugging support
(which is the standard setting). Just remove -DNDEBUG from the Makefiles or
use the SANE tar.gz files from <A HREF=""></A>.
<P>The cause of your problem (which I can reproduce by typing CPPFLAGS=&quot;-DNDEBUG&quot;
./configure and make) is in include/sane/sanei_debug.h:
<P>#ifdef NDEBUG
# define DBG_INIT(backend, var)
# define DBG_INIT() \
&nbsp;&nbsp;sanei_init_debug (STRINGIFY(BACKEND_NAME), \
<P>Without debugging support DBG_INIT has two arguments, otherwise none. It is
called with no argument by sanei_ab306.c (and other files). I don't know too
much about C macros so I can't say if this is a bug or a problem with the C
compiler. Any comments?
<P>Ciao, Henning
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