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<TITLE>sane-devel: Saned doesn't seem to work</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Thomas Chiverton (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Saned doesn't seem to work">
<H1>Saned doesn't seem to work</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Thomas Chiverton (<A HREF="'t%20seem%20to%20work&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Fri Mar 17 2000 - 04:17:26 PST
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I'm to this, so excuse me if I have over looked anything.
<P>I have a client, A, who needs to user the scanner on B.
<P>Both are using the latest sane versions, and saned is present in B's
services and inetd.conf files.
<P>B can scan localy with:
scanimage -d epson:/dev/scg1
<P>But if A or B try
scanimage -d net:B:epson:/dev/scg1f
they get
scanimage: open of device net:B:epson:/dev/scg1f failed: Error during
device I/O
and get (s/falken@A/falken@B also)
Mar 17 12:14:16 saned[8575]: access by
falken@A accepted
Mar 17 12:14:16
saned[8575]: process_request: received unexpected procedure number 0
in the messages log.
<P>Is this a known issue ?
Anything I've missed that is hidden in the docs ?
<P>And how do I compile (saned) with debugging support ?
Thomas Chiverton, systems admin. and WebMaster
e-mail: <A HREF="'t%20seem%20to%20work&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"></A> phone : 01565 757 909 (mobile 07967672404)
For in-house IT issues, please mail <A HREF="'t%20seem%20to%20work&In-Reply-To=&lt;;"></A>
Stanley looked quite bored and somewhat detached, but then penguins often do.
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