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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Problems with backend for Mustek 600III EPP</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Jochen Eisinger (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Problems with backend for Mustek 600III EPP">
<H1>Re: Problems with backend for Mustek 600III EPP</H1>
<!-- received="Tue Jan 4 16:17:58 2000" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: Problems with backend for Mustek 600III EPP" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Jochen Eisinger (<A HREF=";<3B><><EFBFBD>&gt;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Tue Jan 04 2000 - 16:21:38 PST
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Jeff DeFouw wrote:
<EM>&gt; If garbage means bits of red, yellow, blue, and lots of black, then
<EM>&gt; yes.
<EM>&gt; The score so far is:
<EM>&gt; 3 working (including me)
<EM>&gt; 3 not working (bits of garbage or completely black images)
<EM>&gt; And the problem is not related to scanner being used. Success with a
<EM>&gt; 6000P was reported (but another 6000P user reported a failure with common
<EM>&gt; symptoms).
<P>Could the ones where the backend produces garbage figure out what ASIC-type
their scanner reports? Perhaps scanners of the same model have different
<P><P>-- jochen
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