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<!-- received="Thu Dec 23 06:57:00 1999 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Fri, 24 Dec 1999 01:57:21 +1100" -->
<!-- name="Conrad Parker" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: compile trouble SANE v1.0.1, gimp 1.1.13" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: compile trouble SANE v1.0.1, gimp 1.1.13</title>
<h1>Re: compile trouble SANE v1.0.1, gimp 1.1.13</h1>
<b>Conrad Parker</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Fri, 24 Dec 1999 01:57:21 +1100</i>
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<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0163.html">Steve Baker: "Re: compile trouble SANE v1.0.1, gimp 1.1.13"</a>
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On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 07:37:35AM -0700, Steve Baker wrote:<br>
<i>&gt; I went through the SANE code and changed all instances of GIMP_EXTENSION</i><br>
<i>&gt; to something unique. Not the most elegant solution, of course, but it</i><br>
<i>&gt; worked.</i><br>
elegant enough -- the problem is that GIMP_EXTENSION has a real meaning in<br>
newer gimps, whereas xscanimage.c was using the same define for something<br>
for anyone looking for a patch: this was explained recently + patched<br>
similarly by Stanislav Brabec in<br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0165.html">Avi Bercovich: "Re: compile trouble SANE v1.0.1, gimp 1.1.13"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0163.html">Steve Baker: "Re: compile trouble SANE v1.0.1, gimp 1.1.13"</a>
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