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<!-- received="Sat Oct 2 03:47:35 1999 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Sat, 02 Oct 1999 12:52:29 +0200" -->
<!-- name="Oliver Rauch" -->
<!-- email="oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE" -->
<!-- subject="Re: xsane-0.37" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: xsane-0.37</title>
<h1>Re: xsane-0.37</h1>
<b>Oliver Rauch</b> (<a href="mailto:oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE"><i>oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</i></a>)<br>
<i>Sat, 02 Oct 1999 12:52:29 +0200</i>
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Tim Waugh wrote:<br>
<i>&gt; On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Oliver Rauch wrote:</i><br>
<i>&gt; &gt; after everyone got xsane-0.36, here is xsane-0.37 ;-)</i><br>
<i>&gt; The final link step failed for me because I don't have -lintl. Taking out</i><br>
<i>&gt; -lintl from the command line worked fine.</i><br>
<i>&gt; Does something need adjusting in</i><br>
Should be fixed in xsane-0.37<br>
EMAIL: <a href="mailto:Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE">Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</a>
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