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<!-- received="Mon May 3 20:02:16 1999 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Sun, 02 May 1999 23:59:36 BST" -->
<!-- name="Antonis Giannopoulos" -->
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<!-- subject="Compeye Simplex DP66M parallel port scanner" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Compeye Simplex DP66M parallel port scanner</title>
<h1>Compeye Simplex DP66M parallel port scanner</h1>
<b>Antonis Giannopoulos</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sun, 02 May 1999 23:59:36 BST</i>
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Hi there,<br>
I have just got a Compeye Simplex DP66M parallel port scanner.<br>
I have a SuSE 5.3 Linux box and looking in the sane docs I could not<br>
find any info for the above scanner. It is not listed either in the<br>
supported list on the sane's web site.<br>
Does anybody know of any driver or has any info concerning this<br>
scanner ?<br>
Thanks in advance<br>
Antonis Giannopoulos<br>
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