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<!-- received="Tue Feb 9 15:13:53 1999 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:21:54 -0500 (EST)" -->
<!-- name="Tripp Lilley" -->
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<!-- subject="16-bit frames and interleaving" -->
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<title>sane-devel: 16-bit frames and interleaving</title>
<h1>16-bit frames and interleaving</h1>
<b>Tripp Lilley</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:21:54 -0500 (EST)</i>
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The docs say that 16-bit deep frames contain the samples in the machine's<br>
native byte order. Can I assume that they will always come in pairs, and<br>
that they are sample-interleaved, not byte-interleaved?<br>
ie: on a little endian machine, would data look like this (where the first<br>
character is R, G, or B, for the color of the sample and the second<br>
character is 'L' or 'M' for the 'Least' or 'Most' significant byte):<br>
RL RM GL GM BL BM ...<br>
(which is what I am assuming)<br>
or can I expect some sort of nuttiness like<br>
Of course, I /realize/ that this would be a totally asinine way of<br>
rendering the samples :-) But the spec leaves a /teensie/ bit of room for<br>
asinine interpretation :-)<br>
Tripp Lilley + Innovative Workflow Engineering, Inc. + (<a href=""></a>)
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water, there's these little legs, paddling like buggery."
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0050.html">Tripp Lilley: "libsane-pnm bugs?"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0239.html">Oliver Rauch: "Re: 16-bit frames and interleaving"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0239.html">Oliver Rauch: "Re: 16-bit frames and interleaving"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0252.html">Oliver Rauch: "Re: 16-bit frames and interleaving"</a>
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