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<!-- received="Wed Nov 18 22:28:54 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Thu, 19 Nov 1998 14:27:49 +0800 (SGT)" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: News from Minolta" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: News from Minolta</title>
<h1>Re: News from Minolta</h1>
<b>Mathias Koerber</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Thu, 19 Nov 1998 14:27:49 +0800 (SGT)</i>
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There may be hope for my Dimage Scan Dual yet !<br>
Thanks a lot !<br>
On Wed, 18 Nov 1998, David Rose wrote:<br>
<i>| Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 22:02:14 -0800</i><br>
<i>| From: David Rose &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</i><br>
<i>| Reply-To: <a href=""></a></i><br>
<i>| To: <a href=""></a></i><br>
<i>| Subject: News from Minolta</i><br>
<i>| </i><br>
<i>| Good news from Minolta! They are interested in facilitating a Linux</i><br>
<i>| port of their hardware. I met with some representatives from Minolta</i><br>
<i>| today at Comdex, and they are definitely willing to work with me to</i><br>
<i>| get the QuickScan 35 going under Linux. Although we didn't talk about</i><br>
<i>| other scanners or cameras, surely they will soon follow if the</i><br>
<i>| QuickScan port goes well.</i><br>
<i>| </i><br>
<i>| They have some concerns, though. They are reluctant to release the</i><br>
<i>| SCSI protocol, primarily because of potential liability concerns. As</i><br>
<i>| I understand it, they are worried that if someone writes a poor driver</i><br>
<i>| for their hardware, it could easily damage the scanner, or much more</i><br>
<i>| seriously, might conceivably start a fire and lead to other personal</i><br>
<i>| or property damage. Minolta is concerned, rightly or wrongly, that</i><br>
<i>| they might be held liable for such damage caused by their hardware, no</i><br>
<i>| matter who wrote the driver. And in today's world, who can argue.</i><br>
<i>| </i><br>
<i>| But they are intrigued because they know that other, competing</i><br>
<i>| companies (for instance, Nikon) have released sufficient documentation</i><br>
<i>| to facilitate writing a SANE driver for their equipment. They would</i><br>
<i>| like to know the nature of the agreement(s), if any, these companies</i><br>
<i>| entered into before releasing said information--this might encourage</i><br>
<i>| them to emulate those companies.</i><br>
<i>| </i><br>
<i>| What can anyone tell me about this? People who have worked with</i><br>
<i>| other scanner and camera companies, what experiences have you had?</i><br>
<i>| </i><br>
<i>| Many thanks!</i><br>
<i>| David</i><br>
<i>| </i><br>
<i>| --</i><br>
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<i>| </i><br>
Mathias Koerber | Tel: +65 / 471 9820 | <a href=""></a><br>
SingNet NOC | Fax: +65 / 475 3273 | <a href=""></a><br>
Q'town Tel. Exch. | PGP: Keyid: 768/25E082BD, finger <a href=""></a><br>
2 Stirling Rd | 1A 8B FC D4 93 F1 9A FC BD 98 A3 1A 0E 73 01 65<br>
S'pore 148943 | Disclaimer: I speak only for myself<br>
* Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht, was Leiden schafft *<br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0159.html">Stefan Illy: "Re: Output filters for xscanimage:a simple attempt"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0160.html">Rodger Donaldson: "Re: News from Minolta"</a>
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