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<!-- received="Sun Jun 7 19:07:19 1998 PDT" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: SANE options</title>
<h1>Re: SANE options</h1>
<a href=""><i></i></a><br>
<i>Sun, 7 Jun 1998 04:30:29 +0200 (MET DST)</i>
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Hi !<br>
<i>&gt; &gt; &gt; Nope, not at this point. Printing messages wouldn't be hard to do,</i><br>
<i>&gt; &gt; &gt; but dialog boxes are a bit trickier because sometimes there is no user</i><br>
<i>&gt; &gt; &gt; to dialog with. What exactly did you have in mind?</i><br>
<i>&gt; </i><br>
<i>&gt; It might be useful if there were a way for the backend to say to the</i><br>
<i>&gt; frontend "I have a status message", </i><br>
This is easy. SANE supports text fields, and those can be set from the<br>
backend easily be requesting a full option reload.<br>
<i>&gt; or "I have a yes/no/cancel question", </i><br>
Please if at all possible - avoid that. This is really bad for <br>
scripting ...<br>
<i>&gt; aren't quite enough, because the backend might want to ask a question</i><br>
<i>&gt; in the middle of an API function call, and then the call has to exit</i><br>
<i>&gt; and somehow be restarted with the information it didn't have. So what</i><br>
<i>&gt; about frontends supplying callback functions to the backend at</i><br>
<i>&gt; initialization time? For example, a callback that answers a</i><br>
<i>&gt; yes/no/cancel question might have prototype</i><br>
This complicates quite a bunch of things. It is _really_ needed ?<br>
Could you give an example ?<br>
<i>&gt; Obviously either approach involves an API change so it would have to</i><br>
<i>&gt; be for a future version. </i><br>
Regarding returning status messages, this can easily be solved without <br>
changing API. <br>
= Andreas Beck | Email : &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; =
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0066.html">Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE: "Re: Problems with CANCEL"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0064.html">Chip Atkinson: "Mustek questions"</a>
<li> <b>In reply to:</b> <a href="0052.html"> "Re: SANE options"</a>
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