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<!-- received="Wed Jun 3 08:32:47 1998 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Wed, 3 Jun 1998 15:19:44 +0200 (MET DST)" -->
<!-- name="Luca Balzano" -->
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<!-- subject="Mustek scanner doesn't work" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Mustek scanner doesn't work</title>
<h1>Mustek scanner doesn't work</h1>
<b>Luca Balzano</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Wed, 3 Jun 1998 15:19:44 +0200 (MET DST)</i>
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Hi, just a simple question:<br>
can I make my MUSTEK SCSI SCANNER 12000SP with firmware revision 0.93 work<br>
with sane ?<br>
I compiled and installed sane version 0.73 but it doesn't work.<br>
I'm using a NCR 53C810 PCI scsi controller (not the original from mustek)<br>
under Linux 2.0.33<br>
Cucciolo:/usr2/sane-0.73/tools# find-scanner<br>
find-scanner: found scanner "SCANNER 0.93" at device /dev/scanner<br>
find-scanner: found scanner "SCANNER 0.93" at device /dev/sg2<br>
find-scanner: found scanner "SCANNER 0.93" at device /dev/sgc<br>
Cucciolo:/usr2/sane-0.73/frontend# ./scanimage -L<br>
device `pnm:0' is a Noname PNM file reader virtual device<br>
device `pnm:1' is a Noname PNM file reader virtual device<br>
can u help me ?<br>
thank you. <br>
Luca Balzano (<a href=""></a>)<br>
Po. Box. 18<br>
33042 Buttrio (UD) <br>
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