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<!-- received="Thu Jan 22 16:16:20 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Fri, 23 Jan 1998 01:03:52 +0100 (MET)" -->
<!-- name="Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE" -->
<!-- email="Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE" -->
<!-- subject="umax-backend" -->
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<title>sane-devel: umax-backend</title>
<a href="mailto:Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE"><i>Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</i></a><br>
<i>Fri, 23 Jan 1998 01:03:52 +0100 (MET)</i>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0127.html">Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE: "Re: Umax Backend."</a>
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Hi UMAX-Astra 1200S and Linotype Hell Jade users,<br>
there is a little bug in the umax-backend of sane-0.69.<br>
I forgot to set a comma ","<br>
in umax-scanner.h (in directory sane-0.69/backend).<br>
At the end of the file there is a line<br>
"UMAX ","Astra 1200S ",<br>
and there is missing the last ",",<br>
so there is written a warning for Astra 1200S useres<br>
and for Linotype Hell Jade (Office) users.<br>
If you don't like it, add that comma,<br>
do (in directoy backend)<br>
touch umax.c<br>
and then install as root<br>
make install<br>
Sorry for that,<br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0127.html">Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE: "Re: Umax Backend."</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0125.html">Martin Huber: "Re: sane-0.69, finally!"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0035.html">Nicolas Lucas de Peslouan: "Re: umax-backend"</a>
<li> <b>Maybe reply:</b> <a href="0035.html">Nicolas Lucas de Peslouan: "Re: umax-backend"</a>
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