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<!-- received="Sun Jun 15 16:18:29 1997 MST" -->
<!-- sent="15 Jun 1997 17:12:59 -0600" -->
<!-- name="Gordon Matzigkeit" -->
<!-- email="" -->
<!-- subject="Re: Sane on NeXT/OpenStep - a plea for help" -->
<!-- id="199706152134.OAA21419@panda.mosberger" -->
<!-- inreplyto="Sun, 15 Jun 97 15:36:33 +0100" -->
<title>sane-devel: Re: Sane on NeXT/OpenStep - a plea for help</title>
<h1>Re: Sane on NeXT/OpenStep - a plea for help</h1>
<b>Gordon Matzigkeit</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>15 Jun 1997 17:12:59 -0600</i>
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<i>&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Neville Wilford writes:</i><br>
<i> &gt;&gt; I believe the C compiler gave correct error messages. Somehow,</i><br>
<i> &gt;&gt; your `read' and `write' functions have not been</i><br>
<i> &gt;&gt; declared. Normally, these functions are declared by the `unistd.h'</i><br>
<i> &gt;&gt; header file.</i><br>
NW&gt; phaedrus:30# find / -name unistd.h -print<br>
NW&gt; /NextDeveloper/Headers/bsd/unistd.h<br>
Good show. Root finds always help. ;)<br>
NW&gt; I'm hoping this might count as a significant clue.<br>
It does. What it implies, along with the results you posted below, is<br>
that the BSDish header files are stored under the<br>
/NextDeveloper/Headers/bsd directory.<br>
NW&gt; Is "-I../include -I../include -arch i386 -undef " something to do<br>
NW&gt; with the problem?<br>
I don't think so.<br>
<i> &gt;&gt; What you are interested in is finding the declarations of the</i><br>
<i> &gt;&gt; `read' and `write' system functions in your system header files.</i><br>
/NextDeveloper/Headers/bsd/libc.h:extern int read(int, void *, int), \<br>
write(int, const void *, int);<br>
Congratulations! You found it!<br>
NW&gt; Thanks again, but I don't think I'm doing very well here. Sorry<br>
NW&gt; to be such a complete dimwit. Is it possible that putting<br>
NW&gt; /NextDeveloper/Headers/bsd somewhere in the include path might be<br>
NW&gt; helpful?<br>
No, on the contrary, I think you are doing very well.<br>
I think all you need to fix your problem is to make the following<br>
change to source files that fail to compile:<br>
#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;<br>
#include &lt;libc.h&gt; /* Add this line! */<br>
If you want to give me access to your OpenStep box, which you offered,<br>
then I would be more than happy to help port SANE to OpenStep. If<br>
you're interested, I like accounts named `gord'. ;)<br>
On the other hand, if you want to try porting to OpenStep yourself, it<br>
should be relatively easy. Part of the battle would be to see if<br>
`libc.h' is automatically #included by any of the other files in<br>
/NextDeveloper/Headers/bsd. If not, then #including it directly, as I<br>
did above, is probably the right solution.<br>
If that's all that gives you trouble, then the patches to SANE are<br>
quite trivial. Just tell us which of the SANE files fail to compile<br>
without the above patch, and then we can add an Autoconf macro to<br>
include `libc.h' in those files.<br>
Good luck,<br>
Gord Matzigkeit | Proudly running pieces of the GNU operating system. | Jacques Cousteau loved programming in assembler.
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0097.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: Sane on NeXT/OpenStep - a plea for help"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0095.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: xscanimage redraw-error"</a>
<li> <b>In reply to:</b> <a href="0092.html">Neville Wilford: "Re: Sane on NeXT/OpenStep - a plea for help"</a>
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