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<title>sane-devel: Problems with sane</title>
<h1>Problems with sane</h1>
<a href=""><i></i></a><br>
<i>Thu, 24 Apr 1997 22:44:00 -0500</i>
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I have a problem with sane not working, or more to the point it won't see my scanner, though mscan does work with it.<br>
I will say that when I was using slackware 96 v 3.0 I was able to install sane and use the .53 version ok, all I did was to ./configure make and make install and it worked. I reinstalled slackware 3.2, mostly to clean up my drives, the older 3.0 I was running was as modern as 3.2 insofar as libs and compiler's etc that I'd upgraded...<br>
What happens is that when I run xscanimage (or even xscan with the .53 version installed), it won't come up with the mustek selection. All I see is the pnm selections, and according to the debugging info, the backend is loaded. If I settle for the pnm selection, a window comes up when I click ok with Invalid parameters in a status line at the bottom, and of course the scanning won't work. <br>
At this point if I quit the program and use mscan I'll get a scan, but if I go back to xscanimage and try it I will get the same results which I take to mean that the scanner is ok, and the device name is correct.<br>
This is where I'm at a loss, I don't know what more to check out, same computer, same libs, binutils, libc, and even the same gtk stuff. The only thing different is that I installed Slackware 3.2 and the libs were precompiled. Everything else works, the new gimp works great, it's version 0.99-8. One difference but I'm not sure it's relevant, I did have the older .54 version on slackware 96, but compiled the new version and tried it. I did uninstall it and recompile sane and programs, but no luck there either.<br>
Any clues for me?<br>
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