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<!-- received="Tue Mar 18 20:22:52 1997 MST" -->
<!-- sent="Tue, 18 Mar 1997 21:09:45 -0600 (CST)" -->
<!-- name="Nem W Schlecht" -->
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<!-- subject="Microtek Sane Backend" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Microtek Sane Backend</title>
<h1>Microtek Sane Backend</h1>
<b>Nem W Schlecht</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Tue, 18 Mar 1997 21:09:45 -0600 (CST)</i>
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Just to let everybody on the list know.. I've gotten Jan S.'s mtekscan<br>
command line program working and will soon start working on a SANE backend.<br>
I've already started and am half done with a port of the scsi stuff to my<br>
machine. One problem, though. It appears that the Linux stuff is pretty<br>
low-level. My stuff is actually pretty similar, but with one major<br>
difference. There is a structure that is used for SCSI communications, but<br>
it requires setting either a READ or WRITE flag. I'm debating whether I<br>
will be able to just simply say that all 0x1b commands (or whatever) are<br>
WRITEs and whatnot, which would mean that there is no change in having to<br>
call the sanei_scsi_cmd(), or require an addition argument, namely a flag,<br>
which would require a change to the API.<br>
I would prefer the API change, and then just have the Linux SCSI module<br>
ignore the flag, but this presents a problem to the Linux programmers, in<br>
that they wouldn't know whether to use a READ or a WRITE - I'm not even<br>
sure in some cases, I just kinda guessed. :-(<br>
Any comments?<br>
Nem W Schlecht <a href=""></a>
NDUS UNIX SysAdmin <a href=""></a>
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