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<!-- received="Tue Jan 28 15:04:28 1997 MST" -->
<!-- sent="Tue, 28 Jan 1997 16:39:30 +0100 (MET)" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: repeat post: xcam frontend for SANE" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: repeat post: xcam frontend for SANE</title>
<h1>Re: repeat post: xcam frontend for SANE</h1>
<a href=""><i></i></a><br>
<i>Tue, 28 Jan 1997 16:39:30 +0100 (MET)</i>
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<i>&gt; Finally, I found that the "first_frame" field in the parameter</i><br>
<i>&gt; structure to be rather useless. I'd much prefer to have a</i><br>
<i>&gt; "last_frame" field that tells you when the last frame in an image</i><br>
<i>&gt; arrived. Anybody have any objections to this? I can think of a</i><br>
<i>&gt; reason to want "first_frame" (since it will always be true for the</i><br>
<i>&gt; first frame after sane_start), but "last_frame" would be extremely</i><br>
<i>&gt; handy (e.g., xcam would decode/buffer frames until it hits the</i><br>
<i>&gt; last_frame, and then actually render the collected image).</i><br>
Maybe the "first_frame" bit gets read a bit more "in the right place", i.e.<br>
_before_ starting to read the _first_ channel of the next image instead of<br>
_before_ starting to read the _last_ channel of the next image.<br>
What I mean is if F mean the time, when the *_frame var is read :<br>
first_frame: F RR GG BB F RR GG BB F ...<br>
<i> |-+------+ |-+------+ |-+--</i><br>
last _frame: RR GG L BB RR GG L BB RR<br>
+-----|--+ +-----|--+<br>
Actually "first frame" should be interpreted as "finish processing the last<br>
frame and prepare for a new one".<br>
Andreas Beck | Email : &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0054.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: repeat post: xcam frontend for SANE"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0052.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "sane-0.42.tar.gz"</a>
<li> <b>In reply to:</b> <a href="0050.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "repeat post: xcam frontend for SANE"</a>
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