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<!-- received="Sat Apr 11 19:49:23 1998 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Sun, 12 Apr 1998 06:52:33 +0200 (CEST)" -->
<!-- name="Clemente Pamplona" -->
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<!-- subject="Problems with Mustek Parangom 1200 an Teckram CD-390" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Problems with Mustek Parangom 1200 an Teckram CD-390</title>
<h1>Problems with Mustek Parangom 1200 an Teckram CD-390</h1>
<b>Clemente Pamplona</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sun, 12 Apr 1998 06:52:33 +0200 (CEST)</i>
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At first sorry for my english :-(<br>
Im a Linux user (R.H 5.0 ) and I have a problem whith my mustek scanner.<br>
The scaner is a Mustek Parangon 1200 SP iconecting to a Tekram DC-390<br>
correctly supported by the kernel.<br>
I use the GIMP, but, it try to scan, it scans, and wait a lot of time <br>
(until scsi device resets ) until i can view the image<br>
I let you a trace of the problem.<br>
I have in /etc/profile the lines:<br>
export SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK=3<br>
export SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/sane.d<br>
I use the gimp, and when I try to scan:<br>
[mustek] attach: opening /dev/sga as scsi device<br>
[mustek] attach: sending INQUIRY<br>
[mustek] scsi_wait_ready: sending TEST_UNIT_READY<br>
[mustek] attach: firmware revision 1.06<br>
[mustek] attach: scanner has automatic line-distance correction<br>
[mustek] attach: found Mustek scanner model MFS-12000SP (flatbed scanner), 1-pass<br>
[mustek] sane_init: enabling linedistance-fix for /dev/sga<br>
[mustek] sane_init: enabling lineart-fix for /dev/sga<br>
[mustek] scsi_wait_ready: sending TEST_UNIT_READY<br>
[mustek] line_distance: got factor=8, (r/g/b)=(0/2/4)<br>
[mustek] line_distance: fixed up to factor=65535, (r/g/b)=(0/2/4)<br>
[mustek] get_image_status: bytes_per_line=48, lines=241<br>
[mustek] reader_process: limiting strip height to 1 inches (100 lines)<br>
[mustek] lines_per_buffer=100, bytes_per_line=48<br>
[mustek] read 4096 bytes<br>
mustek] read -1 bytes<br>
[mustek] read 4096 bytes<br>
mustek] read -1 bytes<br>
[mustek] read 4096 bytes<br>
[mustek] read -1 bytes<br>
[mustek] read 4096 bytes<br>
[mustek] read 1360 bytes<br>
[mustek] read 0 bytes<br>
it stops here, i must wait a lot of time when success this:<br>
scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 102, scsi0, channel 0, id 5, lun 0 Start/Stop Unit 00 00 00 00 00<br>
and then starts to scan<br>
[mustek] scsi_wait_ready: sending TEST_UNIT_READY<br>
[mustek] line_distance: got factor=8, (r/g/b)=(0/2/4)<br>
[mustek] line_distance: fixed up to factor=65535, (r/g/b)=(0/2/4)<br>
[mustek] get_image_status: bytes_per_line=1098, lines=619<br>
[mustek] lines_per_buffer=29, bytes_per_line=1098<br>
[mustek] read -1 bytes<br>
[mustek] read 4096 bytes<br>
[mustek] read -1 bytes<br>
[mustek] read 4096 bytes<br>
[mustek] read -1 bytes<br>
[mustek] read 3822 bytes<br>
[mustek] read -1 bytes<br>
[mustek] read 0 bytes<br>
and stops again.<br>
Anyobody can help me?<br>
Why dont return the image when it finish?<br>
\ / <a href=""></a><br>
x________\(O)/________x 2:346/207.49<br>
o o O(.)O o o <a href=""></a><br>
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<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0106.html">Bob van der Poel: "Re: xscanimage &amp; previews"</a>
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