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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Microtec X6 wrong colors</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Karsten Festag (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Microtec X6 wrong colors">
<H1>Re: Microtec X6 wrong colors</H1>
<!-- received="Mon Jun 11 14:46:57 2001" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Karsten Festag (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Jun 11 2001 - 14:51:04 PDT
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Aristides Kontogeorgis wrote:
<EM>&gt; I own a microtex X6 and the colors appear green sometimes.
<EM>&gt; This is a known problem and I was advised to upgrade the
<EM>&gt; firmware of the scaner to 1.6 ( It is now 1.0)
<EM>&gt; This sounds difficult to me.
<P>There is a new version of the microtek2 backend in the CVS-Snapshot
which is available at I don't know if it helps but
if you like you can test it.
<EM>&gt; An alternative aproach might be the following:
<EM>&gt; Now I have to scan a picture twice, if the first
<EM>&gt; scanning is green I change the x-coordinade of the
<EM>&gt; scanning area one pixel to the left or right and the colors
<EM>&gt; are correct.
<EM>&gt; I also think that in 200dpi resolution I got always correct colors
<EM>&gt; if the x-coordinate is divisible by 2.
<EM>&gt; This channges in different resulotions.
<EM>&gt; Question:
<EM>&gt; Can one think of a general formula of the correct x-coordinates?
<P>It depends on the bug in the firmware, i think you will have to find it
out by yourself.
<EM>&gt; If the answer is yes, then I will try to modify xsane so that the possible
<EM>&gt; coordinates of the scanning area give correct colors
<EM>&gt; (for example in the 200dpi resolution the marching area selection
<EM>&gt; tool has to move in steps of 2.)
<P>You should modify the backend so that it corrects the values rather than
xsane. Xsane is identical for all scanners, the scanner-dependent code
is in the backend (microtek2.c in your case).
<P>Karsten Festag
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