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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Snapscan problem</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="David Gesswein (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Snapscan problem">
<H1>Re: Snapscan problem</H1>
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> David Gesswein (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sun Feb 25 2001 - 09:07:55 PST
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<EM>&gt; I am using RedHat 6.2, with all the relevant update RPMs, plus a stock
<EM>&gt; Linux 2.2.18 kernel I needed to get USB working (not for the scanner,
<EM>&gt; though). My scanner is an Acer 610+ (SCSI) connected to its own private
<EM>&gt; Adaptec 2840 card (aic7xxx.o driver, as a module).
I am using a 610+ under kernel 2.2.16-4 with a 53c1010 Symbios card, same
xsane and snapscan (I think, I am not sure how to verify snapscan version,
the tarball I had around was that version).
I don't have the pause problems. I did set under xsane standard options the
colour lines per read to maximum, I sort of remember that low values caused
problems but a quick test now (300 dpi 8.5x11) seemed to still work.
<P>The problem I am seeing is some vertical banding in solid colors. It
looks like the scanner calibration is not being done. Under windows at
the begining of the scan it seems to do an extra step that I don't get
under Linux. I never found a way of capturing the scsi commands being sent
under Windows 98 to figure out what the problem was. Since I use it most
for black and white scans I haven't really looked into it.
<P>Other things I have done that is different but probably is not related
to your problem:
I modified the snapscan driver to support my sheet feeder.
When I added some other external devices to the scanner scsi chain they
were having errors. I found some capacitors inside the scanner acrooss
the scsi lines which I desoldered so it could be terminated better.
<P>If you have anything useful for me to test/look at for you email me.
David Gesswein
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