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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Can Sane deal with TWO scanners on the computer?</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Karl Heinz Kremer (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Can Sane deal with TWO scanners on the computer?">
<H1>Re: Can Sane deal with TWO scanners on the computer?</H1>
<!-- received="Sun Jul 8 15:32:17 2001" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: Can Sane deal with TWO scanners on the computer?" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> Karl Heinz Kremer (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Sun Jul 08 2001 - 15:43:40 PDT
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In general Sane can deal with multiple scanners. It depends on the
backends if you can have two of the same type / two from the same
manufacturer (or even more). The EPSON backend e.g. can scan from
two different scanners at the same time - you have to start two
instances of your frontend to do this, so it's not really the same
instance of the backend.
<P>I am not familiar with the MaxiScan, but I guess it's not even using the
same backend as the Snapscan, so you should have no problems at all
getting these scanners connected and running at the same time.
<P>Karl Heinz
<P>On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 12:29:02AM +0200, Ceri Hankey wrote:
<EM>&gt; Hi,
<EM>&gt; <20>
<EM>&gt; I have a USB Scanner (Agfa Snapscan 1212 USB) and a SCSI connected scanner
<EM>&gt; (<28>MaxiScan A4<41> deluxe with an Acard SCSI card).
<EM>&gt; <20>
<EM>&gt; Can the drivers deal with both types of scanner on the same system?
<EM>&gt; <20>
<EM>&gt; Also, WHY is it so hard to get these scanners to work? CD Writing (which I
<EM>&gt; would have thought was much more difficult) works fine and so do the printers,
<EM>&gt; so why not scanners?
<EM>&gt; <20>
<EM>&gt; I have just installed Sane 1.0.5 and am running Mandrake 8.0 (Kernel 2.4.3)
<EM>&gt; <20>
<EM>&gt; Neither scanner scans - thogh I was (for 5 mins) able to get scanimage -L to
<EM>&gt; tell me that I had a SCSI scanner
<EM>&gt; <20>
<EM>&gt; <20>
<EM>&gt; ================================
<EM>&gt; Ceri Hankey,
<EM>&gt; 35 route de Volage
<EM>&gt; 01420<32> Corbonod
<EM>&gt; France
<EM>&gt; Tel: +33 450 56 20 26
<EM>&gt; =================================
Karl Heinz Kremer <A HREF=";;"></A>
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