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<TITLE>sane-devel: Re: Agfa Snapscan 310 color problem</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="S<>bastien Sabl<62> (">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Re: Agfa Snapscan 310 color problem">
<H1>Re: Agfa Snapscan 310 color problem</H1>
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<!-- subject="Re: Agfa Snapscan 310 color problem" -->
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<STRONG>From:</STRONG> S<>bastien Sabl<62> (<A HREF=";;"><EM></EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date:</STRONG> Mon Oct 30 2000 - 14:24:29 PST
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John Craig &lt;<A HREF=";;"></A>&gt; writes:
<P><EM>&gt; I have similar problems to what is reported here. The scanner I have is
<EM>&gt; called
<EM>&gt; AcerScan (Prisa) 610ST It is a SCSI model with a built-in transparency
<EM>&gt; module.
<P>I will put a new version here:
<P><A HREF=""></A>
<P>something like snapscan-30102000.tar.gz
<P>It adds auto preview mode (color or greyscale or... depending on
scanning mode) thanks to Laurent Grawet.
<P>Someone has reported that the AGFA Snapscan 310 SCSI works well with
this new version.
<P>It has been modified to support VUEGO310S, VUEGO610S and
SNAPSCAN1236S. So it should correct your problem. I don't know if
FlatbedScanner_4 is really used by some VUEGO310S or if it is only
with VUEGOS610S (that would be annoying to have 2 different models
with the same string...)
<P>I would really like to have some feedback for those versions. At this
time it has only been reported to work with Acer 300f and Agfa 310.
S<EFBFBD>bastien Sabl<62>
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