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<!-- sent="04 Dec 1999 15:29:26 -0500" -->
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<title>sane-devel: hexadecimal C syntax for serial ports</title>
<h1>hexadecimal C syntax for serial ports</h1>
<b>Tim Carroll</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>04 Dec 1999 15:29:26 -0500</i>
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I am trying to set myself up with an inherited QuickCam to run off of<br>
the printer or modem serial ports of a linuxppc-endowed Macintosh<br>
using, of course, SANE...<br>
I managed to compile, et al after a vigorous massage<br>
of the Makefile and I am ready to go, I think. I have no idea,<br>
however, of how to specify the hexadecimal address in C syntax of the<br>
I/O port I (think) I am using.<br>
Newbie-me would say that the printer port would be /dev/ttyS1, as this<br>
port has been used successfully to activate a printer in the past. Is<br>
there a method to determine this address in hexadecimal form?<br>
I have dangled this question in the comp.os.linux.powerpc newsgroup<br>
for a few days now and have sensed no nibbles. I would appreciate your<br>
Thank you for your attention,<br>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0040.html">Matto Marjanovic: "Re: hexadecimal C syntax for serial ports"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0040.html">Matto Marjanovic: "Re: hexadecimal C syntax for serial ports"</a>
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