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<!-- received="Mon Nov 22 06:07:33 1999 PST" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Scanner sensitivity</title>
<h1>Scanner sensitivity</h1>
<b>Markus Wollgarten</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:09:24 +0100</i>
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Hello Mailing-Listeners,<br>
I'm thinking to attached and enlarger to a scanner to project medium<br>
format negative on the scanner plate and scan them. This would increase<br>
the resolution and allow the scanning of whole medium format size<br>
negatives/slides whithout buying an more expensive, which could to do<br>
this directly.<br>
However, someone on (Johan Erasmus)<br>
tried this already and reported that the image, if visible at all, was<br>
very weak<br>
My questions:<br>
In what range can the scanner sensitivity by chosen by SANE? Arbritary<br>
or fixed exposure times?<br>
Which scanners support such manipulation of their sensitivity?<br>
Thanks a lot for your help.<br>
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Hello Mailing-Listeners,
<p>I'm thinking to attached and enlarger to a scanner to project medium
format negative on the scanner plate and scan them. This would increase
the resolution and allow the scanning of whole medium format size negatives/slides
whithout buying an more expensive, which could to do this directly.
<br>However, someone on (Johan Erasmus)
tried this already and reported that the image, if visible at all, was
very weak
<p>My questions:
<br>In what range can the scanner sensitivity by chosen by SANE? Arbritary
or fixed exposure times?
<br>Which scanners support such manipulation of their sensitivity?
<p>Thanks a lot for your help.
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