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<!-- received="Sat Oct 9 13:08:58 1999 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Sat, 9 Oct 1999 13:16:52 -0700 (PDT)" -->
<!-- name="Rob Komar" -->
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<!-- subject="HP 6350C support?" -->
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<title>sane-devel: HP 6350C support?</title>
<h1>HP 6350C support?</h1>
<b>Rob Komar</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sat, 9 Oct 1999 13:16:52 -0700 (PDT)</i>
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we recently purchased an HP 6350C scanner with ADF and set<br>
it up via SCSI on our Linux box. The SANE installation seemed<br>
to go smoothly. tools/find-scanner locates the scanner<br>
properly (/dev/scanner is a link to /dev/sga):<br>
find-scanner: found processor "HP C7670A 3925" at device /dev/scanner<br>
find-scanner: found processor "HP C7670A 3925" at device /dev/sg0<br>
find-scanner: found processor "HP C7670A 3925" at device /dev/sga<br>
However, when I run `xscanimage hp', I get:<br>
[sanei_init_debug]: Setting debug level of dll to 128.<br>
[dll] adding backend net<br>
[dll] adding backend hp<br>
[dll] loading backend hp<br>
[dll] dlopen()ing `/usr/local/lib/sane/'<br>
[dll] init: initializing backend `hp'<br>
[sanei_init_debug]: Setting debug level of hp to 2.<br>
[hp] hp_read_config: hp backend v0.82 starts reading config file<br>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line &lt;scsi HP&gt;<br>
[hp] hp_read_config: processing line &lt;/dev/scanner&gt;<br>
[hp] hp_read_config: attach scsi HP<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probing Plus<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Scanjet Plus compatible<br>
[hp] probing IIc<br>
[hp] probing IIp<br>
[hp] probing IIcx<br>
[hp] probing 4c/3c<br>
[hp] probing 3p<br>
[hp] probing 4P<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Scanjet 4P compatible<br>
[hp] probing 5P<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Scanjet 5P compatible<br>
[hp] probing Photo Scanner<br>
[hp] probing 6200C/6250C<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Scanjet 6200C/6250C compatible<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: Check supported commands for /dev/sga<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10307 supported (0..1, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10308 supported (0..1, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10309 supported (0..12, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10310 supported (4..200, 100)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10311 supported (4..800, 100)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10312 supported (1..1, 1)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10314 supported (0..1, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10315 supported (-1..3, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10316 supported (-127..127, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10317 supported (-127..127, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10318 supported (0..1, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10323 supported (12..3200, 300)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10324 supported (12..3200, 300)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10325 supported (0..5, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10468 not supported<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10469 not supported<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10481 supported (2550..2550, 2550)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10482 supported (1..3508, 3508)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10489 supported (0..2549, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10490 supported (0..3507, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10950 supported (0..4, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10951 not supported<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10956 supported (-2..0, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10965 supported (-2..5, 2)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10966 not supported<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10969 supported (0..0, 0)<br>
[hp] hp_device_support_probe: 10970 not supported<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] probe_change_doc: inquire ADF capability<br>
[hp] probe_change_doc: check if change document is supported<br>
[hp] probe_scanner: Probing /dev/sga<br>
[hp] read_calib_file: Error opening calibration file /root/.sane/calib-hp:+-dev+-sga.dat for reading<br>
xscanimage: hp-option.c:2979: hp_optset_fix_geometry_options: Assertion `tl_x &amp;&amp; tl_y &amp;&amp; br_x &amp;&amp; br_y' failed.<br>
(followed by a core dump)<br>
Is this due to the HP 6350C being unsupported or because of some<br>
error on my part when setting it up? Any info would be greatly<br>
Rob Komar<br>
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<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0060.html">Andreas: "Re: can't recognize scanner [SOLVED (...)]"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0074.html">Peter Kirchgessner: "Re: HP 6350C support?"</a>
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