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<!-- received="Fri Aug 20 06:59:10 1999 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Fri, 20 Aug 1999 15:48:49 +0200" -->
<!-- name="Oliver Rauch" -->
<!-- email="oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE" -->
<!-- subject="Re: SANE frames" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: SANE frames</title>
<h1>Re: SANE frames</h1>
<b>Oliver Rauch</b> (<a href="mailto:oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE"><i>oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</i></a>)<br>
<i>Fri, 20 Aug 1999 15:48:49 +0200</i>
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<li> <b>Maybe in reply to:</b> <a href="0173.html">Stephen Williams: "SANE frames"</a>
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David Mosberger-Tang wrote:<br>
<i>&gt; &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 19:07:57 +0200, Oliver Rauch &lt;<a href="mailto:oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE">oliver.rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</a>&gt; said:</i><br>
<i>&gt; Oliver&gt; I think we need to specify the code flow for multiple images</i><br>
<i>&gt; Oliver&gt; that are acquired with one scan and a code flow for multi</i><br>
<i>&gt; Oliver&gt; page scan (adf).</i><br>
<i>&gt; I'm not sure what you mean by "multiple images that are acquired with</i><br>
<i>&gt; one scan". Can you elaborate?</i><br>
Hi David,<br>
that is e.g. if a scanner does scan front and back side of a page<br>
in one scan. In that case the backend stores the second image<br>
and does send it to the frontend when the next start_scan is called<br>
and no sane_cancel is called in between.<br>
That is what the B&amp;? backend does.<br>
Another thing is that some scanners are able to do a<br>
"batch scan", that means the scanner does scan<br>
multiple images while the scanhead moves over the page,<br>
so the scanhead is not moved into start position every time.<br>
But this can not be used with the current sane standard.<br>
EMAIL: <a href="mailto:Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE">Oliver.Rauch@Wolfsburg.DE</a>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0243.html">David Mosberger-Tang: "Re: SANE frames"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0241.html">Yuri Dario: "Re: Starting a discussion about SANE and TWAIN..."</a>
<li> <b>Maybe in reply to:</b> <a href="0173.html">Stephen Williams: "SANE frames"</a>
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