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<!-- received="Sat Aug 14 03:00:15 1999 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Sat, 14 Aug 1999 12:03:21 +0200" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: Starting a discussion about SANE and TWAIN...</title>
<h1>Re: Starting a discussion about SANE and TWAIN...</h1>
<b>Andreas Beck</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sat, 14 Aug 1999 12:03:21 +0200</i>
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<i>&gt; &gt; SANE interfacing. To do it "right", we will need to define a "remote</i><br>
<i>&gt; &gt; control API" for each architecture we want to run on, which will allow</i><br>
<i>&gt; &gt; the TWAIN layer to interface with an arbitrary SANE frontend.</i><br>
<i>&gt; I am interested in adding a TWAIN-driver-level-interface to xsane.</i><br>
Good. And you are the perfect person to try it first, as you're the author<br>
of xsane and have a very thorough understanding of SANE.<br>
Yes. I think we should try exactly this. When we have it running with<br>
xsane, we can add the interface to other frontends as need arises.<br>
<i>&gt; &gt; abovementioned "remote control" for SANE frontends.</i><br>
<i>&gt; We should define a standard for the communication</i><br>
<i>&gt; between the TWAIN to SANE-FRONTEND wrapper</i><br>
<i>&gt; and sane frontends.</i><br>
Yes. Let's give this a try:<br>
<i>&gt; -- TWAIN-application layer</i><br>
I think this is well defined by the TWAIN standard. AFAIK all that needs to<br>
be done is to (dynamically) link the application to a TWAIN library and<br>
calling into it - right ? Mark ?<br>
<i>&gt; -&gt; TWAIN-source-selection-layer</i><br>
I am a little unsure here: Should we map that right through to the SANE<br>
source selection, or rather leave that to the SANE frontend's GUI itself <br>
and use the source selection of TWAIN to select the SANE frontend ?<br>
The best thing would probably be to go through a configuration file that<br>
looks a bit like that:<br>
# TWAIN_2_SANE bridge configuration<br>
# Available sources:<br>
# Show all devices that xsane sees<br>
# Show only a single device for the vendor-GUI, which only works right<br>
# with the vendor4711 scanner anyway:<br>
We could as well add in sections that select by the asking program, thus<br>
e.g. giving the GUI that fits best with the look and feel of the requesting<br>
Other than that, I'd say we just implement that as part of the TWAIN library<br>
that gets linked to the application. <br>
<i>&gt; -&gt; TWAIN to SANE-FRONTEND-wrapper</i><br>
That is the hard part, especially, if we try to:<br>
<i>&gt; The wrapper and the standard has to be compatible to</i><br>
<i>&gt; all operating systems.</i><br>
On Unix I would use some form of IPC. Probably pipes. How is it handled on<br>
Win and MacOS now ?<br>
I.e. is the scanner GUI run as dynamically linked "subroutine" of the main<br>
program or is a separate program started to display the GUI and communicate<br>
with the TWAIN library ?<br>
Using the cygwin tools, it should be definitely possible to use the separate<br>
program+IPC approach on windows, but I do not know about the Mac.<br>
The advantages of the separate process approach are:<br>
- The SANE frontends need only minimal modification, and they still run<br>
- The frontend and backend can use separate GUI-toolkits without pushing<br>
the memory requirements for the main application up further. Total memory<br>
requirement is the same of course, but often application memory space is<br>
limited on a per application basis.<br>
- Security is enhanced, as the frontends run in a separate memory space.<br>
This means:<br>
a) a faulty frontend cannot take down the application. I have seen too many<br>
badly written GUI-frontends from vendors that could be taken down by<br>
pressing the wrong combination of options. I think most users would<br>
be grateful, if the graphics program with the many unsaved changes would<br>
continue running, even if the frontend crashed.<br>
b) the frontend can be given extra permissions like being "sgid-scanner"<br>
giving it access to the SCSI devices. I know, that security is not much of<br>
an issue on the average Win box, but for Unix, you will not get a foot on<br>
the ground, if security is not maintained.<br>
The disadvantage is having to use IPC instead of direct procedure calls.<br>
And IPC is strongly system dependent. I think no system would have a problem<br>
with spawning an extra process, as this is a common thing used for calling<br>
up a help browser or similar. So the question is about IPC.<br>
As long as we have a posixish environment, we should have pipes, which<br>
should suffice for that task. <br>
But actually, as both the TWAIN library and the frontends will depend on the<br>
Host OS (the former due to the way they need to be linked, which is a minor<br>
issue, but the latter due to the GUI), this is not so big an issue, as we<br>
can define an ideal method of communications for each platform separately.<br>
The more we can unify, the better, though.<br>
I think pipes are probably best for starters, as they enforce a streamed<br>
protocol, that can definitely be used on any platform of interest, at worst<br>
using a TCP/IP connection to localhost, which every platform that is in use<br>
nowadays should support.<br>
CU, Andy<br>
= Andreas Beck | Email : &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; =
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