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<!-- received="Fri Dec 4 09:12:50 1998 PST" -->
<!-- sent="Fri, 04 Dec 1998 18:14:03 +0100" -->
<!-- name="Robert Schwebel" -->
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<!-- subject="SANE standard," -->
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<title>sane-devel: SANE standard,</title>
<h1>SANE standard,</h1>
<b>Robert Schwebel</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Fri, 04 Dec 1998 18:14:03 +0100</i>
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<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0071.html">Robert Schwebel: "Re: SANE standard,"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0126.html">Milon Firikis: "Re: SANE standard,"</a>
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I'm new to this list and want to introduce myself with a few words: as<br>
an amateur astronomer I'm interested in operating my CCD camera with<br>
Linux. A few years ago I wrote a little program which was able to<br>
control the camera and read out images, but it had to run suid root.<br>
Having a little bit more time now than in the past years I looked around<br>
for a more compatible solution and found that it must be possible to<br>
control such a camera with SANE. In my oppinion it is really important<br>
for the further development of Linux that not everybody starts his own<br>
project but looks around if he can use existing standards.<br>
The special thing with an astronomical camera is the fact that these<br>
cameras have a temperature controll system and are operated at, let's<br>
say, -20<32>C. But this should be no problem with that very flexible<br>
options handling defined in the SANE standard.<br>
A few questions:<br>
- Is there more information about how to write a backend? I looked threw<br>
the SANE coding standard V1.0 and found it still difficult to write a <br>
backend myself with what I found there. I played around with the pnm <br>
driver which seems to be a sample implementation, but it is very<br>
documented and other drivers seem to follow completely different<br>
strategies and style guides. Something like a "How to start writing a<br>
SANE backend" would be nice.<br>
- How do I compile my own backend? At the moment I copied my source into<br>
the sane-1.0/backends directory as root, compiled it there and<br>
the libraries by hand in /usr/local/lib/sane/ (because make install<br>
installs always all libraries found, no matter if they already were<br>
installed). Is this really the right way? Any possibility of making <br>
the source with user permissions and only installing it as root?<br>
- A few samples of how to deal with all these options defined in the<br>
descriptor would be nice as well. I tried to setup a string_list, but<br>
if I run xscanimage and select one of the list entries it stops with<br>
xscanimage: can't resolve symbol 'sanei_constrain_value'<br>
- Is there a separation between the API part of the SANE backend and the <br>
hardware dependend routines? Am I simply allowed to access hardware <br>
ports from my backend and are there any guidelines dealing with <br>
compatiblity (what system libraries am I allowed to use) and<br>
Perhaps most of these topics have been discussed before; in this case a<br>
pointer to the answers would be useful to me.<br>
Thanks a lot in advance,<br>
+ Robert Schwebel, Fridtjof-Nansen-Strasse 51, D - 38108 Braunschweig +
+ Public Observatory Rothwesten (near Kassel, Germany) +
+ phone: +49-531-353745, e-mail: <a href=""></a> +
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0043.html">John Brush: "Re: Microtek E3 and sane OS/2, anyone??"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0041.html">Matto Marjanovic: "Re: Microtek E3 and sane OS/2, anyone??"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0067.html">Milon Firikis: "Re: SANE standard,"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0067.html">Milon Firikis: "Re: SANE standard,"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0071.html">Robert Schwebel: "Re: SANE standard,"</a>
<li> <b>Reply:</b> <a href="0126.html">Milon Firikis: "Re: SANE standard,"</a>
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