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<title>sane-devel: Artec A6000C problems</title>
<h1>Artec A6000C problems</h1>
<a href=""><i></i></a><br>
<i>Tue, 13 Oct 1998 18:16:54 +0100</i>
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I have an old Artec flatbed scanner, the 3-pass A6000C, rather than<br>
the single-pass A6000C+. It was supplied with an NCR53c400a card,<br>
which I had never been able to get Linux to recognise. Just the<br>
other day I discovered the 'mustek-scsi-patch' for the 53c400a,<br>
and now my system recognises the card, and the scanner too.<br>
Hooray! (Btw, the DOS driver for the card claims it is a DTC 318x,<br>
but the etching on the ceramic package is definitely 53c400a.)<br>
Sadly, the sane-artec backend does not appear to work. I can neither<br>
preview nor scan. Preview just causes the xscanimage application to<br>
hang. Scan causes the whole machine to lock up, necessitating a<br>
hard reset.<br>
I have just discovered the latest versions of the artec backend<br>
(more recent than the 0.74 sane distibution), so I'll give them a<br>
go and see if the same thing happens.<br>
Does anyone know if the programming model for the A6000C differs<br>
from the A6000C+ at all? It seems a little unlikely to me, especially<br>
since the programming doc for the latter is dated 2/1992, and I only<br>
bought the former model in 1994/5.<br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0135.html">Bernd Schroeder: "Re: Microtek ScanMaker X6EL supported??"</a>
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