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<title>sane-devel: Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP</title>
<h1>Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP</h1>
<b>Ralf Goertz</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Wed, 19 Aug 1998 16:19:42 +0200 (CEST)</i>
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I am trying to get my scanner running using sane-0.74. My model is probably not<br>
supported yet.<br>
scanner name: Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP<br>
scanner model: C06 S12IDW<br>
firmware revision: 2.00<br>
Model and firmware are reported by scanimage only after patching the sources to<br>
fake a "MSF-12000SP". (Without that no Mustek scanner is detected.) If I try to<br>
scan sometimes the scanner starts but then "exceeds the height of the scan<br>
surface" and "makes loud noises". Windows 95 on the same host seems to work.<br>
I use linux 2.0.32, x86, scsi interface card: NCR53c810.<br>
Any help would be appreciated.<br>
Ralf Goertz<br>
Dr. Ralf Goertz<br>
Institute for Psychology<br>
von-Hase-Weg 1<br>
07743 Jena<br>
Tel: +49 (0)3641 442864<br>
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