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<!-- received="Sun Jun 7 09:57:40 1998 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Sun, 7 Jun 1998 12:43:51 +0200 (MEST)" -->
<!-- name="Florian Centler" -->
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<!-- subject="Highscreen HighScan and microtek2-backend" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Highscreen HighScan and microtek2-backend</title>
<h1>Highscreen HighScan and microtek2-backend</h1>
<b>Florian Centler</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sun, 7 Jun 1998 12:43:51 +0200 (MEST)</i>
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Got a Highscreen HighScan yesterday and after some struggling I got it<br>
working with the microtek2 backend.<br>
Perhaps this information is usefull for some people ...<br>
I first tried to get the scanner running with the microtek backend as the <br>
manpage said it supports it. But even fooling the backend concerning the<br>
reported model-code, it won't run.<br>
So I tried to use the microtek2 backend and after makeing it accepting the<br>
modelcode "0x92", which is reported by the scanner, it worked.<br>
I am using the Adaptec AVA1502AE SCSI-Adapter that came with the unit. At<br>
first, I disabled "SCSI-DISCONNECTION" as it is said in the<br>
scanner-manual. But using this setting, it took quite a while until the<br>
scanner actually started scanning, and lot's of interrupts were produced<br>
on the aha152x-driver. After enabling SCSI-Disconnection on the Adapter,<br>
everything worked fine.<br>
I guess, the HighScan is nowadays a Microtek 330. <br>
If some further information is needed to integrate support for this<br>
scanner into the backend, please let me know.<br>
But there's one thing I don't understand:<br>
Although using a separate SCSI-Adapter for the Scanner, it locks the whole<br>
system while the scan is in progress. <br>
I can't even move the mouse while doing a scan.<br>
What's the reason for this???<br>
cu Florian<br>
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<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0057.html">Rogier Wolff: "Re: Scanace NDA for your perusal."</a>
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