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<!-- received="Sun May 10 12:56:26 1998 PDT" -->
<!-- sent="Sun, 10 May 1998 21:49:10 +0200" -->
<!-- name="Brian Schau" -->
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<!-- subject="Re: Highscreen RealScan" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Re: Highscreen RealScan</title>
<h1>Re: Highscreen RealScan</h1>
<b>Brian Schau</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Sun, 10 May 1998 21:49:10 +0200</i>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0119.html">Hugo van der Kooij: "Re: Highscreen RealScan"</a>
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<li> <b>Maybe in reply to:</b> <a href="0107.html">Brian Schau: "Highscreen RealScan"</a>
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* sigh * I've spent an whole evening getting this scanner to work<br>
... Status:<br>
- Downloaded and installed sane-0.72. By doing so, I broke 'gimp'. <br>
And now I can't get gimp compiled (can't find gtk-config) ... so now I<br>
am downloading gtk-sources (and they propably won't compile since I am<br>
not using glibc ...!) Talk about bad luck.<br>
- It still won't scan colors. It places the three layers side by<br>
side. Well, at least it scans ...<br>
- When done acquiring a preview, xscanimage closes all open xscanimage<br>
windows when I close the preview window. Is this a bug? Or a<br>
"feature"? Or is it just me? ;o)<br>
<i>&gt; </i><br>
<i>&gt; If it still doesn't work with the newer software, send a debug log (follow</i><br>
<i>&gt; the directions on the sane-microtek man-page), and indicate which versions</i><br>
<i>&gt; of the software, OS, scsi card, etc, you have (it can make a difference).</i><br>
<i>&gt; </i><br>
<i>&gt; -matt m.</i><br>
The logfile has been sent ...<br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0119.html">Hugo van der Kooij: "Re: Highscreen RealScan"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0117.html">Brian Macy: "Win32 TWAIN DLL to interface with SANE"</a>
<li> <b>Maybe in reply to:</b> <a href="0107.html">Brian Schau: "Highscreen RealScan"</a>
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