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<!-- subject="Mustek scanner bug" -->
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<title>sane-devel: Mustek scanner bug</title>
<h1>Mustek scanner bug</h1>
<b>Lorenzo Maccone</b> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)<br>
<i>Fri, 13 Mar 1998 15:48:02 -0100 (GMT+1)</i>
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I have a Mustek Paragon 1200SP. While it is scanning it locks the entire<br>
system (it even blocks the mouse!). When the scan is finished everything<br>
starts working again, but a tipycal scan is VERY SLOW. I have followed all<br>
the hints given in the documentation and more...<br>
I also tried removing all other SCSI devices from the bus and increasing<br>
the SCSI buffer in the kernel. It did not improve much...<br>
The situation is particularly annoying, since the scanner is placed on our<br>
server, and every time someone wants to scan, it hangs all our little<br>
I thank you in advance for eventual tips...<br>
Best wishes<br>
Lorenzo Maccone <br>
Dipartimento di Fisica "A.Volta"<br>
Lab. di Ottica Quantistica<br>
Via U.Bassi 6<br>
27100 Pavia - Italy.<br>
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