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22 wiersze
768 B
;Apple backend .desc file by Milon Firikis.
:backend "apple" ; name of backend
:version "0.31" ; version of backend
:status :alpha ; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new
:manpage "sane-apple" ; name of manpage (if it exists)
;:url "http://no.www.page.yet/" ; backend's web page
:devicetype :scanner ; start of a list of devices....
:mfg "Apple"
:url "http://developer.apple.com/"
:model "Apple Scanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "4bit, 16 shades of gray"
:model "OneScanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "8bit, 256 shades of gray. The backend needs work especially in the quantization code but it may work."
:model "ColorOneScanner"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "truecolor (needs much work) but it scans in non color modes."