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<title>SANE-UMAX documentation - supported umax scanners</title>
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<font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>NOT LISTED UMAX SCANNERS</u></font></h1>
<p><br><img SRC="sane-umax-text.jpg" height=45 width=157>
<blockquote>The sane-umax library implements a <a href="">SANE</a>
backend that provides acces to several UMAX-SCSI-scanners. <b>Parallel-
and USB- scanners are not supported!</b></blockquote>
<blockquote>If you own a UMAX-SCSI-scanner that is not listed as supported,
it may work with SANE. It depends on the information the scanner returns
to the umax-backend. If the data-block is large enough, the backend prints
a <b>warning</b> and continues, but it is possible that not everything
works fine.
<p><b>I suggest you hold one hand on the power-button of the scanner while
you try the first scans!</b></center>
<center><a href="sane-umax-doc.html">SANE-UMAX index</a>
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<br><font color="#009900">This page has been changed on 12th. october 1999</font></center>