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/* lexmark-x1100.c: scanner-interface file for x1100 Lexmark scanners.
(C) 2005 Fred Odendaal
This file is part of the SANE package.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for
additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE.
The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files
to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on
account of linking the SANE library code into it.
This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why
the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public
If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in
a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that
those changes may be distributed with this exception intact.
If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice
whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
#include "../include/sane/config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "../include/sane/sane.h"
#include "../include/sane/sanei.h"
#include "../include/sane/saneopts.h"
#include "../include/sane/sanei_usb.h"
#include "lexmark.h"
#include "../include/sane/sanei_backend.h"
typedef enum
black = 0,
#define HomeEdgePoint1 1235
#define HomeEdgePoint2 1258
#define HomeTolerance 30
/* F.O. Per device globals - moved to lexmark.h as part of Lexmark_Device */
/* static SANE_Byte *transfer_buffer = NULL; */
/* static size_t bytes_remaining = 0; */
/* static size_t bytes_in_buffer = 0; */
/* static SANE_Byte *read_pointer; */
/* static Read_Buffer *read_buffer = NULL; */
/* static int image_line_no = 0; */
static SANE_Byte shadow_regs[] = {
0x00, 0x43, 0x9f, 0xa1, 0xa3, 0x9f, 0xa1, 0xa3,
0x09, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x70, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0xeb, 0xee, 0xf7, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x51, 0x86, 0x11,
0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x01,
0x0a, 0x07, 0x20, 0x37, 0x88, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00,
0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x22, 0x00, 0x12, 0x03, 0x01, 0x80, 0x68, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x70, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x05, 0x05, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x02, 0x01, 0x60, 0x80,
0x00, 0x8c, 0x40, 0x06, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0x27, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0xb2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x83, 0x20, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x00,
0x04, 0x3a, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x61, 0x0a, 0xed, 0x02, 0x29, 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x29,
0x03, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
/* Static x1100 function proto-types */
static SANE_Status x1100_usb_bulk_write (SANE_Int devnum,
SANE_Byte * cmd,
size_t * size);
static SANE_Status x1100_usb_bulk_read (SANE_Int devnum,
SANE_Byte * buf,
size_t * size);
static SANE_Status x1100_write_all_regs (SANE_Int devnum);
static SANE_Bool x1100_is_home_line (unsigned char *buffer);
static SANE_Status x1100_get_start_loc (SANE_Int resolution,
SANE_Int * vert_start,
SANE_Int * hor_start,
SANE_Int offset);
static void x1100_rewind (Lexmark_Device * dev);
static SANE_Status x1100_start_mvmt (SANE_Int devnum);
static SANE_Status x1100_stop_mvmt (SANE_Int devnum);
static SANE_Status x1100_clr_c6 (SANE_Int devnum);
static void x1100_set_scan_area (SANE_Int res,
SANE_Bool isColour,
SANE_Int height,
SANE_Int width,
SANE_Int offset);
/* Static Read Buffer Proto-types */
static SANE_Status read_buffer_init (Lexmark_Device *dev, int bytesperline);
static SANE_Status read_buffer_free (Read_Buffer *rb);
static size_t read_buffer_bytes_available (Read_Buffer *rb);
static SANE_Status read_buffer_add_byte (Read_Buffer *rb,
SANE_Byte * byte_pointer);
static SANE_Status read_buffer_add_byte_gray (Read_Buffer *rb,
SANE_Byte * byte_pointer);
static SANE_Status read_buffer_add_bit_lineart (Read_Buffer *rb,
SANE_Byte * byte_pointer,
SANE_Byte threshold);
static size_t read_buffer_get_bytes (Read_Buffer *rb, SANE_Byte * buffer,
size_t rqst_size);
static SANE_Bool read_buffer_is_empty (Read_Buffer *rb);
sanei_lexmark_x1100_init (void)
/* initialize sanei usb functions */
sanei_usb_init ();
sanei_lexmark_x1100_destroy (Lexmark_Device *dev)
/* free the read buffer */
if (dev->read_buffer != NULL)
read_buffer_free (dev->read_buffer);
x1100_usb_bulk_write (SANE_Int devnum, SANE_Byte * cmd, size_t * size)
SANE_Status status;
size_t cmd_size;
cmd_size = *size;
status = sanei_usb_write_bulk (devnum, cmd, size);
if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
DBG (5,
"x1100_usb_bulk_write: returned %s (size = %ld, expected %d)\n",
sane_strstatus (status), (long int) *size, cmd_size);
/* F.O. should reset the pipe here... */
return status;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (SANE_Int devnum, SANE_Byte * buf, size_t * size)
SANE_Status status;
size_t exp_size;
exp_size = *size;
status = sanei_usb_read_bulk (devnum, buf, size);
if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD)
DBG (5,
"x1100_usb_bulk_read: returned %s (size = %ld, expected %d)\n",
sane_strstatus (status), (long int) *size, exp_size);
/* F.O. should reset the pipe here... */
return status;
x1100_start_mvmt (SANE_Int devnum)
static SANE_Byte startscan_command_block[] = {
0x88, 0x2c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0f,
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02,
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02,
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x68,
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x68,
size_t cmd_size;
/* Colour depth = 0f; Start moving scanner: */
cmd_size = 0x23;
return x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, startscan_command_block, &cmd_size);
x1100_stop_mvmt (SANE_Int devnum)
static SANE_Byte stopscan_command_block[] = {
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02,
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02,
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
0x88, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00
size_t cmd_size;
/* Stop scanner - clear reg 0xb3: */
cmd_size = 0x14;
return x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, stopscan_command_block, &cmd_size);
x1100_clr_c6 (SANE_Int devnum)
static SANE_Byte clearC6_command_block[] = {
0x88, 0xc6, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00
size_t cmd_size;
/* Clear register 0xC6 */
cmd_size = 0x05;
return x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, clearC6_command_block, &cmd_size);
sanei_lexmark_x1100_open_device (SANE_String_Const devname, SANE_Int * devnum)
/* This function calls the Sane Interface to open this usb device.
It also needlessly does what the Windows driver does and reads
the entire register set - this may be removed. */
SANE_Status result;
static SANE_Byte command_block[] = { 0x80, 0, 0x00, 0xFF };
SANE_Byte registers[0x100];
size_t size;
result = sanei_usb_open (devname, devnum);
DBG (2, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_open_device: devnum=%d\n", *devnum);
/* dump registers F.O. This is needless... */
size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (*devnum, command_block, &size);
size = 0xFF;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (*devnum, registers, &size);
return result;
sanei_lexmark_x1100_close_device (SANE_Int devnum)
/* This function calls the Sane USB library to close this usb device */
sanei_usb_close (devnum);
x1100_write_all_regs (SANE_Int devnum)
/* This function writes the contents of the shadow registers to the
scanner. */
int i;
size_t size;
static SANE_Byte command_block1[0xb7];
static SANE_Byte command_block2[0x4f];
command_block1[0] = 0x88;
command_block1[1] = 0x00;
command_block1[2] = 0x00;
command_block1[3] = 0xb3;
for (i = 0; i < 0xb3; i++)
command_block1[i + 4] = shadow_regs[i];
command_block2[0] = 0x88;
command_block2[1] = 0xb4;
command_block2[2] = 0x00;
command_block2[3] = 0x4b;
for (i = 0; i < 0x4b; i++)
command_block2[i + 4] = shadow_regs[i + 0xb4];
size = 0xb7;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command_block1, &size);
size = 0x4f;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command_block2, &size);
x1100_is_home_line (unsigned char *buffer)
This function assumes the buffer has a size of 2500 bytes.It is
destructive to the buffer.
Here is what it does:
Go through the buffer finding low and high values, which are computed by
comparing to the average:
average = (lowest value + highest value)/2
High bytes are changed to 0xFF (white), lower or equal bytes are changed
to 0x00 (black),so that the buffer only contains white (0xFF) or black
(0x00) values.
Next, we go through the buffer. We use a tolerance of 5 bytes on each end
of the buffer and check a region from bytes 5 to 2495. We start assuming
we are in a white region and look for the start of a black region. We save
this index as the transition from white to black. We also save where we
change from black back to white. We continue checking for transitions
until the end of the check region. If we don't have exactly two
transitions when we reach the end we return SANE_FALSE.
The final check compares the transition indices to the nominal values
plus or minus the tolerence. For the first transition (white to black
index) the value must lie in the range 1235-30 (1205) to 1235+30 (1265).
For the second transition (black to white) the value must lie in the range
1258-30 (1228) to 1258+30 (1288). If the indices are out of range we
return SANE_FALSE. Otherwise, we return SANE_TRUE.
unsigned char max_byte = 0;
unsigned char min_byte = 0xFF;
unsigned char average;
int i;
region_type region;
int transition_counter;
int index1 = 0;
int index2 = 0;
int low_range, high_range;
/* Find the max and the min */
for (i = 0; i < 2500; i++)
if (*(buffer + i) > max_byte)
max_byte = *(buffer + i);
if (*(buffer + i) < min_byte)
min_byte = *(buffer + i);
/* The average */
average = ((max_byte + min_byte) / 2);
/* Set bytes as white (0xFF) or black (0x00) */
for (i = 0; i < 2500; i++)
if (*(buffer + i) > average)
*(buffer + i) = 0xFF;
*(buffer + i) = 0x00;
region = white;
transition_counter = 0;
/* Go through the check region - bytes 5 to 2495 */
for (i = 5; i <= 2495; i++)
/* Check for transition to black */
if ((region == white) && (*(buffer + i) == 0))
if (transition_counter < 2)
region = black;
index1 = i;
return SANE_FALSE;
/* Check for transition to white */
else if ((region == black) && (*(buffer + i) == 0xFF))
if (transition_counter < 2)
region = white;
index2 = i;
return SANE_FALSE;
/* Check that the number of transitions is 2 */
if (transition_counter != 2)
return SANE_FALSE;
/* Check that the 1st index is in range */
low_range = HomeEdgePoint1 - HomeTolerance;
high_range = HomeEdgePoint1 + HomeTolerance;
if ((index1 < low_range) || (index1 > high_range))
return SANE_FALSE;
/* Check that the 2nd index is in range */
low_range = HomeEdgePoint2 - HomeTolerance;
high_range = HomeEdgePoint2 + HomeTolerance;
if ((index2 < low_range) || (index2 > high_range))
return SANE_FALSE;
/* We made it this far, so its a good home line. Return True */
return SANE_TRUE;
sanei_lexmark_x1100_move_fwd (SANE_Int distance, Lexmark_Device * dev)
This function moves the scan head forward with the highest vertical
resolution of 1200dpi. The distance moved is given by the distance
As an example, given a distance parameter of 600, the scan head will
move 600/1200", or 1/2" forward.
static SANE_Byte pollstopmoving_command_block[] =
{ 0x80, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01 };
int i;
size_t cmd_size;
SANE_Int devnum;
SANE_Bool scan_head_moving;
SANE_Byte read_result;
devnum = dev->devnum;
/* Clear all the shadow registers */
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
shadow_regs[i] = 0;
/* Some regiters are always set the same */
shadow_regs[0x01] = 0x43;
shadow_regs[0x0b] = 0x70;
shadow_regs[0x11] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x12] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x13] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x15] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x16] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x1d] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x28] = 0xeb;
shadow_regs[0x29] = 0xee;
shadow_regs[0x2a] = 0xf7;
shadow_regs[0x2b] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x2c] = 0x00; /*not the same */
shadow_regs[0x2d] = 0x41; /*not the same */
shadow_regs[0x2e] = 0x86;
shadow_regs[0x30] = 0x48;
shadow_regs[0x33] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x3a] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x3b] = 0x37;
shadow_regs[0x3c] = 0x88;
shadow_regs[0x3d] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x40] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x65] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x72] = 0x05;
shadow_regs[0x74] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0x8b] = 0x00; /*not the same */
shadow_regs[0x8c] = 0x00; /*not the same */
shadow_regs[0x8d] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x8e] = 0x60;
shadow_regs[0x8f] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x94] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0xa3] = 0xcc;
shadow_regs[0xa4] = 0x27;
shadow_regs[0xa5] = 0x24;
shadow_regs[0xb0] = 0xb2;
shadow_regs[0xc2] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0xc4] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0xc8] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0xf4] = 0xf8;
shadow_regs[0xf5] = 0x7f;
/* set grayscale scan + ? */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0xa1;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x50;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x50;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x50;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x00;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
shadow_regs[0x60] = (SANE_Byte) ((distance - 1) & 0x00FF);
shadow_regs[0x61] = (SANE_Byte) ((distance - 1) >> 8 & 0x00FF);
shadow_regs[0x62] = (SANE_Byte) (distance & 0x00FF);
shadow_regs[0x63] = (SANE_Byte) (distance >> 8 & 0x00FF);
/* set horizontal start position */
shadow_regs[0x66] = 0x64;
shadow_regs[0x67] = 0x00;
/* set horizontal end position */
shadow_regs[0x6c] = 0xc8;
shadow_regs[0x6d] = 0x00;
/* set horizontal resolution */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x40;
shadow_regs[0x7a] = 0x01;
/* ???? */
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* don't buffer data for this scan */
shadow_regs[0xb2] = 0x04;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x81;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x0a;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3b;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x0a;
/* motor curve stuff */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x09;
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x1a;
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0xdc;
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x1b;
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x03;
/* Stop scanner - clear reg 0xb3: */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/* Stop scanner - clear reg 0xb3: - Not sure this is necessary */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/* Clear C6 why?: - Not sure this is necessary */
x1100_clr_c6 (devnum);
/* Move Forward without scanning: */
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x00;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x40;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
/* Stop scanner - clear reg 0xb3: */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/* Colour depth = 0 (F.O Is this from logfile?); Start moving scanner: */
x1100_start_mvmt (devnum);
/* Poll for scanner stopped - return value(3:0) = 0: */
scan_head_moving = SANE_TRUE;
while (scan_head_moving)
cmd_size = 0x04;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, pollstopmoving_command_block, &cmd_size);
cmd_size = 0x1;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, &read_result, &cmd_size);
if ((read_result & 0xF) == 0x0)
scan_head_moving = SANE_FALSE;
sanei_lexmark_x1100_search_home_fwd (Lexmark_Device * dev)
/* This function actually searches backwards one line looking for home */
SANE_Int devnum;
int i;
SANE_Byte poll_result[3];
SANE_Byte *buffer;
SANE_Byte temp_byte;
static SANE_Byte command4_block[] = { 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03 };
static SANE_Byte command5_block[] = { 0x91, 0x00, 0x09, 0xc4 };
size_t cmd_size;
SANE_Bool got_line;
SANE_Bool ret_val;
devnum = dev->devnum;
DBG (2, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_search_home_fwd:\n");
/* Clear all the shadow registers */
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
shadow_regs[i] = 0;
/* Some regiters are always set the same */
shadow_regs[0x01] = 0x43;
shadow_regs[0x0b] = 0x70;
shadow_regs[0x11] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x12] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x13] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x15] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x16] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x1d] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x28] = 0xeb;
shadow_regs[0x29] = 0xee;
shadow_regs[0x2a] = 0xf7;
shadow_regs[0x2b] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x2c] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x2d] = 0x51;
shadow_regs[0x2e] = 0x86;
shadow_regs[0x30] = 0x48;
shadow_regs[0x33] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x3a] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x3b] = 0x37;
shadow_regs[0x3c] = 0x88;
shadow_regs[0x3d] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x40] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x65] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x72] = 0x05;
shadow_regs[0x74] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0x8b] = 0xff;
shadow_regs[0x8c] = 0x02;
shadow_regs[0x8d] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x8e] = 0x60;
shadow_regs[0x8f] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x94] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0xa3] = 0xcc;
shadow_regs[0xa4] = 0x27;
shadow_regs[0xa5] = 0x24;
shadow_regs[0xb0] = 0xb2;
shadow_regs[0xc2] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0xc4] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0xc8] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0xf4] = 0xf8;
shadow_regs[0xf5] = 0x7f;
/* set calibration */
shadow_regs[0x02] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x03] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x04] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x05] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x06] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x07] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x08] = 0x06;
shadow_regs[0x09] = 0x06;
shadow_regs[0x0a] = 0x06;
/* set grayscale scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x21;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x0b;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x07;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
shadow_regs[0x60] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x61] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x62] = 0x02;
shadow_regs[0x63] = 0x00;
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x01;
/* set horizontal start position */
shadow_regs[0x66] = 0x6a;
shadow_regs[0x67] = 0x00;
/* set horizontal end position */
shadow_regs[0x6c] = 0xf2;
shadow_regs[0x6d] = 0x13;
/* set horizontal resolution */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x40;
shadow_regs[0x7a] = 0x02;
/* set for ? */
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x01;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x01;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3b;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x01;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x03;
/* Stop the scanner */
/* cmd_size=0x14; */
/* x1100_usb_bulk_write(devnum, command2_block, &cmd_size); */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/* write regs out twice */
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x00;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x40;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
/* Start Scan */
/* cmd_size=0x23; */
/* x1100_usb_bulk_write(devnum, command3_block, &cmd_size); */
x1100_start_mvmt (devnum);
/* Poll the available byte count until not 0 */
got_line = SANE_FALSE;
while (!got_line)
cmd_size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command4_block, &cmd_size);
cmd_size = 0x3;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, poll_result, &cmd_size);
if (!
(poll_result[0] == 0 && poll_result[1] == 0 && poll_result[2] == 0))
/* if result != 00 00 00 we got data */
got_line = SANE_TRUE;
/* create buffer for scan data */
buffer = calloc (2500, sizeof (char));
/* Tell the scanner to send the data */
/* Write: 91 00 09 c4 */
cmd_size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command5_block, &cmd_size);
/* Read it */
cmd_size = 0x09c4;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, buffer, &cmd_size);
/* Reverse order of bytes in words of buffer */
for (i = 0; i < 2500; i = i + 2)
temp_byte = *(buffer + i);
*(buffer + i) = *(buffer + i + 1);
*(buffer + i + 1) = temp_byte;
/* check for home position */
ret_val = x1100_is_home_line (buffer);
if (ret_val)
DBG (2, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_search_home_fwd: !!!HOME POSITION!!!\n");
/*free the buffer */
free (buffer);
return ret_val;
sanei_lexmark_x1100_search_home_bwd (Lexmark_Device * dev)
/* This funtion must only be called if the scan head is past the home dot.
It could damage the scanner if not.
This function tells the scanner to do a grayscale scan backwards with a
300dpi resolution. It reads 2500 bytes of data between horizontal
co-ordinates 0x6a and 0x13f2.
The scan is set to read between vertical co-ordinates from 0x0a to 0x0f46,
or 3900 lines. This equates to 13" at 300dpi, so we must stop the scan
before it bangs against the end. A line limit is set so that a maximum of
0x0F3C (13"*300dpi) lines can be read.
To read the scan data we create a buffer space large enough to hold 10
lines of data. For each read we poll twice, ingnoring the first poll. This
is required for timing. We repeat the double poll until there is data
available. The number of lines (or number of buffers in our buffer space)
is calculated from the size of the data available from the scanner. The
number of buffers is calculated as the space required to hold 1.5 times
the the size of the data available from the scanner.
After data is read from the scanner each line is checked if it is on the
home dot. Lines are continued to be read until we are no longer on the home
dot. */
SANE_Int devnum;
int i, j;
SANE_Byte poll_result[3];
SANE_Byte *buffer;
SANE_Byte *buffer_start;
SANE_Byte temp_byte;
SANE_Int buffer_limit = 0xF3C; /* should be a define */
SANE_Int buffer_count = 0;
SANE_Int size_requested;
SANE_Int size_returned;
SANE_Int no_of_buffers;
SANE_Int high_byte, mid_byte, low_byte;
SANE_Int home_line_count;
SANE_Bool in_home_region;
static SANE_Byte command4_block[] = { 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03 };
static SANE_Byte command5_block[] = { 0x91, 0x00, 0xff, 0xc0 };
size_t cmd_size;
SANE_Bool got_line;
devnum = dev->devnum;
DBG (2, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_search_home_bwd:\n");
/* Clear all the shadow registers */
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
shadow_regs[i] = 0;
/* Some regiters are always set the same */
shadow_regs[0x01] = 0x43;
shadow_regs[0x0b] = 0x70;
shadow_regs[0x11] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x12] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x13] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x15] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x16] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x1d] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x28] = 0xeb;
shadow_regs[0x29] = 0xee;
shadow_regs[0x2a] = 0xf7;
shadow_regs[0x2b] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x2c] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x2d] = 0x51;
shadow_regs[0x2e] = 0x86;
shadow_regs[0x30] = 0x48;
shadow_regs[0x33] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x3a] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x3b] = 0x37;
shadow_regs[0x3c] = 0x88;
shadow_regs[0x3d] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x40] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x65] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x72] = 0x05;
shadow_regs[0x74] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0x8b] = 0xff;
shadow_regs[0x8c] = 0x02;
shadow_regs[0x8d] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x8e] = 0x60;
shadow_regs[0x8f] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x94] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0xa3] = 0xcc;
shadow_regs[0xa4] = 0x27;
shadow_regs[0xa5] = 0x24;
shadow_regs[0xb0] = 0xb2;
shadow_regs[0xc2] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0xc4] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0xc8] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0xf4] = 0xf8;
shadow_regs[0xf5] = 0x7f;
/* set calibration */
shadow_regs[0x02] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x03] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x04] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x05] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x06] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x07] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x08] = 0x06;
shadow_regs[0x09] = 0x06;
shadow_regs[0x0a] = 0x06;
/* set grayscale scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x21;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x15;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x03;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
shadow_regs[0x60] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x61] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x62] = 0x46;
shadow_regs[0x63] = 0x0f;
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x02;
/* set horizontal start position */
shadow_regs[0x66] = 0x6a;
shadow_regs[0x67] = 0x00;
/* set horizontal end position */
shadow_regs[0x6c] = 0xf2;
shadow_regs[0x6d] = 0x13;
/* set horizontal resolution */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x40;
shadow_regs[0x7a] = 0x02;
/* set for ? */
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x81;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x19;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x01;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3a;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x08;
/* motor curve stuff */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0xe3;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x18;
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x03;
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x06;
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x2b;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x17;
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0xdc;
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0xb3;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x1b;
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x03;
/* Stop the scanner */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/* write regs out twice */
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x00;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x40;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
/* Start Scan */
x1100_start_mvmt (devnum);
/* create buffer to hold up to 10 lines of scan data */
buffer = calloc (10 * 2500, sizeof (char));
home_line_count = 0;
in_home_region = SANE_FALSE;
while (buffer_count < buffer_limit)
size_returned = 0;
got_line = SANE_FALSE;
while (!got_line)
/* always poll twice (needed for timing) - disregard 1st poll */
cmd_size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command4_block, &cmd_size);
cmd_size = 0x3;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, poll_result, &cmd_size);
cmd_size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command4_block, &cmd_size);
cmd_size = 0x3;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, poll_result, &cmd_size);
if (!
(poll_result[0] == 0 && poll_result[1] == 0
&& poll_result[2] == 0))
/* if result != 00 00 00 we got data */
got_line = SANE_TRUE;
high_byte = poll_result[2] << 16;
mid_byte = poll_result[1] << 8;
low_byte = poll_result[0];
size_returned = high_byte + mid_byte + low_byte;
size_requested = size_returned;
no_of_buffers = size_returned * 3;
no_of_buffers = no_of_buffers / 0x9C4;
no_of_buffers = no_of_buffers >> 1;
if (no_of_buffers < 1)
no_of_buffers = 1;
else if (no_of_buffers > 10)
no_of_buffers = 10;
buffer_count = buffer_count + no_of_buffers;
size_requested = no_of_buffers * 0x9C4;
/* Tell the scanner to send the data */
/* Write: 91 <size_requested> */
command5_block[1] = (SANE_Byte) (size_requested >> 16);
command5_block[2] = (SANE_Byte) (size_requested >> 8);
command5_block[3] = (SANE_Byte) (size_requested & 0xFF);
cmd_size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command5_block, &cmd_size);
/* Read it */
cmd_size = size_requested;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, buffer, &cmd_size);
for (i = 0; i < no_of_buffers; i++)
buffer_start = buffer + (i * 0x9c4);
/* Reverse order of bytes in words of buffer */
for (j = 0; j < 2500; j = j + 2)
temp_byte = *(buffer_start + j);
*(buffer_start + j) = *(buffer_start + j + 1);
*(buffer_start + j + 1) = temp_byte;
if (x1100_is_home_line (buffer_start))
in_home_region = SANE_TRUE;
else if (in_home_region)
free (buffer);
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
return SANE_TRUE;
} /* end while (buffer_count > buffer_limit); */
free (buffer);
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/* Move forward to approximately the middle of the dot */
sanei_lexmark_x1100_move_fwd (0x4c, dev);
return SANE_FALSE;
x1100_get_start_loc (SANE_Int resolution, SANE_Int * vert_start,
SANE_Int * hor_start, SANE_Int offset)
SANE_Int start_600;
/* Calculate vertical start distance at 600dpi */
start_600 = 195 - offset;
switch (resolution)
case 75:
*vert_start = start_600 / 8;
*hor_start = 0x68;
case 150:
*vert_start = start_600 / 4;
*hor_start = 0x68;
case 300:
*vert_start = start_600 / 2;
*hor_start = 0x6a;
case 600:
*vert_start = start_600;
*hor_start = 0x6b;
case 1200:
*vert_start = start_600 * 2;
*hor_start = 0x6b;
/* If we're here we have an invalid resolution */
x1100_set_scan_area (SANE_Int res, SANE_Bool isColour, SANE_Int pixel_height,
SANE_Int pixel_width, SANE_Int offset)
SANE_Status status;
SANE_Int vert_start;
SANE_Int hor_start;
SANE_Int vert_end;
SANE_Int hor_end;
SANE_Int hor_res;
unsigned long vert_dist;
status =
x1100_get_start_loc (res, &vert_start, &hor_start, offset);
/* convert pixel height to vertical location coordinates */
vert_dist = pixel_height + 2;
if ((res >= 600) && (isColour))
vert_dist = vert_dist * 2;
vert_end = vert_start + vert_dist;
/* set vertical start position registers */
shadow_regs[0x60] = vert_start & 0xFF;
shadow_regs[0x61] = (vert_start >> 8) & 0xFF;
/* set vertical end position registers */
shadow_regs[0x62] = (vert_end & 0xFF) + 2; /*F.O. TEST! */
shadow_regs[0x63] = (vert_end >> 8) & 0xFF;
/* convert pixel width to horizontal location coordinates */
hor_res = res;
if (hor_res > 600)
hor_res = 600;
hor_end = hor_start + (600 * pixel_width) / hor_res;
/* set horizontal start position registers */
shadow_regs[0x66] = hor_start & 0xFF;
shadow_regs[0x67] = (hor_start >> 8) & 0xFF;
/* set horizontal end position registers */
shadow_regs[0x6c] = hor_end & 0xFF;
shadow_regs[0x6d] = (hor_end >> 8) & 0xFF;
/* Debug */
DBG (2, "x1100_set_scan_area: vert_start: %x\n", vert_start);
DBG (2, "x1100_set_scan_area: vert_end: %x\n", vert_end);
DBG (2, "x1100_set_scan_area: hor_start: %x\n", hor_start);
DBG (2, "x1100_set_scan_area: hor_end: %x\n", hor_end);
sanei_lexmark_x1100_find_start_line (SANE_Int devnum)
This function scans forward 59 lines, reading 88 bytes per line from the
middle of the horizontal line: pixel 0xa84 to pixel 0x9d4. It scans with
the following parameters:
h.res=300 dpi
v.res=600 dpi
hor. pixels = (0xa84 - 0x9d4)/2 = 0x58 = 88
vert. pixels = 0x3e - 0x03 = 0x3b = 59
data = 88x59=5192=0x1448
It assumes we are in the start dot, or just before it. We are reading
enough lines at 600dpi to read past the dot. We return the number of
entirely white lines read consecutively, so we know how far past the
dot we are.
To find the number of consecutive white lines we do the following:
Byte swap the order of the bytes in the buffer.
Go through the buffer finding low and high values, which are computed by
comparing to the weighted average:
weighted_average = (lowest value + (highest value - lowest value)/4)
Low bytes are changed to 0xFF (white), higher of equal bytes are changed
to 0x00 (black),so that the buffer only contains white (0xFF) or black
(0x00) values.
Next, we go through the buffer a line (88 bytes) at a time for 59 lines
to read the entire buffer. For each byte in a line we check if the
byte is black. If it is we increment the black byte counter.
After each line we check the black byte counter. If it is greater than 0
we increment the black line count and set the white line count to 0. If
there were no black bytes in the line we set the black line count to 0
and increment the white line count.
When all lines have been processed we return the white line count.
int blackLineCount = 0;
int whiteLineCount = 0;
int blackByteCounter = 0;
unsigned char max_byte = 0;
unsigned char min_byte = 0xFF;
unsigned char weighted_average;
int i, j;
SANE_Byte poll_result[3];
SANE_Byte *buffer;
SANE_Byte temp_byte;
static SANE_Byte command4_block[] = { 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03 };
static SANE_Byte command5_block[] = { 0x91, 0x00, 0x14, 0x48 };
size_t cmd_size;
SANE_Bool got_line;
/* Clear all the shadow registers */
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
shadow_regs[i] = 0;
/* Some regiters are always set the same */
shadow_regs[0x01] = 0x43;
shadow_regs[0x0b] = 0x70;
shadow_regs[0x11] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x12] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x13] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x15] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x16] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x1d] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x28] = 0xeb;
shadow_regs[0x29] = 0xee;
shadow_regs[0x2a] = 0xf7;
shadow_regs[0x2b] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x2c] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x2d] = 0x51;
shadow_regs[0x2e] = 0x86;
shadow_regs[0x30] = 0x48;
shadow_regs[0x33] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x3a] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x3b] = 0x37;
shadow_regs[0x3c] = 0x88;
shadow_regs[0x3d] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x40] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x65] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x72] = 0x05;
shadow_regs[0x74] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0x8b] = 0xff;
shadow_regs[0x8c] = 0x02;
shadow_regs[0x8d] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x8e] = 0x60;
shadow_regs[0x8f] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x94] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0xa3] = 0xcc;
shadow_regs[0xa4] = 0x27;
shadow_regs[0xa5] = 0x24;
shadow_regs[0xb0] = 0xb2;
shadow_regs[0xc2] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0xc4] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0xc8] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0xf4] = 0xf8;
shadow_regs[0xf5] = 0x7f;
/* set calibration */
shadow_regs[0x02] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x03] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x04] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x05] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x06] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x07] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x08] = 0x06;
shadow_regs[0x09] = 0x06;
shadow_regs[0x0a] = 0x06;
/* set grayscale scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x21;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x0d;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x0d;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x1d;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x1d;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x29;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x01;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
shadow_regs[0x60] = 0x03;
shadow_regs[0x61] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x62] = 0x3e;
shadow_regs[0x63] = 0x00;
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x01;
/* set horizontal start position */
shadow_regs[0x66] = 0xd4;
shadow_regs[0x67] = 0x09;
/* set horizontal end position */
shadow_regs[0x6c] = 0x84;
shadow_regs[0x6d] = 0x0a;
/* set horizontal resolution */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x40;
shadow_regs[0x7a] = 0x02;
/* set for ? */
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x81;
/* set for ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x22;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3b;
/* set for ? */
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x1f;
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0xf7;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x16;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x87;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x13;
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x1b;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x16;
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0xdc;
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x1b;
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x03;
/* Stop the scanner */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/* write regs out twice */
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x00;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x40;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
/* Start Scan */
/* cmd_size=0x23; */
/* x1100_usb_bulk_write(devnum, command3_block, &cmd_size); */
x1100_start_mvmt (devnum);
/* Poll the available byte count until not 0 */
got_line = SANE_FALSE;
while (!got_line)
cmd_size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command4_block, &cmd_size);
cmd_size = 0x3;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, poll_result, &cmd_size);
if (!
(poll_result[0] == 0 && poll_result[1] == 0 && poll_result[2] == 0))
/* if result != 00 00 00 we got data */
got_line = SANE_TRUE;
/* create buffer for scan data */
buffer = calloc (5192, sizeof (char));
/* Tell the scanner to send the data */
/* Write: 91 00 14 48 */
cmd_size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command5_block, &cmd_size);
/* Read it */
cmd_size = 0x1448;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, buffer, &cmd_size);
/* Stop the scanner */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/* Reverse order of bytes in words of buffer */
for (i = 0; i < 5192; i = i + 2)
temp_byte = *(buffer + i);
*(buffer + i) = *(buffer + i + 1);
*(buffer + i + 1) = temp_byte;
/* Find the max and the min */
for (i = 0; i < 5192; i++)
if (*(buffer + i) > max_byte)
max_byte = *(buffer + i);
if (*(buffer + i) < min_byte)
min_byte = *(buffer + i);
weighted_average = min_byte + ((max_byte - min_byte) / 4);
/* Set bytes as black (0x00) or white (0xFF) */
for (i = 0; i < 5192; i++)
if (*(buffer + i) > weighted_average)
*(buffer + i) = 0xFF;
*(buffer + i) = 0x00;
/* Go through 59 lines */
for (j = 0; j < 59; j++)
blackByteCounter = 0;
/* Go through 88 bytes per line */
for (i = 0; i < 88; i++)
/* Is byte black? */
if (*(buffer + (j * 88) + i) == 0)
} /* end for line*/
if (blackByteCounter > 0)
/* This was a black line */
whiteLineCount = 0;
/* This is a white line */
blackLineCount = 0;
} /* end for buffer */
return whiteLineCount;
sanei_lexmark_x1100_set_scan_regs (Lexmark_Device * dev, SANE_Int offset)
SANE_Int yres;
SANE_Bool isColourScan;
int i;
/* resolution */
yres = dev->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w;
/* colour mode */
if (strcmp (dev->val[OPT_MODE].s, SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_COLOR) == 0)
isColourScan = SANE_TRUE;
isColourScan = SANE_FALSE;
/* Clear all the shadow registers */
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
shadow_regs[i] = 0;
/* Some regiters are always set the same */
shadow_regs[0x01] = 0x43;
shadow_regs[0x0b] = 0x70;
shadow_regs[0x11] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x12] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x13] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x15] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x16] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x1d] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x28] = 0xeb;
shadow_regs[0x29] = 0xee;
shadow_regs[0x2a] = 0xf7;
shadow_regs[0x2b] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x2c] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x2d] = 0x51;
shadow_regs[0x2e] = 0x86;
shadow_regs[0x30] = 0x48;
shadow_regs[0x33] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x3a] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x3b] = 0x37;
shadow_regs[0x3c] = 0x88;
shadow_regs[0x3d] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x40] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x65] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x72] = 0x05;
shadow_regs[0x74] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0x8b] = 0xff;
shadow_regs[0x8c] = 0x02;
shadow_regs[0x8d] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x8e] = 0x60;
shadow_regs[0x8f] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0x94] = 0x0e;
shadow_regs[0xa3] = 0xcc;
shadow_regs[0xa4] = 0x27;
shadow_regs[0xa5] = 0x24;
shadow_regs[0xb0] = 0xb2;
shadow_regs[0xc2] = 0x80;
shadow_regs[0xc4] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0xc8] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0xf4] = 0xf8;
shadow_regs[0xf5] = 0x7f;
/* size */
x1100_set_scan_area (yres, isColourScan, dev->pixel_height,
dev->pixel_width, offset);
/*75dpi x 75dpi */
if (yres == 75)
DBG (5, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_set_scan_regs(): 75 DPI resolution\n");
/* set calibration */
shadow_regs[0x02] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x03] = 0x9d;
shadow_regs[0x04] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x05] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x06] = 0x9d;
shadow_regs[0x07] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x08] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x09] = 0x0b;
shadow_regs[0x0a] = 0x06;
if (isColourScan)
/* set colour scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x11;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x05;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x05;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x05;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x0f;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
/* shadow_regs[0x60]=0x22; */
/* shadow_regs[0x61]=0x00; */
/* shadow_regs[0x62]=0x1a; */
/* shadow_regs[0x63]=0x01; */
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x0c;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x0c;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x09;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0x8c;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0x40;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x83;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x0a;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3b;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x01;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0x2b;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x0a;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x7f;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x01;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0xbb;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x09;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0x0e;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0x2b;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x03;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x05;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0xa0;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x01;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x01;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x01;
/* set grayscale scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x21;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x02;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x02;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x06;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x0f;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
/* shadow_regs[0x60]=0x14; */
/* shadow_regs[0x61]=0x00; */
/* shadow_regs[0x62]=0x8d; */
/* shadow_regs[0x63]=0x01; */
/* set ? only for colour? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x81;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x10;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3b;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x01;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0x4d;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x1c;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x71;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x02;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x6d;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x15;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0xdc;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0xad;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x07;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x1b;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0xe1;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x03;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x07;
/* bounds of movement range4 -only for 75dpi grayscale */
shadow_regs[0xed] = 0xc2;
shadow_regs[0xee] = 0x02;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x03;
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x01;
/* set horizontal start position */
/* shadow_regs[0x66]=0x68; */
/* shadow_regs[0x67]=0x00; */
/* set horizontal end position */
/* shadow_regs[0x6c]=0x78; */
/* shadow_regs[0x6d]=0x07; */
/* set horizontal resolution */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x7a] = 0x08;
/*150dpi x 150dpi */
if (yres == 150)
DBG (5, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_set_scan_regs(): 150 DPI resolution\n");
/* set calibration */
shadow_regs[0x02] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x03] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x04] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x05] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x06] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x07] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x08] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x09] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x0a] = 0x06;
if (isColourScan)
/* set colour scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x11;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x0b;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x0b;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x0a;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x07;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
/* shadow_regs[0x60]=0x22; */
/* shadow_regs[0x61]=0x00; */
/* shadow_regs[0x62]=0x12; */
/* shadow_regs[0x63]=0x03; */
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x05;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x05;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x83;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x7e;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0xad;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x35;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0xfe;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0xdf;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x0e;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x83;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x0e;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3a;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x03;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0x61;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x0a;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0xed;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x02;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x29;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x0a;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0x0e;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0x29;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x03;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x05;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x00;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x01;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x01;
/* set grayscale scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x21;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x0a;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x07;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
/* shadow_regs[0x60]=0x20; */
/* shadow_regs[0x61]=0x00; */
/* shadow_regs[0x62]=0x10; */
/* shadow_regs[0x63]=0x03; */
/* set ? only for colour? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x81;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x16;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3b;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x01;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0xdd;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x18;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x01;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x03;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x6d;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x15;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0xdc;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0xad;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x07;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x1b;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0xe1;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x03;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x07;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x03;
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x01;
/* set horizontal start position */
/* shadow_regs[0x66]=0x68; */
/* shadow_regs[0x67]=0x00; */
/* set horizontal end position */
/* shadow_regs[0x6c]=0x70; */
/* shadow_regs[0x6d]=0x07; */
/* set horizontal resolution */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x7a] = 0x04;
/*300dpi x 300dpi */
if (yres == 300)
DBG (5, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_set_scan_regs(): 300 DPI resolution\n");
/* set calibration */
shadow_regs[0x02] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x03] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x04] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x05] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x06] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x07] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x08] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x09] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x0a] = 0x06;
if (isColourScan)
/* set colour scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x11;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x15;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x15;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x14;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x03;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
/* shadow_regs[0x60]=0x44; */
/* shadow_regs[0x61]=0x00; */
/* shadow_regs[0x62]=0x22; */
/* shadow_regs[0x63]=0x06; */
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x06;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x83;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x7e;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0xad;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x35;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0xfe;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0xdf;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x0e;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x83;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x17;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3a;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x0a;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0x75;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x0a;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0xdd;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x05;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x59;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x0a;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0x0e;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x00;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x05;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x00;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x01;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x01;
/* set grayscale scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x21;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x0f;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x16;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x03;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
/* shadow_regs[0x60]=0x40; */
/* shadow_regs[0x61]=0x00; */
/* shadow_regs[0x62]=0xfe; */
/* shadow_regs[0x63]=0x06; */
/* set ? only for colour? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x81;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x19;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3a;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x08;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0xe3;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x18;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x03;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x06;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x2b;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x17;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0xdc;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0xb3;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x07;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x1b;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x00;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x07;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x03;
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x01;
/* set horizontal start position */
/* shadow_regs[0x66]=0x6a; */
/* shadow_regs[0x67]=0x00; */
/* set horizontal end position */
/* shadow_regs[0x6c]=0x72; */
/* shadow_regs[0x6d]=0x07; */
/* set horizontal resolution */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x20;
shadow_regs[0x7a] = 0x02;
/*600dpi x 600dpi */
if (yres == 600)
DBG (5, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_set_scan_regs(): 600 DPI resolution\n");
/* set calibration */
shadow_regs[0x02] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x03] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x04] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x05] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x06] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x07] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x08] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x09] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x0a] = 0x06;
if (isColourScan)
/* set colour scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x11;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x15;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x15;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x14;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x03;
/* set vertical start/end positions */
/* shadow_regs[0x60]=0x14; */
/* shadow_regs[0x61]=0x00; */
/* shadow_regs[0x62]=0x88; */
/* shadow_regs[0x63]=0x17; */
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x02;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x02;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x02;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x83;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x7e;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0xad;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x35;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0xfe;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0xdf;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x0e;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x86;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x27;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x0c;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3a;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x1a;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0x57;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x0a;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0xbf;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x05;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x3b;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x0a;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0x0e;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x00;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x05;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x00;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x01;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x01;
/* set grayscale scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x21;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x11;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x11;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x21;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x21;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x31;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x01;
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x01;
/* set ? only for colour? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x81;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x22;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3b;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x1f;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0xf7;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x16;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x87;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x13;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x1b;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x16;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0xdc;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x00;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x1b;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x00;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x07;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x03;
/* set horizontal resolution */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x40;
shadow_regs[0x7a] = 0x01;
/*600dpi x 1200dpi */
if (yres == 1200)
DBG (5, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_set_scan_regs(): 1200 DPI resolution\n");
/* set calibration */
shadow_regs[0x02] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x03] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x04] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x05] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x06] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x07] = 0xa3;
shadow_regs[0x08] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x09] = 0x0a;
shadow_regs[0x0a] = 0x06;
if (isColourScan)
/* set colour scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x11;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x29;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x29;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x28;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x01;
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x02;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x08;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x83;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x7e;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0xad;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x35;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0xfe;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0xdf;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x0e;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x86;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x41;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x0c;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3a;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x40;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x00;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0x85;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x0b;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x00;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0x0e;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x00;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x05;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x00;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x01;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x01;
/* set grayscale scan */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0x21;
/* set ? */
shadow_regs[0x34] = 0x22;
shadow_regs[0x35] = 0x22;
shadow_regs[0x36] = 0x42;
shadow_regs[0x37] = 0x42;
shadow_regs[0x38] = 0x62;
/* set motor resolution divisor */
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x01;
/* set # of head moves per CIS read */
shadow_regs[0x64] = 0x00;
/* set ? only for colour? */
shadow_regs[0x80] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x81] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x82] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x85] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x86] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x87] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x88] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x91] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x92] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x93] = 0x06;
/* Motor enable & Coordinate space denominator */
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x81;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc5] = 0x41;
/* Movement direction & step size */
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x09;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3a;
shadow_regs[0xca] = 0x40;
/* bounds of movement range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x00;
/* step size range0 */
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0xc7;
/* ? */
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x29;
/* bounds of movement range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe4] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xe5] = 0x00;
/* step size range1 */
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0xdc;
/* bounds of movement range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x00;
/* step size range2 */
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x1b;
/* bounds of movement range3 */
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x00;
/* step size range3 */
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x07;
/* step size range4 */
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x03;
/* set horizontal resolution */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x40;
shadow_regs[0x7a] = 0x01;
sanei_lexmark_x1100_start_scan (Lexmark_Device * dev)
SANE_Int devnum;
static SANE_Byte command4_block[] = { 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03 };
static SANE_Byte command5_block[] = { 0x80, 0xb3, 0x00, 0x01 };
SANE_Byte poll_result[3];
SANE_Byte read_result;
SANE_Bool scan_head_moving;
size_t size;
devnum = dev->devnum;
dev->transfer_buffer = NULL; /* No data xferred yet */
DBG (2, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_start_scan:\n");
/* 80 b3 00 01 - poll for scanner not moving */
scan_head_moving = SANE_TRUE;
while (scan_head_moving)
size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command5_block, &size);
size = 0x1;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, &read_result, &size);
if ((read_result & 0xF) == 0x0)
scan_head_moving = SANE_FALSE;
/* F.O. Should be a timeout here so we don't hang if something breaks */
/* Clear C6 */
x1100_clr_c6 (devnum);
/* Stop the scanner */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/*Set regs x2 */
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x00;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x40;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
/* Start Scan */
x1100_start_mvmt (devnum);
/* We start with 0 bytes remaining to be read */
dev->bytes_remaining = 0;
/* and 0 bytes in the transfer buffer */
dev->bytes_in_buffer = 0;
/* Poll the available byte count until not 0 */
while (1)
size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command4_block, &size);
size = 0x3;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, poll_result, &size);
if (!
(poll_result[0] == 0 && poll_result[1] == 0 && poll_result[2] == 0))
/* if result != 00 00 00 we got data */
/* data_size should be used to set bytes_remaining */
/* data_size is set from sane_get_parameters () */
dev->bytes_remaining = dev->data_size;
/* Initialize the read buffer */
read_buffer_init (dev, dev->params.bytes_per_line);
size = 4;
/* I'm not sure why the Windows driver does this - probably a timeout? */
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command5_block, &size);
size = 0x1;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, &read_result, &size);
if (read_result != 0x68)
dev->bytes_remaining = 0;
sanei_lexmark_x1100_read_scan_data (SANE_Byte * data, SANE_Int size, Lexmark_Device * dev)
SANE_Int devnum;
SANE_Bool isColourScan, isGrayScan;
/* SANE_Byte temp_byte; */
static SANE_Byte command1_block[] = { 0x91, 0x00, 0xff, 0xc0 };
size_t xfer_size, cmd_size, xfer_request, remainder;
/* unsigned int i; */
long bytes_read;
SANE_Bool even_byte;
DBG (2, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_read_scan_data:\n");
/* colour mode */
isGrayScan = SANE_FALSE;
if (strcmp (dev->val[OPT_MODE].s, SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_COLOR) == 0)
isColourScan = SANE_TRUE;
isColourScan = SANE_FALSE;
/* grayscale mode */
if (strcmp (dev->val[OPT_MODE].s, SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_GRAY) == 0)
isGrayScan = SANE_TRUE;
devnum = dev->devnum;
/* Check if we have a transfer buffer. Create one and fill it if we don't */
if (dev->transfer_buffer == NULL)
if (dev->bytes_remaining > 0)
if (dev->bytes_remaining >= MAX_XFER_SIZE)
xfer_request = MAX_XFER_SIZE;
xfer_size = MAX_XFER_SIZE;
remainder = 0;
xfer_request = dev->bytes_remaining;
remainder = dev->bytes_remaining % 0x10;
xfer_size = dev->bytes_remaining - remainder;
command1_block[2] = (SANE_Byte) (xfer_request >> 8);
command1_block[3] = (SANE_Byte) (xfer_request & 0xFF);
/* Create buffer to hold the amount we will request */
dev->transfer_buffer = (SANE_Byte *) malloc (xfer_request);
if (dev->transfer_buffer == NULL)
/* Fill it */
/* Write: 91 00 (xfer_size) */
cmd_size = 4;
x1100_usb_bulk_write (devnum, command1_block, &cmd_size);
/* Read: xfer_size bytes */
cmd_size = xfer_request;
x1100_usb_bulk_read (devnum, dev->transfer_buffer, &cmd_size);
dev->bytes_remaining -= xfer_request;
dev->bytes_in_buffer = xfer_request;
dev->read_pointer = dev->transfer_buffer;
DBG (2, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_read_scan_data:\n");
DBG (2, " Filled a buffer from the scanner\n");
DBG (2, " bytes_remaining: %lu\n", (u_long)dev->bytes_remaining);
DBG (2, " bytes_in_buffer: %lu\n", (u_long)dev->bytes_in_buffer);
DBG (2, " read_pointer: %p\n", dev->read_pointer);
DBG (5, " write ptr: %p\n", dev->read_buffer->writeptr);
DBG (5, " read ptr: %p\n", dev->read_buffer->readptr);
DBG (5, " max write ptr: %p\n", dev->read_buffer->max_writeptr);
DBG (5, " buffer size: %lu\n", (u_long)dev->read_buffer->size);
DBG (5, " line size: %lu\n", (u_long)dev->read_buffer->linesize);
DBG (5, " empty: %d\n", dev->read_buffer->empty);
DBG (5, " line no: %d\n", dev->read_buffer->image_line_no);
/* If there is space in the read buffer, copy the transfer buffer over */
if (read_buffer_bytes_available (dev->read_buffer) >= dev->bytes_in_buffer)
even_byte = SANE_TRUE;
while (dev->bytes_in_buffer)
/* Colour Scan */
if (isColourScan)
if (even_byte)
read_buffer_add_byte (dev->read_buffer, dev->read_pointer+1);
read_buffer_add_byte (dev->read_buffer, dev->read_pointer-1);
even_byte = ! even_byte;
/* Gray Scan */
else if (isGrayScan)
if (even_byte)
read_buffer_add_byte_gray (dev->read_buffer,
read_buffer_add_byte_gray (dev->read_buffer,
even_byte = ! even_byte;
/* Lineart Scan */
if (even_byte)
read_buffer_add_bit_lineart (dev->read_buffer,
read_buffer_add_bit_lineart (dev->read_buffer,
even_byte = ! even_byte;
dev->read_pointer = dev->read_pointer + sizeof (SANE_Byte);
/* free the transfer buffer */
free (dev->transfer_buffer);
dev->transfer_buffer = NULL;
DBG (5, " write ptr: %p\n", dev->read_buffer->writeptr);
DBG (5, " read ptr: %p\n", dev->read_buffer->readptr);
DBG (5, " max write ptr: %p\n", dev->read_buffer->max_writeptr);
DBG (5, " buffer size: %lu\n", (u_long)dev->read_buffer->size);
DBG (5, " line size: %lu\n", (u_long)dev->read_buffer->linesize);
DBG (5, " empty: %d\n", dev->read_buffer->empty);
DBG (5, " line no: %d\n", dev->read_buffer->image_line_no);
/* Read blocks out of read buffer */
bytes_read = read_buffer_get_bytes (dev->read_buffer, data, size);
DBG (2, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_read_scan_data:\n");
DBG (2, " Copying lines from buffer to data\n");
DBG (2, " bytes_remaining: %lu\n", (u_long)dev->bytes_remaining);
DBG (2, " bytes_in_buffer: %lu\n", (u_long)dev->bytes_in_buffer);
DBG (2, " read_pointer: %p\n", dev->read_buffer->readptr);
DBG (2, " bytes_read %lu\n", (u_long) bytes_read);
/* if no more bytes to xfer and read buffer empty we're at the end */
if ((dev->bytes_remaining == 0) && read_buffer_is_empty (dev->read_buffer))
if (!dev->eof)
DBG (2, "sanei_lexmark_x1100_read_scan_data: EOF- parking the scanner\n");
dev->eof = SANE_TRUE;
x1100_rewind (dev);
DBG (2, "ERROR: Why are we trying to set eof more than once?\n");
return bytes_read;
x1100_rewind (Lexmark_Device * dev)
SANE_Int new_location;
SANE_Int location;
SANE_Int scan_resolution;
SANE_Int fudge_factor;
SANE_Bool colour_scan;
SANE_Int vert_scan_start;
SANE_Int hor_scan_start;
SANE_Int vert_scan_dist;
SANE_Int vert_rewind_dist;
SANE_Int devnum;
DBG (3, "x1100_rewind\n");
/* We rewind at 1200dpi resolution.
The variable "vert_scan_dist" is the distance of the scan in the
resolution of the scan "scan_resolution".
vert_rewind_dist = vert_scan_dist * 1200/scan_resolution + fudge_factor
Note: fudge_factor is different for each resolution and between colour
and grayscale scans at the same resolution. */
/* Scan resolution */
scan_resolution = dev->val[OPT_RESOLUTION].w;
/* Colour mode */
if (strcmp (dev->val[OPT_MODE].s, SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_COLOR) == 0)
colour_scan = SANE_TRUE;
colour_scan = SANE_FALSE;
/* Init fudge factor to 0 */
fudge_factor = 0x00;
if (scan_resolution == 75)
if (colour_scan)
fudge_factor = 0x90;
fudge_factor = 0xb0;
else if (scan_resolution == 150)
if (colour_scan)
fudge_factor = 0x78;
fudge_factor = 0xb0;
else if (scan_resolution == 300)
if (colour_scan)
fudge_factor = 0x60;
fudge_factor = 0x78;
else if (scan_resolution == 600)
if (colour_scan)
fudge_factor = 0x146;
fudge_factor = 0x142;
else if (scan_resolution == 1200)
if (colour_scan)
fudge_factor = 0x140;
fudge_factor = 0x13c;
x1100_get_start_loc (scan_resolution, &vert_scan_start,
&hor_scan_start, 0);
vert_scan_dist = vert_scan_start + dev->pixel_height + 2;
vert_rewind_dist = vert_scan_dist * 1200 / scan_resolution + fudge_factor;
location = vert_rewind_dist - 1;
new_location = vert_rewind_dist;
devnum = dev->devnum;
/* sleep for 10 ms */
/* usleep(10000); */
/* park the scanner */
x1100_clr_c6 (devnum);
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
/* sleep for 20 ms */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
x1100_clr_c6 (devnum);
/* set regs for rewind */
shadow_regs[0x2f] = 0xa1;
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0x39] = 0x00;
/* all other regs are always the same. these ones change with parameters */
/* the following 4 regs are the location 61,60 and the location+1 63,62 */
shadow_regs[0x60] = (SANE_Byte) (location & 0x00FF);
shadow_regs[0x61] = (SANE_Byte) (location >> 8 & 0x00FF);
shadow_regs[0x62] = (SANE_Byte) (new_location & 0x00FF);
shadow_regs[0x63] = (SANE_Byte) (new_location >> 8 & 0x00FF);
/* set regs for rewind */
shadow_regs[0x79] = 0x40;
shadow_regs[0xb2] = 0x04;
shadow_regs[0xc3] = 0x81;
shadow_regs[0xc6] = 0x01;
shadow_regs[0xc9] = 0x3b;
shadow_regs[0xe0] = 0x2b;
shadow_regs[0xe1] = 0x17;
shadow_regs[0xe2] = 0xe7;
shadow_regs[0xe3] = 0x03;
shadow_regs[0xe6] = 0xdc;
shadow_regs[0xe7] = 0xb3;
shadow_regs[0xe8] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0xe9] = 0x1b;
shadow_regs[0xea] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xeb] = 0x00;
shadow_regs[0xec] = 0x07;
shadow_regs[0xef] = 0x03;
/*Set regs x2 */
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x00;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
shadow_regs[0x32] = 0x40;
x1100_write_all_regs (devnum);
/* Move */
x1100_stop_mvmt (devnum);
x1100_start_mvmt (devnum);
read_buffer_init (Lexmark_Device *dev, int bytesperline)
size_t no_lines_in_buffer;
DBG (2, "read_buffer_init: Start\n");
dev->read_buffer = (Read_Buffer *) malloc (sizeof (Read_Buffer));
if (dev->read_buffer == NULL)
dev->read_buffer->linesize = bytesperline;
dev->read_buffer->gray_offset = 0;
dev->read_buffer->max_gray_offset = bytesperline - 1;
dev->read_buffer->region = RED;
dev->read_buffer->red_offset = 0;
dev->read_buffer->green_offset = 1;
dev->read_buffer->blue_offset = 2;
dev->read_buffer->max_red_offset = bytesperline - 3;
dev->read_buffer->max_green_offset = bytesperline - 2;
dev->read_buffer->max_blue_offset = bytesperline - 1;
no_lines_in_buffer = 3 * MAX_XFER_SIZE / bytesperline;
dev->read_buffer->size = bytesperline * no_lines_in_buffer;
dev->read_buffer->data = (SANE_Byte *) malloc (dev->read_buffer->size);
if (dev->read_buffer->data == NULL)
dev->read_buffer->readptr = dev->read_buffer->data;
dev->read_buffer->writeptr = dev->read_buffer->data;
dev->read_buffer->max_writeptr = dev->read_buffer->data +
(no_lines_in_buffer - 1) * bytesperline;
dev->read_buffer->empty = SANE_TRUE;
dev->read_buffer->image_line_no = 0;
dev->read_buffer->bit_counter = 0;
dev->read_buffer->max_lineart_offset = dev->params.pixels_per_line - 1;
read_buffer_free (Read_Buffer *read_buffer)
DBG (2, "read_buffer_free:\n");
if (read_buffer)
free (read_buffer->data);
free (read_buffer);
read_buffer = NULL;
read_buffer_bytes_available (Read_Buffer *rb)
DBG (2, "read_buffer_bytes_available:\n");
if (rb->empty)
return rb->size;
else if ((size_t)abs(rb->writeptr - rb->readptr) < rb->linesize)
return 0; /* ptrs are less than one line apart */
else if (rb->writeptr < rb->readptr)
return (rb->readptr - rb->writeptr - rb->linesize);
return (rb->size + rb->readptr - rb->writeptr - rb->linesize);
read_buffer_add_byte (Read_Buffer *rb, SANE_Byte * byte_pointer)
/* DBG(2, "read_buffer_add_byte:\n"); */
/* F.O. Need to fix the endian byte ordering here */
switch (rb->region)
case RED:
*(rb->writeptr + rb->red_offset) = *byte_pointer;
if (rb->red_offset == rb->max_red_offset)
rb->red_offset = 0;
rb->region = GREEN;
rb->red_offset = rb->red_offset + (3 * sizeof (SANE_Byte));
case GREEN:
*(rb->writeptr + rb->green_offset) = *byte_pointer;
if (rb->green_offset == rb->max_green_offset)
rb->green_offset = 1;
rb->region = BLUE;
rb->green_offset = rb->green_offset + (3 * sizeof (SANE_Byte));
case BLUE:
*(rb->writeptr + rb->blue_offset) = *byte_pointer;
if (rb->blue_offset == rb->max_blue_offset)
/* finished a line. read_buffer no longer empty */
rb->empty = SANE_FALSE;
rb->blue_offset = 2;
rb->region = RED;
if (rb->writeptr == rb->max_writeptr)
rb->writeptr = rb->data; /* back to beginning of buffer */
rb->writeptr = rb->writeptr + rb->linesize; /* next line */
rb->blue_offset = rb->blue_offset + (3 * sizeof (SANE_Byte));
read_buffer_add_byte_gray (Read_Buffer *rb, SANE_Byte * byte_pointer)
/* DBG(2, "read_buffer_add_byte_gray:\n"); */
*(rb->writeptr + rb->gray_offset) = *byte_pointer;
if (rb->gray_offset == rb->max_gray_offset)
/* finished a line. read_buffer no longer empty */
rb->empty = SANE_FALSE;
rb->gray_offset = 0;
if (rb->writeptr == rb->max_writeptr)
rb->writeptr = rb->data; /* back to beginning of buffer */
rb->writeptr = rb->writeptr + rb->linesize; /* next line */
rb->gray_offset = rb->gray_offset + (1 * sizeof (SANE_Byte));
read_buffer_add_bit_lineart (Read_Buffer *rb, SANE_Byte * byte_pointer,
SANE_Byte threshold)
SANE_Byte tmpByte;
SANE_Byte *currentBytePtr;
SANE_Int bitIndex;
/* DBG(2, "read_buffer_add_bit_lineart:\n"); */
/* threshold = 0x80; */
tmpByte = 0;
/* Create a bit by comparing incoming byte to threshold */
if (*byte_pointer >= threshold)
tmpByte = 128;
/* Calculate the bit index in the current byte */
bitIndex = rb->bit_counter % 8;
/* Move the bit to its correct position in the temporary byte */
tmpByte = tmpByte >> bitIndex;
/* Get the pointer to the current byte */
currentBytePtr = rb->writeptr + rb->gray_offset;
/* If this is the first write to this byte, clear the byte */
if ( bitIndex == 0 )
*currentBytePtr = 0;
/* Set the value of the bit in the current byte */
*currentBytePtr = *currentBytePtr | tmpByte;
/* last bit in the line? */
if (rb->bit_counter == rb->max_lineart_offset)
/* Check if we're at the last byte of the line - error if not */
if (rb->gray_offset != rb->max_gray_offset)
DBG(5, "read_buffer_add_bit_lineart:\n");
DBG(5, " Last bit of line is not last byte.\n");
DBG(5, " Bit Index: %d, Byte Index: %d. \n", rb->bit_counter,
/* line finished read_buffer no longer empty */
rb->empty = SANE_FALSE;
rb->gray_offset = 0;
/* are we at the last line in the read buffer ? */
if (rb->writeptr == rb->max_writeptr)
rb->writeptr = rb->data; /* back to beginning of buffer */
rb->writeptr = rb->writeptr + rb->linesize; /* next line */
/* clear the bit counter */
rb->bit_counter = 0;
/* last bit in the byte? */
else if ( bitIndex == 7 )
/* Not at the end of the line, but byte done. Increment byte offset */
rb->gray_offset = rb->gray_offset + (1 * sizeof (SANE_Byte));
/* increment bit counter */
/* else increment bit counter */
read_buffer_get_bytes (Read_Buffer *rb, SANE_Byte * buffer, size_t rqst_size)
/* Read_Buffer *rb; */
size_t available_bytes;
/* rb = read_buffer; */
if (rb->empty)
return 0;
else if (rb->writeptr > rb->readptr)
available_bytes = rb->writeptr - rb->readptr;
if (available_bytes <= rqst_size)
/* We can read from the read pointer up to the write pointer */
memcpy (buffer, rb->readptr, available_bytes);
rb->readptr = rb->writeptr;
rb->empty = SANE_TRUE;
return available_bytes;
/* We can read from the full request size */
memcpy (buffer, rb->readptr, rqst_size);
rb->readptr = rb->readptr + rqst_size;
return rqst_size;
/* The read pointer is ahead of the write pointer. Its wrapped around. */
/* We can read to the end of the buffer and make a recursive call to */
/* read any available lines at the beginning of the buffer */
available_bytes = rb->data + rb->size - rb->readptr;
if (available_bytes <= rqst_size)
/* We can read from the read pointer up to the end of the buffer */
memcpy (buffer, rb->readptr, available_bytes);
rb->readptr = rb->data;
if (rb->writeptr == rb->readptr)
rb->empty = SANE_TRUE;
return available_bytes +
read_buffer_get_bytes (rb, buffer + available_bytes,
rqst_size - available_bytes);
/* We can read from the full request size */
memcpy (buffer, rb->readptr, rqst_size);
rb->readptr = rb->readptr + rqst_size;
return rqst_size;
read_buffer_is_empty (Read_Buffer *read_buffer)
return read_buffer->empty;