\documentstyle{article} \parindent0pt \parskip1ex \oddsidemargin-8mm \evensidemargin-12mm \topmargin-30mm \textheight25cm \textwidth17.3cm \input{epsf.tex} \title{ \begin{figure}[h] \centerline{\epsfxsize=9cm \epsffile{sane-logo.ps}} \centerline{\epsfxsize=4cm \epsffile{umaxlogo.ps}} \end{figure} UMAX-backend for SANE - User's Guide } \author{Oliver Rauch {\tt }} \date{6th march 1999} \begin{document} \maketitle \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage \section{User's Manual} \subsection{Frontend functions and options:} This backend dynamically enabels the options, scan-modes, etc. that are supported by the scanner in dependence of the scanning-mode and other options. \begin{figure}[h] \centerline { \epsfysize=12cm \epsffile{sane-umax.ps} \epsfysize=12cm \epsffile{sane-umax-histogram.ps} } \end{figure} \subsubsection{Scan modes:} The available scan modes depend on the scanner type!\\ \small \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Mode&Remark\\ \hline \hline Lineart&1 bit/pixel black/white mode\\ Halftone&1 bit/pixel dithered black/white mode\\ Grayscale&8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 bits/pixel gray mode\\ Color&24 / 27 / 30 / 36 / 40 / 48 bits/pixel RGB mode\\ \hline \end{tabular} \normalsize \subsubsection{Scan sources:} \begin{itemize} \item Flatbed \item Transparency adapter (UTA) \item Automatic document feeder (ADF) \end{itemize} The UTA and the ADF are only selectable if they are available! \subsubsection{Options:} There are two kind of options: the standard options that are often used and the \emph{advanced options}.\\ \begin{figure}[h] \centerline{ \epsfxsize=5cm \epsffile{sane-umax-standard.ps}} \end{figure} \small \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Option&Remark\\ \hline \hline Analog gamma correction&For color/intensity enhancement, value-range: 1..2,\\ &doesn't reduce the number of used colors!\\ &only supported by some scanners (e.g. Supervista S12).\\ \hline Bit depth&Select image depth in bits/sample.\\ \hline Bind RGB values&Use same values for each color, only selectable if such options are available\\ \hline Brightness&Define brightness for halftone-mode.\\ \hline Contrast&Define contrast for halftone-mode.\\ \hline Custom gamma table&Digital gamma correction, for color/intensity enhancement!\\ &Side-effect: may reduce the number of used colors!\\ &For 30 and 36 bit scanners the used gamma table uses 30/36 input bits, so the\\ &reduction of the used colors is not so big!\\ \hline Highlight&Define radiance level for highlight, only supported by some scanners.\\ \hline Lamp warmup&Enable extended lamp warmup, only supported by some scanners.\\ \hline Negative scan&Inverts color-intensity: for scanning negatives.\\ \hline Quality calibration&Do quality white calibration.\\ \hline Shadow&Define radiance level for shadow, only supported by some scanners.\\ \hline Threshold&Define threshold for lineart-mode.\\ \hline \end{tabular} \normalsize \newpage On graphical frontends the \emph{advanced options} may be disabled so the frontend-window keeps small. To enable the \emph{advanced options} take a look at the frontend's manual!\\ \begin{figure}[h] \centerline{ \epsfxsize=6cm \epsffile{sane-umax-advanced.ps}} \end{figure} \small \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Advanced Option&Remark\\ \hline \hline Cal. exposure time&Define exposure time for calibration,\\ &only supported by some scanners.\\ \hline Cal. lamp density&Define lamp density for calibration,\\ &only supported by some scanners.\\ \hline Scan exposure time&Define exposure time for scan,\\ &only supported by some scanners.\\ \hline Scan lamp density&Define lamp density for scan,\\ &only supported by some scanners.\\ \hline Set exposure time&Enable selection of exposure time,\\ &if not enabled, scanner uses default values.\\ \hline Set lamp density&Enable selection of lamp density, if not\\ &enabled, scanner automatically selects a value.\\ \hline Set scan lamp density&Enable selection of lamp density for scan, if not enabled\\ &scanner uses the value that was used for calibration.\\ \hline \end{tabular} \normalsize \newpage \section{ Installation Manual} \subsection{Compilation and Installation} The umax-backend is created and installed automatically while compiling and installing SANE. \subsection{Configuration:} The configuration file for the UMAX-backend resides in \begin{verbatim} /usr/local/etc/sane.d/umax.conf. \end{verbatim} Its contents is a list of device names that correspond to UMAX scanners. Empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark (\#) are ignored. Lines starting with the word {\bf scsi} use variable device selection, for further information take a look at sane-scsi. A sample configuration file is shown below: \begin{verbatim} #scsi vendor model type bus channel id lun scsi UMAX * * * * * * /dev/scanner # this is a comment /dev/sge \end{verbatim} The special device name must be a generic SCSI device or a symlink to such a device. To find out to which device your scanner is assigned and how you have to set the permissions of that device, have a look at sane-scsi or use the tool {\tt find-scanner}. The file may include devices, that correspond to scanners by other vendors. The Umax-backend will ignore these devices. \subsection{SCSI adapter tips:} The UMAX-scanners do block the scsi-bus for a few seconds while scanning. It is not necessary to connect the scanner to its own SCSI-adapter. But if you need short response time for your SCSI-harddisk (e.g. if your computer is a file-server), I suggest you use an own SCSI-adapter for your UMAX-scanner.\\ The SCSI-adapters that are shipped with some Umax-scanners are very simple ones. I suggest not to use it. If you really want to try: the UDS-IS11 is a DTC3181E-card based on the NCR5380-chip. On linux you may have the chance to get it work with the recent g\_NCR5380-driver. The card does not have IRQ/DMA. Try the following option for kernel/module:\\ dtc3181e=0x280,254\\ See the relevant hardware FAQs and HOWTOs for your platform for more information.\\ See also: sane-scsi \subsection{Files:} \begin{itemize} \item The backend configuration file: /usr/local/etc/sane.d/umax.conf \item The static library implementing this backend: /usr/local/lib/libsane-umax.a \item The shared library implementing this backend : /usr/local/lib/libsane-umax.so (present on systems that support dynamic loading) \end{itemize} \subsection{Environment:} \begin{itemize} \item SANE\_DEBUG\_UMAX \item see sane-dll \item see sane-scsi \item see backends \item see frontends \end{itemize} If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this environment variable controls the debug level for this backend. E.g., a value of 128 requests all debug output to be printed. Smaller levels reduce verbosity: \subsubsection{SANE\_DEBUG\_UMAX values} \small \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Number&Remark\\ \hline \hline 0&print important errors (printed each time)\\ 1&print errors\\ 2&print sense\\ 3&print warnings\\ 4&print scanner-inquiry\\ 5&print informations\\ 6&print less important informations\\ 7&print called procedures\\ 8&print reader-process messages\\ 10&print called sane-init-routines\\ 11&print called sane-procedures\\ 12&print sane infos\\ 13&print sane option-control messages\\ \hline \end{tabular} \normalsize Example: export SANE\_DEBUG\_UMAX=8 \newpage \section{Supported scanners} \bf{The umax-backend only supports SCSI-scanners, parallel- and USB-scanners are not supported!} \small \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Name&Vendor&SCSI-ID&F/W&Line-&Half-&Gray-&Color&Bits&Maximum\\ &&&Version&art&tone&scale&RGB&&resolution\\ \hline \hline UMAX scanners:&&&&&&&&&\\ Vista S6 &UMAX &Vista-S6 &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 300 x 600\\ Vista S6E &UMAX &Vista-S6E &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 300 x 600\\ Vista S6E &UMAX &UMAX S-6E &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 300 x 600\\ Vista S6E &UMAX &UMAX S-6EG &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 300 x 600\\ Vista S8 &UMAX &Vista-S8 &? &? &? &? &? &1,8,24 & 400 x 800\\ Supervista S12 &UMAX &UMAX S-12G &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 600 x 1200\\ Supervista S12 &UMAX &UMAX S-12 &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 600 x 1200\\ Supervista S12 &UMAX &Supervista S-12 &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 600 x 1200\\ Astra 600S &UMAX &Astra 600S &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 300 x 600\\ Astra 610S &UMAX &Astra 610S &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 300 x 600\\ Astra 1200S &UMAX &Astra 1200S &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24,30 & 600 x 1200\\ Astra 1220S &UMAX &Astra 1220S &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24,36 & 600 x 1200\\ UC630 &UMAX &UC630 ¬ 1.6 &ok &? &bad &bad &1,8,24 & 300 x 300\\ UC630 &UMAX &UC630 &1.6 &ok &? &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 300 x 300\\ UG630 &UMAX &UG630 &all &ok &? &ok &-- &1,8 & 300 x 300\\ UG80 &UMAX &UG80 &all &ok &? &ok &-- &1,8 & 300 x 300\\ UC840 &UMAX &UC840 ¬ 1.6 &ok &? &bad &bad &1,8,24 & 400 x 400\\ UC840 &UMAX &UC840 &1.6 &ok &? &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 400 x 400\\ UC1200S &UMAX &UC1200S &? &bad &bad &bad &bad &1,8,24 & 600 x 600\\ UC1200SE &UMAX &UC1200S &? &? &? &? &? &1,8,24 & 600 x 600\\ UC1260 &UMAX &UC1260 ¬ 1.6 &? &? &? &? &1,8,24 & 600 x 1200\\ UC1260 &UMAX &UC1260 &1.6 &ok &? &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 600 x 1200\\ Mirage &UMAX &Mirage D-16L &? &? &? &? &? &1,8,24,30 & 700 x 1400\\ & & & & & & & & & 1400 x 2800\\ Mirage II &UMAX &Mirage II &? &? &? &? &? &1,8,24,36 & 700 x 1400\\ & & & & & & & & & 1400 x 2800\\ Mirage IIse &UMAX &Mirage IIse &? &? &? &? &? &1,8,24,36 & 700 x 1400\\ Vista T630 &UMAX &Vista-T630 &some &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 300 x 600\\ PageScan &UMAX &PSD &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 300 x 300\\ PowerLook &UMAX &unknown & & & & & & &\\ PowerLook II &UMAX &PL-II &some &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24,36 & 600 x 1200\\ PowerLook III &UMAX &Power Look III &? &? &? &? &? &1,8,24,42 & 1200 x 2400\\ PowerLook 2000 &UMAX &Power Look 2000 &? &? &? &? &? &1,8,24,36 & 1200 x 2400\\ PowerLook 3000 &UMAX &Power Look 3000 &? &? &? &? &? &1,8,24,42 & 1220 x 3048\\ & & & & & & & & & 3048 x 3048\\ Gemini D-16 &UMAX &Gemini D-16 &? &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 400 x 800\\ & & & & & & & & & 800 x 1600\\ \hline Linotype Hell scanners:&&&&&&&&&\\ Jade &LinoHell &Office &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24 & 600 x 1200\\ Jade2 &LinoHell &Office2 &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24,30 & 600 x 1200\\ Saphir &LinoHell &unknown & & & & & & &\\ Saphir2 &LinoHell &SAPHIR2 &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24,36 & 600 x 1200\\ Saphir Ultra &LinoHell &unknown & & & & & & &\\ Saphir Ultra II &LinoHell &unknown & & & & & & &\\ Saphir HiRes &LinoHell &unknown & & & & & & &\\ Opal &LinoHell &unknown & & & & & & &\\ Opal Ultra &LinoHell &unknown & & & & & & &\\ \hline Vobis/Highscreen scanners:&&&&&&&&&\\ Scanboostar Premium &LinoHell &Office2 &all &ok &-- &ok &ok &1,8,24,30 & 600 x 1200\\ \hline Escom scanners:&&&&&&&&&\\ Image Scanner 256 &UMAX &UG80 &all &ok &? &ok &-- &1,8 & 300 x 300\\ \hline Nikon scanners:&&&&&&&&&\\ AX-210 &Nikon &AX-210 &all(?) &ok &? &ok &-- &1,8,24 & 600 x 1200\\ \hline \end{tabular} \normalsize If you own a UMAX-scanner other than the ones listed above, it may work with SANE. It depends on the informations the scanner returns to the umax-backend. If the data-block is large enough, the backend prints a warning and continues, but it is possible that not everything works fine. I suggest you hold one hand on the power-button of the scanner while you try the first scans! \newpage \section{General Informations} \subsection{BUGS:} \begin{itemize} \item resolutions greater than 600 dpi sometimes don't work! \end{itemize} \subsection{Authors:} Oliver Rauch \subsection{See also:} sane, introduction, backends, frontends, sane-scsi, sane-dll \end{document}