.TH sane-mustek 5 "23 Sep 2000" .IX sane-mustek .SH NAME sane-mustek - SANE backend for Mustek flatbed scanners .SH DESCRIPTION The .B sane-mustek library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backend that provides access to Mustek (and some relabeled Trust) flatbed scanners. At present, the following scanners are known to work more or less with this backend: .PP .RS Paragon MFS-6000CX .br Paragon MFS-12000CX .br Paragon MFC-600S, 600 II CD, ScanMagic 600 II SP .br Paragon MFC-800S, 800 II SP .br Paragon MFS-6000SP .br Paragon MFS-8000SP .br Paragon MFS-1200SP, MFS-12000SP .br ScanExpress 6000SP .br ScanExpress 12000SP, 12000SP Plus, Paragon 1200 III SP, ScanMagic 9636S, 9636S Plus .br ScanExpress A3 SP .br Paragon 1200 SP Pro .br Paragon 1200 A3 Pro .br Paragon 600 II N .br Trust Imagery 1200 SP .br Trust Imagery 4800 SP .br Trust SCSI Connect 19200 .br .RE .PP More details can be found on the Mustek backend homepage .IR http://hmg.home.pages.de/sane/. .PP Don't mix up MFS (Paragon), Pro and ScanExpress models! They're completely different. Check the exact model name! .PP Note that most of the above scanners come with a SCSI interface. The only non-SCSI scanner that has some support at this point is the 600 II N scanner which comes with its own parallel port adapter (i.e., it does .I not attach to the printer port). More info on how to use the 600 II N can be found below in section PARAGON 600 II N. Other parallel port scanners are not supported by this backend but you may be successful using the Mustek parallel port backend (mustek_pp). USB scanners are not supported by this backend by now. .PP Mustek scanners have no protection against exceeding the physical scan area height. That is, if a scan is attempted with a height that exceeds the height of the scan surface, the scanner begins making loud noises and the scan mechanism may be damaged. Thus, if you hear such a noise, IMMEDIATELY turn off the scanner. This shouldn't happen if your scanner is in the list of known scanners. There is more information in the .IR PROBLEMS file. .PP If you own a Mustek (or Trust) scanner other than the ones listed above that works with this backend, please let us know by sending the scanner's exact model name (look at the front and back of the scanner) and a debug output to .IR sane\-devel@mostang.com . You can get the debug output by setting the environment variable SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK to 5 and showing the list of available scanners with scanimage \-L . Please send all of it to the mailing list. .SH "DEVICE NAMES" This backend expects device names of the form: .PP .RS .I special .RE .PP Where .I special is either the path-name for the special device that corresponds to a SCSI scanner or the port number at which the 600 II N can be found (see section PARAGON 600 II N below). For SCSI scanners, the special device name must be a generic SCSI device or a symlink to such a device. The program .IR find-scanner helps to find out the correct device. It can be found in the .IR tools directory of the SANE distribution. Under Linux, such a device name could be .I /dev/sga or .IR /dev/sge , for example. See sane-scsi(5) for details. .SH CONFIGURATION The contents of the .I mustek.conf file is a list of options and device names that correspond to Mustek scanners. Empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark (#) are ignored. See sane-scsi(5) on details of what constitutes a valid device name. .PP The supported options are .BR linedistance-fix , .BR lineart-fix , .BR buffersize , .BR blocksize , .BR strip-height , and .BR force-wait , Options come in two flavors: global and positional ones. Global options apply to all devices managed by the backend whereas positional options apply just to the most recently mentioned device. Note that this means that the order in which the options appear matters! Option .B linedistance-fix is positional and works around a problem that occurs with some SCSI controllers (notably the ncr810 controller under Linux). If color scans have horizontal stripes and/or the colors are off, then it's likely that your controller suffers from this problem. Turning on this option usually fixes the problem. Option .B lineart-fix is positional and works around a timing problem that seems to exist with certain MFS-12000SP scanners. The problem manifests itself in dropped lines when scanning in lineart mode. Turning on this option should fix the problem but may slow down scanning a bit. Option .B buffersize is a positional option that overrides the default value set for the total SCSI buffer size. The buffer size is specified in kilobytes. The default value depends on the scanner type. Because of double buffering the buffer actually send to the scanner is half of the size of this value. Note that some ScanExpress scanners don't like buffer sizes above 64 kb (buffersize = 128). If your sg driver can't set SCSI buffer sizes at runtime you may have to change that value, too. See sane-scsi(5) for details. Option .B blocksize is a positional option that overrides the default value set for the maximum amount of data scanned in one block. The buffer size is specified in kilobytes. Some scanners freeze if this value is bigger than 2048. The default value is 1 GB (so effectively no limit) for most scanners. Option .B strip-height is a global option. If enabled, the Mustek backend waits after each scan until the scan slider reaches its start position. This option may be useful for testing. Default is off (not enabled). Finally, .B strip-height is a global option limits the maximum height of the strip scanned with a single SCSI read command. The height is specified in inches and may contain a fractional part (e.g., 1.5). Setting the strip-height to a small value (one inch, for example) reduces the likelihood of encountering problems with SCSI driver timeouts and/or timeouts with other devices on the same SCSI bus. Unfortunately, it also increases scan times. Thus, if the scanner is the only device on the SCSI bus it is connected to and if it is known that the SCSI driver does not suffer from premature timeouts, it is recommended to increase the strip-height or remove the option completely, which corresponds to an infinite strip height. See sane-scsi(5) on how to avoid problems with SCSI timeouts. .PP A sample configuration file is shown below: .PP .RS # limit strip height of all scanners to 1.5 inches: .br option strip-height 1.5 .br .br /dev/scanner # first Mustek scanner .br # 1 MB buffer for /dev/scanner: .br option buffersize 1024 .br /dev/sge # second Mustek scanner .br # turn on fixes for /dev/sge: .br option lineart-fix .br option linedistance-fix .RE .SH SCSI ADAPTER TIPS Mustek SCSI scanners are typically delivered with an ISA SCSI adapter. Unfortunately, that adapter is not worth much since it is not interrupt driven. It is (sometimes) possible to get the supplied card to work, but without interrupt line, scanning will be very slow and put so much load on the system, that it becomes almost unusable for other tasks. .PP If you already have a working SCSI controller in your system, you should consider that Mustek scanners do not support the SCSI-2 disconnect/reconnect protocol and hence tie up the SCSI bus while a scan is in progress. This means that no other SCSI device on the same bus can be accessed while a scan is in progress. .PP Because the Mustek-supplied adapter is not worth much and because Mustek scanners do not support the SCSI-2 disconnect/reconnect protocol, it is recommended to install a separate (cheap) SCSI controller for Mustek scanners. For example, ncr810 based cards are known to work fine and cost as little as fifty US dollars. .PP For Mustek scanners, it is typically necessary to configure the low-level SCSI driver to disable synchronous transfers, tagged command queuing, and target disconnects. See sane\-scsi(5) for driver and platform-specific information. .PP The ScanExpress models have sometimes trouble with high resolution color mode. If you encounter sporadic corrupted images (parts duplicated or shifted horizontally) kill all other applications before scanning and (if sufficient memory is available) disable swapping. .SH PARAGON 600 II N This backend has support for the Paragon 600 II N parallel port scanner. Note that this scanner comes with its own ISA card that implements a funky parallel port (in other words, the scanner does not connected to the printer parallel port). .PP This scanner can be configured by listing the port number of the adapter in the mustek.conf file. Valid port numbers are 0x26b, 0x2ab, 0x2eb, 0x22b, 0x32b, 0x36b, 0x3ab, 0x3eb. Pick one that doesn't conflict with the other hardware in your computer. Put only one number on a single line. Example: .IR 0x3eb .PP Note that for this scanner root privileges are required to access the I/O ports. Thus, either make frontends such as scanimage(1) and xscanimage(1) setuid root (generally not recommended for safety reasons) or, alternatively, access this backend through the network daemon saned(1). On systems which support this feature, the scanner can be accessed through .IR /dev/port. Don't forget to adjust the permissions for /dev/port. At least with recent Linux kernels root privileges are necessary for /dev/port access, too. .PP If your images have horizontal stripes in color mode, check option linedistance-fix (see above). Apply this option for a scanner with firmware version 2.x and disable it for version 1.x. .PP Also note that after a while of no activity, some scanners themself (not the SANE backend) turns off their CCFL lamps. This shutdown is not always perfect with the result that the lamp sometimes continues to glow dimly at one end. This doesn't appear to be dangerous since as soon as you use the scanner again, the lamp turns back on to the normal high brightness. However, the first image scanned after such a shutdown may have stripes and appear to be over-exposed. When this happens, just take another scan, and the image will be fine. .SH FILES .TP .I @CONFIGDIR@/mustek.conf The backend configuration file (see also description of .B SANE_CONFIG_DIR below). .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-mustek.a The static library implementing this backend. .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-mustek.so The shared library implementing this backend (present on systems that support dynamic loading). .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B SANE_CONFIG_DIR This environment variable specifies the list of directories that may contain the configuration file. Under UNIX, the directories are separated by a colon (`:'), under OS/2, they are separated by a semi-colon (`;'). If this variable is not set, the configuration file is searched in two default directories: first, the current working directory (".") and then in @CONFIGDIR@. If the value of the environment variable ends with the directory separator character, then the default directories are searched after the explicitly specified directories. For example, setting .B SANE_CONFIG_DIR to "/tmp/config:" would result in directories "tmp/config", ".", and "@CONFIGDIR@" being searched (in this order). .TP .B SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this environment variable controls the debug level for this backend. Higher debug levels increase the verbosity of the output. .nf Value Descsription 0 no output 1 print fatal errors 2 print important messages 3 print non-fatal errors and less important messages 4 print all but debugging messages 5 print everything Example: export SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK=4 .SH "SEE ALSO" sane\-scsi(5) .SH AUTHOR David Mosberger and Andreas Czechanowski, SE extensions Andreas Bolsch, bug fixes and Pro series extension Henning Meier-Geinitz .SH BUGS Scanning with the SCSI adapters supplied by Mustek is very slow at high resolutions and wide scanareas. Only 1, 8 and 24 bit modes are supported. Some scanners (e.g. Paragon 1200 A3 Pro) need more testing. More detailed bug information is available at the Mustek backend homepage .IR http://hmg.home.pages.de/sane/ .