.TH sane-sharp 5 "5 Apr 1999" .IX sane-sharp .SH NAME sane-sharp - SANE backend for SHARP scanners .SH DESCRIPTION The .B sane-sharp library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backend that provides access to Sharp SCSI scanners. This backend should be considered .B alpha-quality software! In the current state it is known to work with JX-610 and JX-250 scanners. It is prepared for usage with a JX-330 but we were not able to test it with this device. For other scanners, it may or may not work. .PP The backend has the following known problems: .RS - only Color and Gray mode work(8 bits/pixel)(only JX-610) .br - Preview does not work (only JX-610) .br - Threshold level does not work (only JX-610) .br - maximum resolution is limited to 600 dpi(JX-610 supported to 1200 dpi) resp. 400 dpi (JX-250) .br - device name is fixed to /dev/scanner .RE .PP At present, the following scanners are known to work with this backend. .RS Vendor Product id: .br ----- ----------- .br Sharp JX-610 .br Sharp JX-250 .RE .SH FILES .TP .I @CONFIGDIR@/sharp.conf The backend configuration file. .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-sharp.a The static library implementing this backend. .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-sharp.so The shared library implementing this backend (present on systems that support dynamic loading). .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B SANE_DEBUG_SHARP If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this environment variable controls the debug level for this backend. E.g., a value of 128 requests all debug output to be printed. Smaller levels reduce verbosity. .SH "SEE ALSO" sane\-scsi(5) .SH AUTHORS Kazuya Fukuda, Abel Deuring