.TH sane-pnm 5 "22 April 2001" .IX sane-pnm .SH NAME sane-pnm - SANE PNM image reader pseudo-backend .SH DESCRIPTION The .B sane-pnm library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backend that provides access to PNM (Portable aNyMap files, which covers PBM bitmap files, PGM grayscale files, and PPM pixmap files). The purpose of this backend is primarly to aid in debugging of SANE frontends. It also serves as an illustrative example of a minimal SANE backend. .SH "DEVICE NAMES" This backend provides two devices called .B 0 and .BR 1. .SH CONFIGURATION No configuration required. .SH FILES .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-pnm.a The static library implementing this backend. .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-pnm.so The shared library implementing this backend (present on systems that support dynamic loading). .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B SANE_DEBUG_PNM If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this environment variable controls the debug level for this backend. E.g., a value of 128 requests all debug output to be printed. Smaller levels reduce verbosity. .SH BUGS If the pnm backend is installed and saned is used to allow users on remote computers to scan on the local machine, pnm files can be read by the remote user. This is limited to the files saned can access (usually it's running as user "sane"). All pnm files can be read if saned runs as root which isn't recommended anyway. The pnm backend is disabled by default. If you want to use it, enable it with configure (see configure --help for details). Be sure that only trusted users can access the pnm backend over saned. .SH AUTHOR Andreas Beck, Gordon Matzigkeit, and David Mosberger