.TH sane-snapscan 5 "08 Dec 2000" .IX sane-snapscan .SH NAME sane-snapscan - SANE backend for AGFA SnapScan flatbed scanners .SH DESCRIPTION The .B sane-snapscan library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backend that provides access to AGFA SnapScan flatbed scanners. At present, the following scanners are supported from this backend: AGFA SnapScan 300, 310s, 600, and 1236s, and close compatibles like the Vuego 310s (with varying success). .PP .SH "DEVICE NAMES" This backend expects device names of the form: .PP .RS .I special .RE .PP Where .I special is either the path-name for the special device that corresponds to a SCSI scanner. For SCSI scanners, the special device name must be a generic SCSI device or a symlink to such a device. Under Linux, such a device name could be .I /dev/sga or .IR /dev/sge , for example. See sane-scsi(5) for details. .SH CONFIGURATION The contents of the .I snapscan.conf file is a list of device names that correspond to SnapScan scanners. Empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark (#) are ignored. See sane-scsi(5) on details of what constitutes a valid device name. .SH FILES .TP .I @CONFIGDIR@/snapscan.conf The backend configuration file (see also description of .B SANE_CONFIG_DIR below). .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-snapscan.a The static library implementing this backend. .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-snapscan.so The shared library implementing this backend (present on systems that support dynamic loading). .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B SANE_CONFIG_DIR This environment variable specifies the list of directories that may contain the configuration file. Under UNIX, the directories are separated by a colon (`:'), under OS/2, they are separated by a semi-colon (`;'). If this variable is not set, the configuration file is searched in two default directories: first, the current working directory (".") and then in @CONFIGDIR@. If the value of the environment variable ends with the directory separator character, then the default directories are searched after the explicitly specified directories. For example, setting .B SANE_CONFIG_DIR to "/tmp/config:" would result in directories "tmp/config", ".", and "@CONFIGDIR@" being searched (in this order). .TP .B SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this environment variable controls the debug level for this backend. E.g., a value of 255 requests all debug output to be printed. Smaller levels reduce verbosity. .SH BUGS Man page doesn't provide much information yet. .SH "SEE ALSO" sane\-scsi(5) .br http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~charter/SnapScan/snapscan.html .br http://sourceforge.net/projects/snapscan/ (new development website) .SH AUTHOR Kevin Charter, Franck Schneider, and Michel Roelofs .br Man page by Henning Meier-Geinitz (mostly based on the web page and source code)