/* sane - Scanner Access Now Easy. Copyright (C) 1997 David Mosberger-Tang This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE. The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the SANE library code into it. This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that those changes may be distributed with this exception intact. If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. This file implements a SANE network-based meta backend. */ /* Please increase version number with every change (don't forget to update net.desc) */ #define NET_VERSION "1.0.6" #ifdef _AIX # include "../include/lalloca.h" /* MUST come first for AIX! */ #endif #include "../include/sane/config.h" #include "../include/lalloca.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBC_H # include /* NeXTStep/OpenStep */ #endif #include #include #include #include /* OS/2 needs this _after_ , grrr... */ #include "../include/sane/sane.h" #include "../include/sane/sanei.h" #include "../include/sane/sanei_net.h" #include "../include/sane/sanei_codec_bin.h" #include "net.h" #define BACKEND_NAME net #include "../include/sane/sanei_backend.h" #ifndef PATH_MAX # define PATH_MAX 1024 #endif #include "../include/sane/sanei_config.h" #define NET_CONFIG_FILE "net.conf" static SANE_Auth_Callback auth_callback; static Net_Device *first_device; static Net_Scanner *first_handle; static const SANE_Device **devlist; static int saned_port; static int client_big_endian; /* 1 == big endian; 0 == little endian */ static int server_big_endian; /* 1 == big endian; 0 == little endian */ static int depth; /* bits per pixel */ static int hang_over; /* -1 == no hangover; otherwise cast value to unsigned char */ static SANE_Status add_device (const char *name, Net_Device ** ndp) { struct hostent *he; Net_Device *nd; struct sockaddr_in *sin; DBG (1, "add_device: adding backend %s\n", name); he = gethostbyname (name); if (!he) { DBG (1, "add_device: can't get address of host %s\n", name); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } if (he->h_addrtype != AF_INET) { DBG (1, "add_device: don't know how to deal with addr family %d\n", he->h_addrtype); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } nd = malloc (sizeof (*nd)); if (!nd) { DBG (1, "add_device: not enough memory for Net_Device struct\n"); return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; } memset (nd, 0, sizeof (*nd)); nd->name = strdup (name); if (!nd->name) { DBG (1, "add_device: not enough memory to duplicate name\n"); free (nd); return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; } nd->addr.sa_family = he->h_addrtype; sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) &nd->addr; memcpy (&sin->sin_addr, he->h_addr_list[0], he->h_length); nd->ctl = -1; nd->next = first_device; first_device = nd; if (ndp) *ndp = nd; DBG (2, "add_device: backend %s added\n", name); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } static SANE_Status connect_dev (Net_Device * dev) { struct sockaddr_in *sin; SANE_Word version_code; SANE_Init_Reply reply; SANE_Status status; SANE_Init_Req req; #ifdef TCP_NODELAY int on = 1; int level = -1; #endif DBG (2, "connect_dev: trying to connect to %s\n", dev->name); if (dev->addr.sa_family != AF_INET) { DBG (1, "connect_dev: don't know how to deal with addr family %d\n", dev->addr.sa_family); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } dev->ctl = socket (dev->addr.sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (dev->ctl < 0) { DBG (1, "connect_dev: failed to obtain socket (%s)\n", strerror (errno)); dev->ctl = -1; return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) &dev->addr; sin->sin_port = saned_port; if (connect (dev->ctl, &dev->addr, sizeof (dev->addr)) < 0) { DBG (1, "connect_dev: failed to connect (%s)\n", strerror (errno)); dev->ctl = -1; return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } DBG (3, "connect_dev: connection succeeded\n"); #ifdef TCP_NODELAY # ifdef SOL_TCP level = SOL_TCP; # else /* !SOL_TCP */ /* Look up the protocol level in the protocols database. */ { struct protoent *p; p = getprotobyname ("tcp"); if (p == 0) DBG (1, "connect_dev: cannot look up `tcp' protocol number"); else level = p->p_proto; } # endif /* SOL_TCP */ if (level == -1 || setsockopt (dev->ctl, level, TCP_NODELAY, &on, sizeof (on))) DBG (1, "connect_dev: failed to put send socket in TCP_NODELAY mode (%s)", strerror (errno)); #endif /* !TCP_NODELAY */ DBG (2, "connect_dev: sanei_w_init\n"); sanei_w_init (&dev->wire, sanei_codec_bin_init); dev->wire.io.fd = dev->ctl; dev->wire.io.read = read; dev->wire.io.write = write; /* exchange version codes with the server: */ req.version_code = SANE_VERSION_CODE (V_MAJOR, V_MINOR, SANEI_NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION); req.username = getlogin (); DBG (2, "connect_dev: net_init (user=%s, local version=%d.%d.%d)\n", req.username, V_MAJOR, V_MINOR, SANEI_NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION); sanei_w_call (&dev->wire, SANE_NET_INIT, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_init_req, &req, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_init_reply, &reply); if (dev->wire.status != 0) { DBG (1, "connect_dev: argument marshalling error (%s)\n", strerror (dev->wire.status)); goto fail; } status = reply.status; version_code = reply.version_code; DBG (2, "connect_dev: freeing init reply (status=%s, remote " "version=%d.%d.%d)\n", sane_strstatus (status), SANE_VERSION_MAJOR (version_code), SANE_VERSION_MINOR (version_code), SANE_VERSION_BUILD (version_code)); sanei_w_free (&dev->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_init_reply, &reply); if (status != 0) { DBG (1, "connect_dev: access to %s denied\n", dev->name); goto fail; } if (SANE_VERSION_MAJOR (version_code) != V_MAJOR) { DBG (1, "connect_dev: major version mismatch: got %d, expected %d\n", SANE_VERSION_MAJOR (version_code), V_MAJOR); goto fail; } if (SANE_VERSION_BUILD (version_code) != SANEI_NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION && SANE_VERSION_BUILD (version_code) != 2) { DBG (1, "connect_dev: network protocol version mismatch: " "got %d, expected %d\n", SANE_VERSION_BUILD (version_code), SANEI_NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION); goto fail; } dev->wire.version = SANE_VERSION_BUILD (version_code); DBG (4, "connect_dev: done\n"); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; fail: DBG (2, "connect_dev: closing connection to %s\n", dev->name); close (dev->ctl); dev->ctl = -1; return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } static SANE_Status fetch_options (Net_Scanner * s) { DBG (3, "fetch_options: %p\n", s); if (s->opt.num_options) { DBG (2, "fetch_options: %d option descriptors cached... freeing\n", s->opt.num_options); sanei_w_set_dir (&s->hw->wire, WIRE_FREE); s->hw->wire.status = 0; sanei_w_option_descriptor_array (&s->hw->wire, &s->opt); if (s->hw->wire.status) { DBG (1, "fetch_options: failed to free old list (%s)\n", strerror (s->hw->wire.status)); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } } DBG (3, "fetch_options: get_option_descriptors\n"); sanei_w_call (&s->hw->wire, SANE_NET_GET_OPTION_DESCRIPTORS, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_word, &s->handle, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_option_descriptor_array, &s->opt); if (s->hw->wire.status) { DBG (1, "fetch_options: failed to get option descriptors (%s)\n", strerror (s->hw->wire.status)); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } s->options_valid = 1; DBG (3, "fetch_options: %d options fetched\n", s->opt.num_options); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } static SANE_Status do_cancel (Net_Scanner * s) { DBG (2, "do_cancel: %p\n", s); s->hw->auth_active = 0; if (s->data >= 0) { DBG (3, "do_cancel: closing data pipe\n"); close (s->data); s->data = -1; } return SANE_STATUS_CANCELLED; } static void do_authorization (Net_Device * dev, SANE_String resource) { SANE_Authorization_Req req; SANE_Char username[SANE_MAX_USERNAME_LEN]; SANE_Char password[SANE_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN]; char *net_resource; DBG (2, "do_authorization: dev=%p resource=%s\n", dev, resource); dev->auth_active = 1; memset (&req, 0, sizeof (req)); memset (username, 0, sizeof (SANE_Char) * SANE_MAX_USERNAME_LEN); memset (password, 0, sizeof (SANE_Char) * SANE_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN); net_resource = malloc (strlen (resource) + 6 + strlen (dev->name)); if (net_resource != NULL) { sprintf (net_resource, "net:%s:%s", dev->name, resource); if (auth_callback) { DBG (2, "do_authorization: invoking auth_callback, resource = %s\n", net_resource); (*auth_callback) (net_resource, username, password); } else DBG (1, "do_authorization: no auth_callback present\n"); free (net_resource); } else /* Is this necessary? If we don't have these few bytes we will get in trouble later anyway */ { DBG (1, "do_authorization: not enough memory for net_resource\n"); if (auth_callback) { DBG (2, "do_authorization: invoking auth_callback, resource = %s\n", resource); (*auth_callback) (resource, username, password); } else DBG (1, "do_authorization: no auth_callback present\n"); } if (dev->auth_active) { SANE_Word ack; req.resource = resource; req.username = username; req.password = password; DBG (2, "do_authorization: relaying authentication data\n"); sanei_w_call (&dev->wire, SANE_NET_AUTHORIZE, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_authorization_req, &req, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_word, &ack); } else DBG (1, "do_authorization: auth_active is false... strange\n"); } SANE_Status sane_init (SANE_Int * version_code, SANE_Auth_Callback authorize) { char device_name[PATH_MAX]; struct servent *serv; const char *env; size_t len; FILE *fp; short ns = 0x1234; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)(&ns); DBG_INIT (); DBG (2, "sane_init: authorize = %p, version_code = %p\n", authorize, version_code); auth_callback = authorize; /* Return the version number of the sane-backends package to allow the frontend to print them. This is done only for net and dll, because these backends are usually called by the frontend. */ if (version_code) *version_code = SANE_VERSION_CODE (SANE_DLL_V_MAJOR, SANE_DLL_V_MINOR, SANE_DLL_V_BUILD); DBG (1, "sane_init: SANE net backend version %s from %s\n", NET_VERSION, PACKAGE_VERSION); /* determine (client) machine byte order */ if (*p == 0x12) { client_big_endian = 1; DBG (3, "sane_init: Client has big endian byte order\n"); } else { client_big_endian = 0; DBG (3, "sane_init: Client has little endian byte order\n"); } DBG (2, "sane_init: determining sane service port\n"); serv = getservbyname ("sane", "tcp"); if (serv) { DBG (2, "sane_init: found port %d\n", ntohs (serv->s_port)); saned_port = serv->s_port; } else { saned_port = htons (6566); DBG (1, "sane_init: could not find `sane' service (%s); using default " "port %d\n", strerror (errno), ntohs (saned_port)); } DBG (2, "sane_init: searching for config file\n"); fp = sanei_config_open (NET_CONFIG_FILE); if (fp) { while (sanei_config_read (device_name, sizeof (device_name), fp)) { if (device_name[0] == '#') /* ignore line comments */ continue; len = strlen (device_name); if (!len) continue; /* ignore empty lines */ DBG (2, "sane_init: trying to add %s\n", device_name); add_device (device_name, 0); } fclose (fp); DBG (2, "sane_init: done reading config\n"); } else DBG (1, "sane_init: could not open config file (%s): %s\n", NET_CONFIG_FILE, strerror (errno)); DBG (2, "sane_init: evaluating environment variable SANE_NET_HOSTS\n"); env = getenv ("SANE_NET_HOSTS"); if (env) { char *copy, *next, *host; if ((copy = strdup (env)) != NULL) { next = copy; while ((host = strsep (&next, ":"))) { DBG (2, "sane_init: trying to add %s\n", host); add_device (host, 0); } free (copy); } else DBG (1, "sane_init: not enough memory to duplicate " "environment variable\n"); } DBG (2, "sane_init: done\n"); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } void sane_exit (void) { Net_Scanner *handle, *next_handle; Net_Device *dev, *next_device; int i; DBG (1, "sane_exit: exiting\n"); /* first, close all handles: */ for (handle = first_handle; handle; handle = next_handle) { next_handle = handle->next; sane_close (handle); } first_handle = 0; /* now close all devices: */ for (dev = first_device; dev; dev = next_device) { next_device = dev->next; DBG (2, "sane_exit: closing dev %p, ctl=%d\n", dev, dev->ctl); if (dev->ctl >= 0) { sanei_w_call (&dev->wire, SANE_NET_EXIT, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_void, 0, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_void, 0); sanei_w_exit (&dev->wire); close (dev->ctl); } if (dev->name) free ((void *) dev->name); free (dev); } if (devlist) { for (i = 0; devlist[i]; ++i) { if (devlist[i]->vendor) free ((void *) devlist[i]->vendor); if (devlist[i]->model) free ((void *) devlist[i]->model); if (devlist[i]->type) free ((void *) devlist[i]->type); free ((void *) devlist[i]); } free (devlist); } DBG (3, "sane_exit: finished.\n"); } /* Note that a call to get_devices() implies that we'll have to connect to all remote hosts. To avoid this, you can call sane_open() directly (assuming you know the name of the backend/device). This is appropriate for the command-line interface of SANE, for example. */ SANE_Status sane_get_devices (const SANE_Device *** device_list, SANE_Bool local_only) { static int devlist_size = 0, devlist_len = 0; static const SANE_Device *empty_devlist[1] = { 0 }; SANE_Get_Devices_Reply reply; SANE_Status status; Net_Device *dev; char *full_name; int i, num_devs; size_t len; #define ASSERT_SPACE(n) \ { \ if (devlist_len + (n) > devlist_size) \ { \ devlist_size += (n) + 15; \ if (devlist) \ devlist = realloc (devlist, devlist_size * sizeof (devlist[0])); \ else \ devlist = malloc (devlist_size * sizeof (devlist[0])); \ if (!devlist) \ { \ DBG (1, "sane_get_devices: not enough memory\n"); \ return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; \ } \ } \ } DBG (3, "sane_get_devices: local_only = %d\n", local_only); if (local_only) { *device_list = empty_devlist; return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } if (devlist) { DBG (2, "sane_get_devices: freeing devlist\n"); for (i = 0; devlist[i]; ++i) { if (devlist[i]->vendor) free ((void *) devlist[i]->vendor); if (devlist[i]->model) free ((void *) devlist[i]->model); if (devlist[i]->type) free ((void *) devlist[i]->type); free ((void *) devlist[i]); } free (devlist); devlist = 0; } devlist_len = 0; devlist_size = 0; for (dev = first_device; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev->ctl < 0) { status = connect_dev (dev); if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { DBG (1, "sane_get_devices: ignoring failure to connect to %s\n", dev->name); continue; } } sanei_w_call (&dev->wire, SANE_NET_GET_DEVICES, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_void, 0, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_get_devices_reply, &reply); if (reply.status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { DBG (1, "sane_get_devices: ignoring rpc-returned status %s\n", sane_strstatus (reply.status)); sanei_w_free (&dev->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_get_devices_reply, &reply); continue; } /* count the number of devices for this backend: */ for (num_devs = 0; reply.device_list[num_devs]; ++num_devs); ASSERT_SPACE (num_devs); for (i = 0; i < num_devs; ++i) { SANE_Device *rdev; char *mem; /* create a new device entry with a device name that is the sum of the backend name a colon and the backend's device name: */ len = strlen (dev->name) + 1 + strlen (reply.device_list[i]->name); mem = malloc (sizeof (*dev) + len + 1); if (!mem) { DBG (1, "sane_get_devices: not enough free memory\n"); sanei_w_free (&dev->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_get_devices_reply, &reply); return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; } full_name = mem + sizeof (*dev); strcpy (full_name, dev->name); strcat (full_name, ":"); strcat (full_name, reply.device_list[i]->name); DBG (3, "sane_get_devices: got %s\n", full_name); rdev = (SANE_Device *) mem; rdev->name = full_name; rdev->vendor = strdup (reply.device_list[i]->vendor); rdev->model = strdup (reply.device_list[i]->model); rdev->type = strdup (reply.device_list[i]->type); if ((!rdev->vendor) || (!rdev->model) || (!rdev->type)) { DBG (1, "sane_get_devices: not enough free memory\n"); if (rdev->vendor) free (rdev->vendor); if (rdev->model) free (rdev->model); if (rdev->type) free (rdev->type); free (rdev); sanei_w_free (&dev->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_get_devices_reply, &reply); return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; } devlist[devlist_len++] = rdev; } /* now free up the rpc return value: */ sanei_w_free (&dev->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_get_devices_reply, &reply); } /* terminate device list with NULL entry: */ ASSERT_SPACE (1); devlist[devlist_len++] = 0; *device_list = devlist; DBG (2, "sane_get_devices: finished (%d devices)\n", devlist_len - 1); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } SANE_Status sane_open (SANE_String_Const full_name, SANE_Handle * meta_handle) { SANE_Open_Reply reply; const char *dev_name; SANE_String nd_name; SANE_Status status; SANE_Word handle; Net_Device *dev; Net_Scanner *s; int need_auth; DBG (3, "sane_open(\"%s\")\n", full_name); dev_name = strchr (full_name, ':'); if (dev_name) { #ifdef strndupa nd_name = strndupa (full_name, dev_name - full_name); if (!nd_name) { DBG (1, "sane_open: not enough free memory\n"); return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; } #else char *tmp; tmp = alloca (dev_name - full_name + 1); if (!tmp) { DBG (1, "sane_open: not enough free memory\n"); return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; } memcpy (tmp, full_name, dev_name - full_name); tmp[dev_name - full_name] = '\0'; nd_name = tmp; #endif ++dev_name; /* skip colon */ } else { /* if no colon interpret full_name as the host name; an empty device name will cause us to open the first device of that host. */ nd_name = (char *) full_name; dev_name = ""; } DBG (2, "sane_open: host = %s, device = %s\n", nd_name, dev_name); if (!nd_name[0]) { /* Unlike other backends, we never allow an empty backend-name. Otherwise, it's possible that sane_open("") will result in endless looping (consider the case where NET is the first backend...) */ DBG (1, "sane_open: empty backend name is not allowed\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } else for (dev = first_device; dev; dev = dev->next) if (strcmp (dev->name, nd_name) == 0) break; if (!dev) { DBG (1, "sane_open: device %s not found, trying to register it anyway\n"); status = add_device (nd_name, &dev); if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { DBG (1, "sane_open: could not open device\n"); return status; } } else DBG (2, "sane_open: device found in list\n"); if (dev->ctl < 0) { DBG (2, "sane_open: device not connected yet...\n"); status = connect_dev (dev); if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { DBG (1, "sane_open: could not connect to device\n"); return status; } } DBG (3, "sane_open: net_open\n"); sanei_w_call (&dev->wire, SANE_NET_OPEN, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_string, &dev_name, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_open_reply, &reply); do { if (dev->wire.status != 0) { DBG (1, "sane_open: open rpc call failed (%s)\n", strerror (dev->wire.status)); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } status = reply.status; handle = reply.handle; need_auth = (reply.resource_to_authorize != 0); if (need_auth) { DBG (3, "sane_open: authorization required\n"); do_authorization (dev, reply.resource_to_authorize); sanei_w_free (&dev->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_open_reply, &reply); if (dev->wire.direction != WIRE_DECODE) sanei_w_set_dir (&dev->wire, WIRE_DECODE); sanei_w_open_reply (&dev->wire, &reply); continue; } else sanei_w_free (&dev->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_open_reply, &reply); if (need_auth && !dev->auth_active) { DBG (2, "sane_open: open cancelled\n"); return SANE_STATUS_CANCELLED; } if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { DBG (1, "sane_open: remote open failed\n"); return reply.status; } } while (need_auth); s = malloc (sizeof (*s)); if (!s) { DBG (1, "sane_open: not enough free memory\n"); return SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM; } memset (s, 0, sizeof (*s)); s->hw = dev; s->handle = handle; s->data = -1; s->next = first_handle; first_handle = s; *meta_handle = s; DBG (3, "sane_open: success\n"); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } void sane_close (SANE_Handle handle) { Net_Scanner *prev, *s; SANE_Word ack; DBG (3, "sane_close: handle %p\n", handle); prev = 0; for (s = first_handle; s; s = s->next) { if (s == handle) break; prev = s; } if (!s) { DBG (1, "sane_close: invalid handle %p\n", handle); return; /* oops, not a handle we know about */ } if (prev) prev->next = s->next; else first_handle = s->next; if (s->opt.num_options) { DBG (2, "sane_close: removing cached option descriptors\n"); sanei_w_set_dir (&s->hw->wire, WIRE_FREE); s->hw->wire.status = 0; sanei_w_option_descriptor_array (&s->hw->wire, &s->opt); if (s->hw->wire.status) DBG (1, "sane_close: couldn't free sanei_w_option_descriptor_array " "(%s)\n", sane_strstatus (s->hw->wire.status)); } DBG (2, "sane_close: net_close\n"); sanei_w_call (&s->hw->wire, SANE_NET_CLOSE, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_word, &s->handle, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_word, &ack); if (s->data >= 0) { DBG (2, "sane_close: closing data pipe\n"); close (s->data); } free (s); DBG (2, "sane_close: done\n"); } const SANE_Option_Descriptor * sane_get_option_descriptor (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option) { Net_Scanner *s = handle; SANE_Status status; DBG (3, "sane_get_option_descriptor: option %d\n", option); if (!s->options_valid) { DBG (3, "sane_get_option_descripter: getting option descriptors\n"); status = fetch_options (s); if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { DBG (1, "sane_get_option_descriptor: fetch_options failed (%s)\n", sane_strstatus (status)); return 0; } } if (((SANE_Word) option >= s->opt.num_options) || (option < 0)) { DBG (2, "sane_get_option_descriptor: invalid option number\n"); return 0; } return s->opt.desc[option]; } SANE_Status sane_control_option (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option, SANE_Action action, void *value, SANE_Word * info) { Net_Scanner *s = handle; SANE_Control_Option_Req req; SANE_Control_Option_Reply reply; SANE_Status status; size_t value_size; int need_auth; DBG (3, "sane_control_option: option %d, action %d\n", option, action); if (!s->options_valid) { DBG (3, "sane_control_option: getting option descriptors\n"); status = fetch_options (s); if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { DBG (1, "sane_control_option: fetch_options failed (%s)\n", sane_strstatus (status)); return status; } } if (((SANE_Word) option >= s->opt.num_options) || (option < 0)) { DBG (1, "sane_control_option: invalid option number\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } switch (s->opt.desc[option]->type) { case SANE_TYPE_BUTTON: case SANE_TYPE_GROUP: /* shouldn't happen... */ /* the SANE standard defines that the option size of a BUTTON or GROUP is IGNORED. */ value_size = 0; break; case SANE_TYPE_STRING: /* strings can be smaller than size */ value_size = s->opt.desc[option]->size; if ((action == SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE) && (((SANE_Int) strlen ((SANE_String) value) + 1) < s->opt.desc[option]->size)) value_size = strlen ((SANE_String) value) + 1; break; default: value_size = s->opt.desc[option]->size; break; } /* for SET_AUTO the parameter ``value'' is ignored */ if (action == SANE_ACTION_SET_AUTO) value_size = 0; req.handle = s->handle; req.option = option; req.action = action; req.value_type = s->opt.desc[option]->type; req.value_size = value_size; req.value = value; DBG (3, "sane_control_option: remote control option\n"); sanei_w_call (&s->hw->wire, SANE_NET_CONTROL_OPTION, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_control_option_req, &req, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_control_option_reply, &reply); do { status = reply.status; need_auth = (reply.resource_to_authorize != 0); if (need_auth) { DBG (3, "sane_control_option: auth required\n"); do_authorization (s->hw, reply.resource_to_authorize); sanei_w_free (&s->hw->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_control_option_reply, &reply); sanei_w_set_dir (&s->hw->wire, WIRE_DECODE); sanei_w_control_option_reply (&s->hw->wire, &reply); continue; } else if (status == SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { if (info) *info = reply.info; if (value_size > 0) { if ((SANE_Word) value_size == reply.value_size) memcpy (value, reply.value, reply.value_size); else DBG (1, "sane_control_option: size changed from %d to %d\n", s->opt.desc[option]->size, reply.value_size); } if (reply.info & SANE_INFO_RELOAD_OPTIONS) s->options_valid = 0; } sanei_w_free (&s->hw->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_control_option_reply, &reply); if (need_auth && !s->hw->auth_active) return SANE_STATUS_CANCELLED; } while (need_auth); DBG (2, "sane_control_option: done\n"); return status; } SANE_Status sane_get_parameters (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Parameters * params) { Net_Scanner *s = handle; SANE_Get_Parameters_Reply reply; SANE_Status status; DBG (3, "sane_get_parameters\n"); if (!params) { DBG (1, "sane_get_parameters: parameter params not supplied\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } DBG (3, "sane_get_parameters: remote get parameters\n"); sanei_w_call (&s->hw->wire, SANE_NET_GET_PARAMETERS, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_word, &s->handle, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_get_parameters_reply, &reply); status = reply.status; *params = reply.params; depth = reply.params.depth; sanei_w_free (&s->hw->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_get_parameters_reply, &reply); DBG (3, "sane_get_parameters: returned status %s\n", sane_strstatus (status)); return status; } SANE_Status sane_start (SANE_Handle handle) { Net_Scanner *s = handle; SANE_Start_Reply reply; struct sockaddr_in sin; SANE_Status status; int fd, need_auth; socklen_t len; u_int16_t port; /* Internet-specific */ DBG (3, "sane_start\n"); hang_over = -1; if (s->data >= 0) { DBG (2, "sane_start: data pipe already exists\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } /* Do this ahead of time so in case anything fails, we can recover gracefully (without hanging our server). */ len = sizeof (sin); if (getpeername (s->hw->ctl, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, &len) < 0) { DBG (1, "sane_start: getpeername() failed (%s)\n", strerror (errno)); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } fd = socket (s->hw->addr.sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { DBG (1, "sane_start: socket() failed (%s)\n", strerror (errno)); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } DBG (3, "sane_start: remote start\n"); sanei_w_call (&s->hw->wire, SANE_NET_START, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_word, &s->handle, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_start_reply, &reply); do { status = reply.status; port = reply.port; if (reply.byte_order == 0x1234) { server_big_endian = 0; DBG (1, "sane_start: server has little endian byte order\n"); } else { server_big_endian = 1; DBG (1, "sane_start: server has big endian byte order\n"); } need_auth = (reply.resource_to_authorize != 0); if (need_auth) { DBG (3, "sane_start: auth required\n"); do_authorization (s->hw, reply.resource_to_authorize); sanei_w_free (&s->hw->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_start_reply, &reply); sanei_w_set_dir (&s->hw->wire, WIRE_DECODE); sanei_w_start_reply (&s->hw->wire, &reply); continue; } sanei_w_free (&s->hw->wire, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_start_reply, &reply); if (need_auth && !s->hw->auth_active) return SANE_STATUS_CANCELLED; if (status != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { DBG (1, "sane_start: remote start failed (%s)\n", sane_strstatus (status)); close (fd); return status; } } while (need_auth); DBG (3, "sane_start: remote start finished, data at port %hu\n", port); sin.sin_port = htons (port); if (connect (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, len) < 0) { DBG (1, "sane_start: connect() failed (%s)\n", strerror (errno)); close (fd); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } shutdown (fd, 1); s->data = fd; s->reclen_buf_offset = 0; s->bytes_remaining = 0; DBG (3, "sane_start: done (%s)\n", sane_strstatus (status)); return status; } SANE_Status sane_read (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Byte * data, SANE_Int max_length, SANE_Int * length) { Net_Scanner *s = handle; ssize_t nread; SANE_Int cnt; SANE_Byte swap_buf; DBG (3, "sane_read: max_length = %d\n", max_length); if (!length) { DBG (1, "sane_read: length == NULL\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } *length = 0; if (s->data < 0) { DBG (1, "sane_read: data pipe doesn't exist, scan cancelled?\n"); return SANE_STATUS_CANCELLED; } if (s->bytes_remaining == 0) { /* boy, is this painful or what? */ DBG (4, "sane_read: reading paket length\n"); nread = read (s->data, s->reclen_buf + s->reclen_buf_offset, 4 - s->reclen_buf_offset); if (nread < 0) { DBG (3, "sane_read: read failed (%s)\n", strerror (errno)); if (errno == EAGAIN) { DBG (3, "sane_read: try again later\n"); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } else { DBG (1, "sane_read: cancelling read\n"); do_cancel (s); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } } DBG (4, "sane_read: read %d bytes, %d from 4 total\n", nread, s->reclen_buf_offset); s->reclen_buf_offset += nread; if (s->reclen_buf_offset < 4) { DBG (4, "sane_read: enough for now\n"); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } s->reclen_buf_offset = 0; s->bytes_remaining = (((u_long) s->reclen_buf[0] << 24) | ((u_long) s->reclen_buf[1] << 16) | ((u_long) s->reclen_buf[2] << 8) | ((u_long) s->reclen_buf[3] << 0)); DBG (3, "sane_read: next record length=%ld bytes\n", (long) s->bytes_remaining); if (s->bytes_remaining == (size_t) - 1) { char ch; DBG (2, "sane_read: received error signal\n"); /* turn off non-blocking I/O (s->data will be closed anyhow): */ fcntl (s->data, F_SETFL, 0); /* read the status byte: */ if (read (s->data, &ch, sizeof (ch)) != 1) { DBG (1, "sane_read: failed to read error code\n"); ch = SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } DBG (1, "sane_read: error code %s\n", sane_strstatus ((SANE_Status) ch)); do_cancel (s); return (SANE_Status) ch; } } if (max_length > (SANE_Int) s->bytes_remaining) max_length = s->bytes_remaining; /* If we are scanning with 16 bits/pixel, we must be sure to scan complete pixels. Otherwise it's impossible to swap the bytes, since we don't have access to the previous data if sane_read is called the next time. Therefore we check, whether an odd number ob bytes was read. If this is true, the last byte is stored in hang_over and length is decreased by 1. */ /* Check whether we are scanning with a depth of 16 bits/pixel and whether server and client have different byte order. If this is true, then it's neccessary to check whether there's a hang_over from a previous call to sane_read. */ if ((depth == 16) && (server_big_endian != client_big_endian)) { DBG (4, "sane_read: client/server have different byte order\n"); if (hang_over > -1) { DBG (4, "sane_read: hang_over from previous call to sane_read()\n"); *(data) = (unsigned char) hang_over; DBG (4, "sane_read: reading image data now\n"); nread = read (s->data, data + 1, max_length - 1); } else { DBG (4, "sane_read: no hang_over from previous call to " "sane_read()\n"); DBG (4, "sane_read: reading image data now\n"); nread = read (s->data, data, max_length); } } else { DBG (4, "sane_read: reading image data now\n"); nread = read (s->data, data, max_length); } if (nread < 0) { DBG (2, "sane_read: error code %s\n", strerror (errno)); if (errno == EAGAIN) return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; else { DBG (1, "sane_read: cancelling scan\n"); do_cancel (s); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } } /* Check whether we are scanning with a depth of 16 bits/pixel and whether server and client have different byte order. If this is true, then it's neccessary to check whether read returned an odd number. If an odd number has been returned, we must save the last byte. */ if ((depth == 16) && (server_big_endian != client_big_endian)) { DBG (1,"sane_read: client/server have different byte order; " "must swap\n"); s->bytes_remaining -= nread; if (0 != nread % 2) { DBG (1, "sane_read: number of bytes read is odd; store hang_over\n"); *length = nread - 1; hang_over = *(data + nread); } else { *length = nread; hang_over = -1; } /* Finally step through the buffer and swap bytes */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < *length - 1; cnt += 2) { swap_buf = *(data +cnt); *(data + cnt) = *(data + cnt + 1); *(data + cnt + 1) = swap_buf; } } else { s->bytes_remaining -= nread; *length = nread; } DBG (3, "sane_read: %d bytes read, %d remaining\n", nread, s->bytes_remaining); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } void sane_cancel (SANE_Handle handle) { Net_Scanner *s = handle; SANE_Word ack; DBG (3, "sane_cancel: sending net_cancel\n"); sanei_w_call (&s->hw->wire, SANE_NET_CANCEL, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_word, &s->handle, (WireCodecFunc) sanei_w_word, &ack); do_cancel (s); DBG (4, "sane_cancel: done\n"); } SANE_Status sane_set_io_mode (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Bool non_blocking) { Net_Scanner *s = handle; DBG (3, "sane_set_io_mode: non_blocking = %d\n", non_blocking); if (s->data < 0) { DBG (1, "sane_set_io_mode: pipe doesn't exist\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } if (fcntl (s->data, F_SETFL, non_blocking ? O_NONBLOCK : 0) < 0) { DBG (1, "sane_set_io_mode: fcntl failed (%s)\n", strerror (errno)); return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR; } return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; } SANE_Status sane_get_select_fd (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int * fd) { Net_Scanner *s = handle; DBG (3, "sane_get_select_fd\n"); if (s->data < 0) { DBG (1, "sane_get_select_fd: pipe doesn't exist\n"); return SANE_STATUS_INVAL; } *fd = s->data; DBG (3, "sane_get_select_fd: done; *fd = %d\n", *fd); return SANE_STATUS_GOOD; }