/* sane - Scanner Access Now Easy. Copyright (C) Marian Matthias Eichholz 2001 This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE. The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the SANE library code into it. This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that those changes may be distributed with this exception intact. If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ #ifndef _H_SM3600 #define _H_SM3600 /* ====================================================================== sm3600.h SANE backend master module. Definitions ported from "scantool.h" 5.4.2001. (C) Marian Matthias Eichholz 2001 Start: 2.4.2001 ====================================================================== */ #define DEBUG_SCAN 0x0001 #define DEBUG_COMM 0x0002 #define DEBUG_ORIG 0x0004 #define DEBUG_BASE 0x0011 #define DEBUG_DEVSCAN 0x0012 #define DEBUG_REPLAY 0x0014 #define DEBUG_BUFFER 0x0018 #define DEBUG_SIGNALS 0x0020 #define DEBUG_CALIB 0x0040 #define DEBUG_CRITICAL 1 #define DEBUG_VERBOSE 2 #define DEBUG_INFO 3 #define DEBUG_JUNK 5 #define USB_TIMEOUT_JIFFIES 2000 #define SCANNER_VENDOR 0x05DA #define MAX_PIXEL_PER_SCANLINE 5300 /* ====================================================================== */ typedef enum { false, true } TBool; typedef SANE_Status TState; typedef enum { unknown, sm3600, sm3700, sm3750 } TModel; typedef struct { TBool bCalibrated; int xMargin; /* in 1/600 inch */ int yMargin; /* in 1/600 inch */ unsigned char nHoleGray; unsigned char nBarGray; long rgbBias; unsigned char *achStripeY; unsigned char *achStripeR; unsigned char *achStripeG; unsigned char *achStripeB; } TCalibration; typedef struct { int x; int y; int cx; int cy; int res; /* like all parameters in 1/1200 inch */ int nBrightness; /* -255 ... 255 */ int nContrast; /* -128 ... 127 */ } TScanParam; typedef enum { fast, high, best } TQuality; typedef enum { color, gray, line, halftone } TMode; #define INST_ASSERT() { if (this->nErrorState) return this->nErrorState; } #define CHECK_ASSERTION(a) if (!(a)) return SetError(this,SANE_STATUS_INVAL,"assertion failed in %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__) #define CHECK_POINTER(p) \ if (!(p)) return SetError(this,SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM,"memory failed in %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__) #define dprintf debug_printf typedef struct TInstance *PTInstance; typedef TState (*TReadLineCB)(PTInstance); typedef struct TScanState { TBool bEOF; /* EOF marker for sane_read */ TBool bCanceled; TBool bScanning; /* block is active? */ TBool bLastBulk; /* EOF announced */ int iReadPos; /* read() interface */ int iBulkReadPos; /* bulk read pos */ int iLine; /* log no. line */ int cchBulk; /* available bytes in bulk buffer */ int cchLineOut; /* buffer size */ int cxPixel,cyPixel; /* real pixel */ int cxMax; /* uninterpolated in real pixels */ int cxWindow; /* Window with in 600 DPI */ int cyWindow; /* Path length in 600 DPI */ int cyTotalPath; /* from bed start to window end in 600 dpi */ int nFixAspect; /* aspect ratio in percent, 75-100 */ int cBacklog; /* depth of ppchLines */ int ySensorSkew; /* distance in pixel between sensors */ char *szOrder; /* 123 or 231 or whatever */ unsigned char *pchBuf; /* bulk transfer buffer */ short **ppchLines; /* for error diffusion and color corr. */ unsigned char *pchLineOut; /* read() interface */ TReadLineCB ReadProc; /* line getter callback */ } TScanState; #ifndef INSANE_VERSION #ifdef SM3600_SUPPORT_EXPOSURE #define NUM_OPTIONS 18 #else #define NUM_OPTIONS 16 #endif typedef struct TDevice { struct TDevice *pNext; struct usb_device *pdev; TModel model; SANE_Device sane; char *szSaneName; } TDevice; #endif typedef struct TInstance { #ifndef INSANE_VERSION struct TInstance *pNext; SANE_Option_Descriptor aoptDesc[NUM_OPTIONS]; Option_Value aoptVal[NUM_OPTIONS]; #endif SANE_Int agammaY[4096]; SANE_Int agammaR[4096]; SANE_Int agammaG[4096]; SANE_Int agammaB[4096]; TScanState state; TCalibration calibration; TState nErrorState; char *szErrorReason; TBool bSANE; TScanParam param; TBool bWriteRaw; TBool bVerbose; TBool bOptSkipOriginate; TQuality quality; TMode mode; TModel model; usb_dev_handle *hScanner; FILE *fhLog; FILE *fhScan; int ichPageBuffer; /* write position in full page buffer */ int cchPageBuffer; /* total size of '' */ unsigned char *pchPageBuffer; /* the humble buffer */ } TInstance; #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /* ====================================================================== */ #define ERR_FAILED -1 #define OK 0 #define NUM_SCANREGS 74 /* ====================================================================== */ /* note: The first register has address 0x01 */ #define R_ALL 0x01 /* have to become an enumeration */ typedef enum { none, hpos, hposH, hres } TRegIndex; /* WORD */ #define R_SPOS 0x01 #define R_XRES 0x03 /* WORD */ #define R_SWID 0x04 /* WORD */ #define R_STPS 0x06 /* WORD */ #define R_YRES 0x08 /* WORD */ #define R_SLEN 0x0A /* WORD*/ #define R_INIT 0x12 #define RVAL_INIT 0x1540 /* RGB */ #define R_CCAL 0x2F /* WORD */ #define R_CSTAT 0x42 #define R_CTL 0x46 /* WORD */ #define R_POS 0x52 /* WORD */ #define R_LMP 0x44 #define R_QLTY 0x4A #define R_STAT 0x54 #define LEN_MAGIC 0x24EA /* ====================================================================== */ #define USB_CHUNK_SIZE 0x8000 /* sm3600-scanutil.c */ __SM3600EXPORT__ int SetError(TInstance *this, int nError, const char *szFormat, ...); __SM3600EXPORT__ void debug_printf(unsigned long ulType, const char *szFormat, ...); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState FreeState(TInstance *this, TState nReturn); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState EndScan(TInstance *this); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState ReadChunk(TInstance *this, unsigned char *achOut, int cchMax, int *pcchRead); #ifdef INSANE_VERSION __SM3600EXPORT__ void DumpBuffer(FILE *fh, const char *pch, int cch); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState DoScanFile(TInstance *this); #endif __SM3600EXPORT__ void GetAreaSize(TInstance *this); __SM3600EXPORT__ void ResetCalibration(TInstance *this); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState InitGammaTables(TInstance *this, int nBrightness, int nContrast); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState CancelScan(TInstance *this); /* sm3600-scanmtek.c */ extern unsigned short aidProduct[]; __SM3600EXPORT__ TState DoInit(TInstance *this); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState DoReset(TInstance *this); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState WaitWhileBusy(TInstance *this,int cSecs); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState WaitWhileScanning(TInstance *this,int cSecs); __SM3600EXPORT__ TModel GetScannerModel(unsigned short idVendor, unsigned short idProduct); #ifdef INSANE_VERSION __SM3600EXPORT__ TState DoLampSwitch(TInstance *this,int nPattern); #endif __SM3600EXPORT__ TState DoCalibration(TInstance *this); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState UploadGammaTable(TInstance *this, int iByteAddress, SANE_Int *pnGamma); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState UploadGainCorrection(TInstance *this, int iTableOffset); /* sm3600-scanusb.c */ __SM3600EXPORT__ TState RegWrite(TInstance *this,int iRegister, int cb, unsigned long ulValue); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState RegWriteArray(TInstance *this,int iRegister, int cb, unsigned char *pchBuffer); #ifdef INSANE_VERSIONx __SM3600EXPORT__ TState RegCheck(TInstance *this,int iRegister, int cch, unsigned long ulValue); __SM3600EXPORT__ int BulkRead(TInstance *this,FILE *fhOut, unsigned int cchBulk); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState MemReadArray(TInstance *this, int iAddress, int cb, unsigned char *pchBuffer); #endif __SM3600EXPORT__ int BulkReadBuffer(TInstance *this,unsigned char *puchBufferOut, unsigned int cchBulk); /* gives count */ __SM3600EXPORT__ unsigned int RegRead(TInstance *this,int iRegister, int cch); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState MemWriteArray(TInstance *this, int iAddress, int cb, unsigned char *pchBuffer); /* sm3600-gray.c */ __SM3600EXPORT__ TState StartScanGray(TInstance *this); /* sm3600-color.c */ __SM3600EXPORT__ TState StartScanColor(TInstance *this); /* sm3600-homerun.c */ #ifdef INSANE_VERSION __SM3600EXPORT__ TState FakeCalibration(TInstance *this); #endif __SM3600EXPORT__ TState DoOriginate(TInstance *this, TBool bStepOut); __SM3600EXPORT__ TState DoJog(TInstance *this,int nDistance); /* ====================================================================== */ #endif