.TH sane-find-scanner 1 "31 December 2000" .IX sane-find-scanner .SH NAME sane-find-scanner - find SCSI scanners and their device files .SH SYNOPSIS .B sane-find-scanner .RB [\-h|\-?] .RB [\-v] .RI [devname] .SH DESCRIPTION .B sane-find-scanner is a command-line tool to find SCSI scanners and determine their Unix device files. It's part of the sane-backends package. It checks the default generic SCSI devices, e.g. /dev/sg? for Linux. Also /dev/scanner is checked. The test is done by sending a SCSI inquiry command and looking for a device type of "scanner" or "processor" (some old HP scanners seem to send "processor"). So sane-find-scanner will find any SCSI scanner even if it isn't supported by any SANE backend. It won't find parallel port, USB, or other non-SCSI scanners. .SH OPTIONS .TP 8 .B \-h, \-? Prints a short usage message. .TP 8 .B \-v Verbose output. Show every device name and the test result. .TP 8 .B devname Test device file "devname". No other devices are checked if devname is given. .SH EXAMPLE .B sane-find-scanner -v .br Check all SCSI devices for available scanners and print a line for every device file. .PP .B sane-find-scanner /dev/scanner .br Look for a scanner (only) at /dev/scanner and print the result. .SH "SEE ALSO" sane(7), sane-scsi(5), scanimage(1), xscanimage(1), xsane(1), sane-"backendname"(5) .SH AUTHOR Oliver Rauch and others. Manual page by Henning Meier-Geinitz. .SH BUGS No support for non-SCSI scanners yet.