/* epson.h - SANE library for Epson flatbed scanners. based on Kazuhiro Sasayama previous Work on epson.[ch] file from the SANE package. original code taken from sane-0.71 Copyright (C) 1997 Hypercore Software Design, Ltd. modifications Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Christian Bucher Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Kling & Hautzinger GmbH Copyright (C) 1999 Norihiko Sawa Copyright (C) 2000 Karl Heinz Kremer This file is part of the SANE package. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, the authors of SANE give permission for additional uses of the libraries contained in this release of SANE. The exception is that, if you link a SANE library with other files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of linking the SANE library code into it. This exception does not, however, invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you submit changes to SANE to the maintainers to be included in a subsequent release, you agree by submitting the changes that those changes may be distributed with this exception intact. If you write modifications of your own for SANE, it is your choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. */ #ifndef epson_h #define epson_h 1 #define SANE_EPSON_CONFIG_USB "usb" #define SANE_EPSON_CONFIG_PIO "pio" #define SANE_NAME_GAMMA_CORRECTION "gamma-correction" #define SANE_TITLE_GAMMA_CORRECTION "Gamma Correction" #define SANE_DESC_GAMMA_CORRECTION "Selectes the gamma correction value from a list of pre-defined devices or the user defined table, which can be downloaded to the scanner" #define LINES_SHUFFLE_MAX (17) typedef struct { unsigned char * level; unsigned char request_identity; unsigned char request_identity2; /* new request identity command for Dx command level */ unsigned char request_status; unsigned char request_condition; unsigned char set_color_mode; unsigned char start_scanning; unsigned char set_data_format; unsigned char set_resolution; unsigned char set_zoom; unsigned char set_scan_area; unsigned char set_bright; SANE_Range bright_range; unsigned char set_gamma; unsigned char set_halftoning; unsigned char set_color_correction; unsigned char initialize_scanner; unsigned char set_speed; /* B4 upper */ unsigned char set_lcount; unsigned char mirror_image; /* B5 upper */ unsigned char set_gamma_table; /* B4 upper */ unsigned char set_outline_emphasis; /* B4 upper */ unsigned char set_dither; /* B4 upper */ unsigned char set_color_correction_coefficients; /* B3 upper */ unsigned char request_extension_status; /* EXT */ unsigned char control_an_extension; /* EXT */ unsigned char eject; /* EXT */ unsigned char request_push_button_status; unsigned char control_auto_area_segmentation; unsigned char set_film_type; /* EXT */ unsigned char set_exposure_time; /* F5 */ unsigned char set_bay; /* F5 */ unsigned char set_threshold; } EpsonCmdRec, * EpsonCmd; enum { OPT_NUM_OPTS = 0 , OPT_MODE_GROUP , OPT_MODE , OPT_HALFTONE , OPT_DROPOUT , OPT_BRIGHTNESS , OPT_SHARPNESS , OPT_GAMMA_CORRECTION , OPT_COLOR_CORRECTION , OPT_RESOLUTION , OPT_THRESHOLD , OPT_ADVANCED_GROUP , OPT_MIRROR , OPT_SPEED , OPT_AAS , OPT_ZOOM , OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR , OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_R , OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_G , OPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_B , OPT_CCT_GROUP , OPT_CCT_1 , OPT_CCT_2 , OPT_CCT_3 , OPT_CCT_4 , OPT_CCT_5 , OPT_CCT_6 , OPT_CCT_7 , OPT_CCT_8 , OPT_CCT_9 , OPT_PREVIEW_GROUP , OPT_PREVIEW , OPT_PREVIEW_SPEED , OPT_GEOMETRY_GROUP , OPT_TL_X , OPT_TL_Y , OPT_BR_X , OPT_BR_Y , OPT_QUICK_FORMAT , OPT_EQU_GROUP , OPT_SOURCE , OPT_AUTO_EJECT , OPT_FILM_TYPE , OPT_BAY , OPT_EJECT , NUM_OPTIONS }; typedef enum { /* hardware connection to the scanner */ SANE_EPSON_NODEV, /* default, no HW specified yet */ SANE_EPSON_SCSI, /* SCSI interface */ SANE_EPSON_PIO, /* parallel interface */ SANE_EPSON_USB /* USB interface */ } Epson_Connection_Type; typedef struct { u_short opt_resolution; u_char sensor; u_char scan_order; u_char line_dist1; u_char line_dist2; u_short main_res1; u_short main_res2; u_short main_res3; u_short main_res4; u_short main_res5; u_short main_res6; u_short main_res7; u_short sub_res1; u_short sub_res2; u_short sub_res3; u_short sub_res4; u_short sub_res5; u_short sub_res6; } Epson_Identity2; struct Epson_Device { struct Epson_Device *next; SANE_Device sane; SANE_Int level; SANE_Range dpi_range; SANE_Range * x_range; /* x range w/out extension */ SANE_Range * y_range; /* y range w/out extension */ SANE_Range fbf_x_range; /* flattbed x range */ SANE_Range fbf_y_range; /* flattbed y range */ SANE_Range adf_x_range; /* autom. document feeder x range */ SANE_Range adf_y_range; /* autom. document feeder y range */ SANE_Range tpu_x_range; /* transparency unit x range */ SANE_Range tpu_y_range; /* transparency unit y range */ Epson_Connection_Type connection; /* hardware interface type */ SANE_Int *res_list; /* list of resolutions */ SANE_Int res_list_size; /* number of entries in this list */ SANE_Int last_res; /* last selected resolution */ SANE_Int last_res_preview; /* last selected preview resolution */ SANE_Word *resolution_list; /* for display purposes we store a second copy */ SANE_Bool extension; /* extension is installed */ SANE_Bool use_extension; /* use the installed extension */ SANE_Bool TPU; /* TPU is installed */ SANE_Bool ADF; /* ADF is installed */ SANE_Bool color_shuffle; /* does this scanner need color shuffling */ SANE_Int optical_res; /* optical resolution */ SANE_Int max_line_distance; EpsonCmd cmd; }; typedef struct Epson_Device Epson_Device; typedef union { SANE_Word w; SANE_Word * wa; /* word array */ SANE_String s; } Option_Value; struct Epson_Scanner { struct Epson_Scanner *next; int fd; Epson_Device * hw; SANE_Option_Descriptor opt [ NUM_OPTIONS]; Option_Value val [ NUM_OPTIONS]; SANE_Parameters params; SANE_Bool block; SANE_Bool eof; SANE_Byte * buf, * end, * ptr; SANE_Bool canceling; SANE_Bool invert_image; SANE_Word gamma_table [ 4] [ 256]; SANE_Int retry_count; SANE_Byte *line_buffer[LINES_SHUFFLE_MAX]; /* buffer lines for color shuffling */ SANE_Int color_shuffle_line; /* current line number for color shuffling */ SANE_Int line_distance; /* current line distance */ SANE_Int current_output_line; /* line counter when color shuffling */ SANE_Int lines_written; /* debug variable */ }; typedef struct Epson_Scanner Epson_Scanner; #endif /* not epson_h */