To do: ====== - implement coarse calibration to determine settings for analog-front-end All CCDs encountered so far seem to need about the same settings however. - Store analog calibration data somewhere. Use currently used values as default. - Suggestions by Marcin Cieslak: - clean up structures - clean up namespace - clean up source formatting ('indent --gnu' ?) - implement real calibration, using 12 bit data at 600 dpi instead of 8 bit 150 dpi. -> is now at 600 dpi, not yet at 12 bit - design a mechanism to set the scan and calibration areas a) part of HWProps structure, or b) set by user at first scan - further investigate scanner registers a) study backtracking register more b) identify bits in bit-oriented registers. - add more error checking ('sanity checking') on parameters - figure out what the USB interrupts mean that sometimes occur. - Get rid of mytypes.h / fix types Now an int is implicitly assumed to be 32 bit. Done ==== - make backend comply with tstbackend -> all externs and publics removed when compiling towards sane - implement sane_cancel properly -> done by ullsig - implement timing mechanism for scanner lamp so scanning can only start if the lamp was already on for 30 seconds Possible implementation: On startup: if lamp is off, turn it on and start timer On scan: if lamp is off, turn it on and start timer. Wait for timer expiry. On exit: if scanner chip is niash00012 then turn off lamp, otherwise let the scanner turn it off automatically -> Implemented by Ullrich Sigwanz - try out parallel port scanning on HP3400/4300 -> parallel port support will be dropped, no people to test/develop it - investigate vertical resolution setting of hp3400/4300. -> experiment with the motor table, formula is already known to generate it -> 600 dpi is possible by doubling most values in the table -> 150 dpi can be done by using register 0x06 to skip every other line - Add separate gamma tables for R, G, B. This should be easy (look at how other backends do it) but is not really required yet. -> not required