.TH sane-matsushita 5 "April 21s, 2002" .IX sane-matsushita .SH NAME sane-matsushita - SANE backend for Panasonic KV-SS high speed scanners .SH DESCRIPTION The .B sane-matsushita library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backend that provides access to some Panasonic KV-SS high speed scanners. This backend should be considered beta quality. .PP At present, the following scanners are known to work with this backend: .PP .RS Product id .br -------------- .br KV-SS 25 .RE .PP Other Panasonic high speed scanners may or may not work with that backend. Valid command line options and their syntax can be listed by using .RS scanimage --help -d matsushita .RE .TP .B Scan Mode .TP .B --mode selects the basic mode of operation of the scanner. .TP .B --resolution selects the resolution for a scan. Each model supports all or a subset of these resolutions: 100, 150, 200, 240, 300, 360, 400. .TP .B --duplex indicates whether to scan both side of the sheet. .TP .B --feeder-mode selects the number of pages to scan (one or until the tray is empty). .TP .B Geometry .TP .B --paper_size A4|...|Legal|Letter [A4] options selects the area to scan. It adjust the .B -l -t -x -y options accordingly. It does not need to be the real size of the paper. .TP .B -l -t -x -y control the scan area: -l sets the top left x coordinate, -t the top left y coordinate, -x selects the width and -y the height of the scan aea. All parameters are specified in milimeters. It is possible to use the option .I --paper-size instead. .TP .B Enhancement .TP .B --brightness controls the brightness of the acquired image. The value varies from 1 to 255, or less, depending on the scanner model. .TP .B --contrast controls the contrast of the acquired image. Some models do not support that option. .TP .B --automatic-threshold automatically sets brightness, contrast, white level, gamma, noise reduction and image emphasis. These options are not available when automatic-threshold is in use. .TP .B --halftone-pattern option sets the tonal gradation for the halftone mode. Pattern downloading is not implemented by the backend. .TP .B --autoseparation provides automatic separation of text and images. .TP .B --white-level option indicate the source of the white base. .TP .B --noise-reduction reduces the isolated dot noise. This option is not supported by all scanners. .TP .B --image-emphasis option sets the image emphasis. Some selection are not available on all scanners. .TP .B --gamma options set the gamma curve. It is only valid for Gray modes, and is not available on all scanners. Gamma downloading is not implemented by the backend. .SH CONFIGURATION FILE The configuration file @CONFIGDIR@/matsushita.conf supports the device name to use (eg /dev/scanner) and the scsi option to autodetect the scanners supported. .SH FILES .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-matsushita.a The static library implementing this backend. .TP .I @LIBDIR@/libsane-matsushita.so The shared library implementing this backend (present on systems that support dynamic loading). .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B SANE_DEBUG_MATSUSHITA If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this environment variable controls the debug level for this backend. E.g., a value of 128 requests all debug output to be printed. Smaller levels reduce verbosity. .SH LIMITATIONS .TP .B Pattern and gamma downloading The scanner, with the proper firmware, can download a halftone pattern and a gamma table. This is not implemented. .TP .B Sub-areas The scanner can support up to 3 sub-areas on each side to define some more precise enhancment options. This is not implemented. .TP .B Duplex mode The backend does not support the setting of different options for each side. The scan will occur with the same options (halftone pattern, brightness, image emphasis) for both sides. .SH BUGS None known. .SH "SEE ALSO" sane\-scsi(5), scanimage(1), xscanimage(1), xsane(1), sane(7) .SH AUTHOR The package is actively maintained by Frank Zago. http://fz.eryx.net/sane/#matsushita