New description files for teco2 and teco3 backends.

Frank Zago 2002-05-26 17:35:54 +00:00
rodzic e0617f47cc
commit e6c2f93aad
2 zmienionych plików z 81 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
; keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).
:backend "teco2" ; name of backend
:version "1.0-0" ; version of backend
:status :alpha ; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new
;:manpage "sane-teco2" ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "" ; backend's web page
:devicetype :scanner ; start of a list of devices....
; other types: :stillcam, :vidcam,
; :meta, :api
:mfg "Relisys"
:url ""
:model "AVEC Super 3"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "sub model VM3575 - untested"
:model "SCORPIO Super 3"
:comment "sub model VM3575"
:interface "SCSI"

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
; SANE Backend specification file
; It's basically emacs-lisp --- so ";" indicates comment to end of line.
; All syntactic elements are keyword tokens, followed by a string or
; keyword argument, as specified.
; ":backend" *must* be specified.
; All other information is optional (but what good is the file without it?).
:backend "teco3" ; name of backend
:version "1.0-0" ; version of backend
:status :alpha ; :alpha, :beta, :stable, :new
:manpage "sane-teco3" ; name of manpage (if it exists)
:url "" ; backend's web page
:devicetype :scanner ; start of a list of devices....
; other types: :stillcam, :vidcam,
; :meta, :api
:mfg "Relisys"
:url ""
:model "Scorpio"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "TECO VM3552"
:mfg "Plustek"
:model "OpticPro 2400SP"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "TECO VM3552"
:mfg "PIOTECH"
:url ""
:model "Splendeur 3024"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "TECO VM3552"
:mfg "Trust"
:model "Imagery 4800 SP+"
:interface "SCSI"
:comment "TECO VM3552"
; may be :model "2400SP"
; may be :model "9600SP"
; :comment and :url specifiers are optional after :mfg, :model, :desc,
; and at the top-level.