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.TH sane-find-scanner 1 "16 Aug 2001"
.IX sane-find-scanner
sane-find-scanner - find SCSI and USB scanners and their device files
.B sane-find-scanner
.RB [\-h|\-?]
.RB [\-v]
.RI [devname]
.B sane-find-scanner
is a command-line tool to find SCSI and some USB scanners and determine their
Unix device files. It's part of the sane-backends package. It checks the
default generic SCSI devices, e.g. /dev/sg? for Linux and the their USB
pendants (e.g. /dev/usb/scanner0). Also /dev/scanner and /dev/usb/scanner are
checked. The test is done by sending a SCSI inquiry command and looking for a
device type of "scanner" or "processor" (some old HP scanners seem to send
"processor"). So sane-find-scanner will find any SCSI scanner even if it isn't
supported by any SANE backend. For USB devices, the corresponding files are
opened and the vendor and device ids are determined if the operating system
supports this feature. Currently USB scanners are only found if they are
supported by the Linux scanner module or the FreeBSD uscanner
driver. sane-find-scanner won't find parallel port scanners, or scanners
connected to proprietary ports.
.TP 8
.B \-h, \-?
Prints a short usage message.
.TP 8
.B \-v
Verbose output. Show every device name and the test result.
.TP 8
.B devname
Test device file "devname". No other devices are checked if devname is given.
.B sane-find-scanner -v
Check all SCSI and USB devices for available scanners and print a line for
every device file.
.B sane-find-scanner /dev/scanner
Look for a scanner (only) at /dev/scanner and print the result.
sane(7), sane-scsi(5), sane-usb(5), scanimage(1), xscanimage(1), xsane(1),
Oliver Rauch, Henning Meier-Geinitz and others. Manual page by Henning
No support for parallel port scanners yet. USB support should be extended to
other platforms and scanners. Detection of USB vendor/device ids should be
extended, if possible.