/*- * Copyright (c) 2017 * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fir.h" #include "iir.h" #include "ppf.h" #include "moving_average_filter.h" #include "atan2.h" #include "net_support.h" #include "t1_c1_packet_decoder.h" #if defined(__SSE4_2__) #include #endif static float lp_1600kHz_56kHz(int sample, size_t i_or_q) { static float moving_average[2]; #define ALPHA 0.80259f // exp(-2.0 * M_PI * 56e3 / 1600e3) moving_average[i_or_q] = ALPHA * (moving_average[i_or_q] - sample) + sample; #undef ALPHA return moving_average[i_or_q]; } static inline float moving_average(int sample, size_t i_or_q) { #define COEFFS 12 static int i_hist[COEFFS]; static int q_hist[COEFFS]; static MAVGI_FILTER filter[2] = // i/q { {.length = COEFFS, .hist = i_hist}, // 0 {.length = COEFFS, .hist = q_hist} // 1 }; #undef COEFFS return mavgi(sample, &filter[i_or_q]); } static inline float lp_fir_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(int sample, size_t i_or_q) { #define COEFFS 23 static const float b[COEFFS] = {0.000140535927, 1.102280392e-05, 0.0001309279731, 0.001356012537, 0.00551787474, 0.01499414005, 0.03160167988, 0.05525973093, 0.08315031015, 0.1099887688, 0.1295143636, 0.1366692652, 0.1295143636, 0.1099887688, 0.08315031015, 0.05525973093, 0.03160167988, 0.01499414005, 0.00551787474, 0.001356012537, 0.0001309279731, 1.102280392e-05, 0.000140535927, }; static float i_hist[COEFFS] = {}; static float q_hist[COEFFS] = {}; static FIRF_FILTER filter[2] = // i/q { {.length = COEFFS, .b = b, .hist = i_hist}, // 0 {.length = COEFFS, .b = b, .hist = q_hist} // 1 }; #undef COEFFS return firf(sample, &filter[i_or_q]); } static inline float lp_firfp_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(int sample, size_t i_or_q) { #define COEFFS 23 static const fixedpt b[COEFFS] = {fixedpt_rconst(0.000140535927), fixedpt_rconst(1.102280392e-05), fixedpt_rconst(0.0001309279731), fixedpt_rconst(0.001356012537), fixedpt_rconst(0.00551787474), fixedpt_rconst(0.01499414005), fixedpt_rconst(0.03160167988), fixedpt_rconst(0.05525973093), fixedpt_rconst(0.08315031015), fixedpt_rconst(0.1099887688), fixedpt_rconst(0.1295143636), fixedpt_rconst(0.1366692652), fixedpt_rconst(0.1295143636), fixedpt_rconst(0.1099887688), fixedpt_rconst(0.08315031015), fixedpt_rconst(0.05525973093), fixedpt_rconst(0.03160167988), fixedpt_rconst(0.01499414005), fixedpt_rconst(0.00551787474), fixedpt_rconst(0.001356012537), fixedpt_rconst(0.0001309279731), fixedpt_rconst(1.102280392e-05), fixedpt_rconst(0.000140535927), }; static fixedpt i_hist[COEFFS] = {}; static fixedpt q_hist[COEFFS] = {}; static FIRFP_FILTER filter[2] = // i/q { {.length = COEFFS, .b = b, .hist = i_hist}, // 0 {.length = COEFFS, .b = b, .hist = q_hist} // 1 }; #undef COEFFS return fixedpt_tofloat(firfp(fixedpt_fromint(sample), &filter[i_or_q])); } static inline float lp_ppf_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(int sample, size_t i_or_q) { #define PHASES 2 #define COEFFS 12 static const float b[PHASES][COEFFS] = { {0.000140535927, 0.0001309279731, 0.00551787474, 0.03160167988, 0.08315031015, 0.1295143636, 0.1295143636, 0.08315031015, 0.03160167988, 0.00551787474, 0.0001309279731, 0.000140535927, }, {1.102280392e-05, 0.001356012537, 0.01499414005, 0.05525973093, 0.1099887688, 0.1366692652, 0.1099887688, 0.05525973093, 0.01499414005, 0.001356012537, 1.102280392e-05, 0, }, }; static float i_hist[PHASES][COEFFS] = {}; static float q_hist[PHASES][COEFFS] = {}; static FIRF_FILTER fir[2][PHASES] = { { // i/q phase {.length = COEFFS, .b = b[1], .hist = i_hist[0]}, // 0 0 {.length = COEFFS, .b = b[0], .hist = i_hist[1]} // 0 1 }, { // i/q phase {.length = COEFFS, .b = b[1], .hist = q_hist[0]}, // 1 0 {.length = COEFFS, .b = b[0], .hist = q_hist[1]} // 1 1 }, }; static PPF_FILTER filter[2] = { {.sum = 0, .phase = 0, .max_phase = PHASES, .fir = fir[0]}, // 0 =: i {.sum = 0, .phase = 0, .max_phase = PHASES, .fir = fir[1]}, // 1 =: q }; #undef COEFFS #undef PHASES return ppf(sample, &filter[i_or_q]); } static inline float lp_ppffp_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(int sample, size_t i_or_q) { #define PHASES 2 #define COEFFS 12 static const fixedpt b[PHASES][COEFFS] = { {fixedpt_rconst(0.000140535927), fixedpt_rconst(0.0001309279731), fixedpt_rconst(0.00551787474), fixedpt_rconst(0.03160167988), fixedpt_rconst(0.08315031015), fixedpt_rconst(0.1295143636), fixedpt_rconst(0.1295143636), fixedpt_rconst(0.08315031015), fixedpt_rconst(0.03160167988), fixedpt_rconst(0.00551787474), fixedpt_rconst(0.0001309279731), fixedpt_rconst(0.000140535927), }, {fixedpt_rconst(1.102280392e-05), fixedpt_rconst(0.001356012537), fixedpt_rconst(0.01499414005), fixedpt_rconst(0.05525973093), fixedpt_rconst(0.1099887688), fixedpt_rconst(0.1366692652), fixedpt_rconst(0.1099887688), fixedpt_rconst(0.05525973093), fixedpt_rconst(0.01499414005), fixedpt_rconst(0.001356012537), fixedpt_rconst(1.102280392e-05), fixedpt_rconst(0), }, }; static fixedpt i_hist[PHASES][COEFFS] = {}; static fixedpt q_hist[PHASES][COEFFS] = {}; static FIRFP_FILTER fir[2][PHASES] = { { // i/q phase {.length = COEFFS, .b = b[1], .hist = i_hist[0]}, // 0 0 {.length = COEFFS, .b = b[0], .hist = i_hist[1]} // 0 1 }, { // i/q phase {.length = COEFFS, .b = b[1], .hist = q_hist[0]}, // 1 0 {.length = COEFFS, .b = b[0], .hist = q_hist[1]} // 1 1 }, }; static PPFFP_FILTER filter[2] = { {.sum = fixedpt_rconst(0), .phase = 0, .max_phase = PHASES, .fir = fir[0]}, // 0 =: i {.sum = fixedpt_rconst(0), .phase = 0, .max_phase = PHASES, .fir = fir[1]}, // 1 =: q }; #undef COEFFS #undef PHASES return fixedpt_tofloat(ppffp(fixedpt_fromint(sample), &filter[i_or_q])); } static inline float bp_iir_cheb1_800kHz_90kHz_98kHz_102kHz_110kHz(float sample) { #define GAIN 1.874981046e-06 #define SECTIONS 3 static const float b[3*SECTIONS] = {1, 1.999994649, 0.9999946492, 1, -1.99999482, 0.9999948196, 1, 1.703868036e-07, -1.000010531, }; static const float a[3*SECTIONS] = {1, -1.387139203, 0.9921518712, 1, -1.403492665, 0.9845934971, 1, -1.430055639, 0.9923856172, }; static float hist[3*SECTIONS] = {}; static IIRF_FILTER filter = {.sections = SECTIONS, .b = b, .a = a, .gain = GAIN, .hist = hist}; #undef SECTIONS #undef GAIN return iirf(sample, &filter); } static inline float lp_fir_butter_800kHz_100kHz_10kHz(float sample) { #define COEFFS 4 static const float b[COEFFS] = {0.04421550009, 0.4557844999, 0.4557844999, 0.04421550009, }; static float hist[COEFFS]; static FIRF_FILTER filter = {.length = COEFFS, .b = b, .hist = hist}; #undef COEFFS return firf(sample, &filter); } static float rssi_filter(int sample) { static float old_sample; #define ALPHA 0.6789f old_sample = ALPHA*sample + (1.0f - ALPHA)*old_sample; #undef ALPHA return old_sample; } static inline float polar_discriminator(float i, float q) { static float complex s_last; const float complex s = i + q * _Complex_I; const float complex y = s * conj(s_last); #if 0 const float delta_phi = atan2_libm(y); #elif 1 const float delta_phi = atan2_approximation(y); #else const float delta_phi = atan2_approximation2(y); #endif s_last = s; return delta_phi; } /** @brief Sparse Ones runs in time proportional to the number * of 1 bits. * * From: http://gurmeet.net/puzzles/fast-bit-counting-routines */ static inline unsigned count_set_bits_sparse_one(uint32_t n) { unsigned count = 0; while (n) { count++; n &= (n - 1) ; // set rightmost 1 bit in n to 0 } return count; } static inline unsigned count_set_bits(uint32_t n) { #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__) return __builtin_popcount(n); #else return count_set_bits_sparse_one(n); #endif } static inline int majority_votes_bitfilter(uint32_t unfilt_bitstream, uint32_t bits_in_unfilt_bitstream) { const unsigned ones = count_set_bits(unfilt_bitstream & bits_in_unfilt_bitstream); const bool odd = (ones & 1) > 0; const uint32_t bits_in_unfilt_bitstream_half = count_set_bits(bits_in_unfilt_bitstream)/2; if (odd) return (ones <= bits_in_unfilt_bitstream_half) ? 0 : 1; if (ones < bits_in_unfilt_bitstream_half) return 0; if (ones > bits_in_unfilt_bitstream_half) return 1; return unfilt_bitstream & 1; } typedef void (*OutFunction)(unsigned bit, unsigned rssi); static inline void to_stdout(unsigned bit, unsigned rssi) { (void)rssi; const uint8_t tmp = bit; fwrite(&tmp, sizeof(tmp), 1, stdout); } static const OutFunction out_functions[] = { to_stdout, t1_c1_packet_decoder }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; // --- parameter section begin --- // The idea behind the variables in the section is to make parameters // configurable via command line. const unsigned CLOCK_LOCK_THRESHOLD = 2; const unsigned DECIMATION_RATE = 2; //#define USING_BITFILTER const uint32_t ACCESS_CODE = 0b0101010101010000111101u; const uint32_t ACCESS_CODE_BITMASK = 0x3FFFFFu; const unsigned ACCESS_CODE_ERRORS = 1u; // 0 if no errors allowed // --- parameter section end --- // Select function for output OutFunction out_function = out_functions[1]; __attribute__((__aligned__(16))) uint8_t samples[4096]; float i = 0, q = 0; unsigned decimation_rate_index = 0; int16_t old_clock = INT16_MIN; uint32_t bitstream = 0; unsigned clock_lock = 0; #if defined(USING_BITFILTER) uint32_t unfilt_bitstream = 0; uint32_t bits_in_unfilt_bitstream = 0; #endif #if defined (__SSE4_2__) __attribute__((__aligned__(16))) int16_t iq_samples[sizeof(samples)]; const __m128i dc_offset = _mm_set_epi16(-127, -127, -127, -127, -127, -127, -127, -127); #endif //FILE *input = fopen("samples.bin", "rb"); //FILE *input = get_net("localhost", 14423); FILE *input= stdin; if (input == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "opening input error\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } //FILE *demod_out = fopen("demod.bin", "wb"); //FILE *demod_out2 = fopen("demod.bin", "wb"); //FILE *clock_out = fopen("clock.bin", "wb"); //FILE *bits_out= fopen("bits.bin", "wb"); while (!feof(input)) { size_t read_items = fread(samples, sizeof(samples), 1, input); if (1 != read_items) { // End of file?.. return 2; } #if defined (__SSE4_2__) for (size_t k = 0; k < sizeof(samples)/sizeof(samples[0]); k += 8) // +2 : i and q interleaved { __m128i tmp = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const*)&samples[k]); // Hmmm, loading 8 byte besides of upper boundary?.. __m128i cvt = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_cvtepu8_epi16(tmp), dc_offset); _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&iq_samples[k], cvt); } #endif for (size_t k = 0; k < sizeof(samples)/sizeof(samples[0]); k += 2) // +2 : i and q interleaved { #if defined (__SSE4_2__) const int i_unfilt = iq_samples[k]; const int q_unfilt = iq_samples[k+1]; #else const int i_unfilt = ((int)samples[k] - 127); const int q_unfilt = ((int)samples[k + 1] - 127); #endif // Low-Pass-Filtering before decimation is necessary, to ensure // that i and q signals don't contain frequencies above new sample // rate. // The sample rate decimation is realised as sum over i and q, // which must not be divided by decimation factor before // demodulating (atan2(q,i)). #if 0 i = lp_fir_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(i_unfilt, 0); q = lp_fir_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(q_unfilt, 1); #elif 0 i = lp_ppf_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(i_unfilt, 0); q = lp_ppf_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(q_unfilt, 1); #elif 0 i = lp_firfp_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(i_unfilt, 0); q = lp_firfp_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(q_unfilt, 1); #elif 0 i = lp_ppffp_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(i_unfilt, 0); q = lp_ppffp_butter_1600kHz_160kHz_200kHz(q_unfilt, 1); #elif 0 i += lp_1600kHz_58kHz(i_unfilt, 0); q += lp_1600kHz_58kHz(q_unfilt, 1); #define USE_MOVING_AVERAGE #else i += moving_average(i_unfilt, 0); q += moving_average(q_unfilt, 1); #define USE_MOVING_AVERAGE #endif ++decimation_rate_index; if (decimation_rate_index < DECIMATION_RATE) continue; decimation_rate_index = 0; // Demodulate. float delta_phi = polar_discriminator(i, q); //int16_t demodulated_signal = (INT16_MAX-1)*delta_phi; //fwrite(&demodulated_signal, sizeof(demodulated_signal), 1, demod_out); // Post-filtering to prevent bit errors because of signal jitter. delta_phi = lp_fir_butter_800kHz_100kHz_10kHz(delta_phi); //int16_t demodulated_signal = (INT16_MAX-1)*delta_phi; //fwrite(&demodulated_signal, sizeof(demodulated_signal), 1, demod_out2); // --- clock recovery section begin --- // The time-2 method is implemented: push squared signal through a bandpass // tuned close to the symbol rate. Saturating band-pass output produces a // rectangular pulses with the required timing information. // Clock-Signal is crossing zero in half period. const int16_t clock = (bp_iir_cheb1_800kHz_90kHz_98kHz_102kHz_110kHz(delta_phi * delta_phi) >= 0) ? INT16_MAX : INT16_MIN; //fwrite(&clock, sizeof(clock), 1, clock_out); unsigned bit = (delta_phi >= 0) ? (1u< old_clock) // rising edge { clock_lock = 1; #if defined(USING_BITFILTER) unfilt_bitstream = bit; bits_in_unfilt_bitstream = 1; #endif } else if (old_clock == clock && clock_lock < CLOCK_LOCK_THRESHOLD) { clock_lock++; } else if (clock_lock == CLOCK_LOCK_THRESHOLD) // sample data bit on CLOCK_LOCK_THRESHOLD after rose up { clock_lock++; #if defined(USE_MOVING_AVERAGE) // If using moving average, we would habe doubles of each of i- and q- signal components. rssi /= DECIMATION_RATE; #endif #if defined(USING_BITFILTER) // Bitfilter can be used to remove unwanted spikes in the demodulated signal. bit = majority_votes_bitfilter(unfilt_bitstream, bits_in_unfilt_bitstream); #endif bitstream = (bitstream << 1) | bit; if (count_set_bits((bitstream & ACCESS_CODE_BITMASK) ^ ACCESS_CODE) <= ACCESS_CODE_ERRORS) { bit |= (1u<