Update README.md

András Retzler 2015-11-29 11:24:23 +01:00
rodzic 1162c4f1e7
commit b2e34d0a18
1 zmienionych plików z 20 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -209,3 +209,23 @@ Let's see an example for this on the NFM modulator. Execute on the Raspberry Pi:
On the PC, execute this:
arecord -fS16_LE -r48000 -c1 - | csdr encode_ima_adpcm_i16_u8 | nc raspberrypi.local 8011
### Transmitting amateur radio digital modes from remote computer
On the Raspberry Pi, run:
nc -l 8011 | csdr convert_i16_f | csdr dsb_fc | csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc 0 0.1 0.01 | csdr gain_ff 2.0 | csdr shift_addition_cc 0.2 | sudo rpitx -i- -m IQFLOAT -f 28400
On your PC, run:
arecord -fS16_LE -r48000 -c1 - | nc raspberrypi.local 8011
Run fldigi, and start to transmit:
If you have Ubuntu, you are likely to have PulseAudio.
Run `pavucontrol` and set the source of `arecord` to "Monitor of" your speakers output.