
387 wiersze
12 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mmap_file.h"
#include "pcm.h"
#include "ddc.h"
#include "delay.h"
#include "yuv.h"
#include "utils.h"
void process_line(uint8_t *pixel, uint8_t *y_pixel, uint8_t *uv_pixel, int y_width, int uv_width, int width, int height, int n)
// we only process after 2 full lines: on odd lines
if (n % 2)
for (int y = n-1, l = 0; l < 2 && y < height; l++, y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
uint8_t Y = y_pixel[x + l*y_width];
uint8_t U = uv_pixel[x/2 + uv_width];
uint8_t V = uv_pixel[x/2];
uint8_t *p = pixel + 3 * width * y + 3 * x;
p[0] = R_YUV(Y, U, V);
p[1] = G_YUV(Y, U, V);
p[2] = B_YUV(Y, U, V);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
pcm_t *pcm;
char *pcm_name = "default";
char *ppm_name = 0;
if (argc != 1)
pcm_name = argv[1];
if (argc == 3)
ppm_name = argv[2];
if (!open_pcm(&pcm, pcm_name)) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldnt open %s\n", pcm_name);
return 1;
float rate = rate_pcm(pcm);
if (rate * 0.088 < 320.0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%.0fhz samplerate too low\n", rate);
return 1;
int channels = channels_pcm(pcm);
if (channels > 1)
fprintf(stderr, "using first of %d channels\n", channels);
const float step = 1.0 / rate;
float complex cnt_last = -I;
float complex dat_last = -I;
float cal_avg = 1900.0;
int begin_vis_ss = 0;
int begin_vis_lo = 0;
int begin_vis_hi = 0;
int begin_hor_sync = 0;
int begin_cal_break = 0;
int begin_cal_leader = 0;
int begin_sep_evn = 0;
int begin_sep_odd = 0;
int latch_sync = 0;
const float vis_len = 0.03;
const float hor_sync_len = 0.009;
const float cal_break_len = 0.01;
const float cal_leader_len = 0.3;
const float seperator_len = 0.0045;
int cal_ticks = 0;
int got_cal_break = 0;
int vis_mode = 0;
int dat_mode = 0;
int vis_ticks = 0;
int vis_bit = -1;
int vis_byte = 0;
int y = 0;
int odd = 0;
int odd_count = 0;
int evn_count = 0;
int first_hor_sync = 0;
// 320 / 0.088 = 160 / 0.044 = 40000 / 11 = 3636.(36)~ pixels per second for Y, U and V
int64_t factor_L = 40000;
int64_t factor_M = 11 * rate;
int64_t factor_D = gcd(factor_L, factor_M);
factor_L /= factor_D;
factor_M /= factor_D;
// we want odd number of taps, 4 and 2 ms window length gives best results
int cnt_taps = 1 | (int)(rate * factor_L * 0.004);
int dat_taps = 1 | (int)(rate * factor_L * 0.002);
fprintf(stderr, "using %d and %d tap filter\n", cnt_taps, dat_taps);
float drate = rate * (float)factor_L / (float)factor_M;
float dstep = 1.0 / drate;
fprintf(stderr, "using factor of %ld/%ld, working at %.2fhz\n", factor_L, factor_M, drate);
float *cnt_amp = malloc(sizeof(float) * factor_M);
float *dat_amp = malloc(sizeof(float) * factor_M);
float complex *cnt_q = malloc(sizeof(float complex) * factor_L);
float complex *dat_q = malloc(sizeof(float complex) * factor_L);
// same factor to keep life simple and have accurate horizontal sync
ddc_t *cnt_ddc = alloc_ddc(1200.0, 200.0, step, cnt_taps, factor_L, factor_M, kaiser, 2.0);
ddc_t *dat_ddc = alloc_ddc(1900.0, 800.0, step, dat_taps, factor_L, factor_M, kaiser, 2.0);
// delay input by phase shift of other filter to synchronize outputs
delay_t *cnt_delay = alloc_delay((dat_taps - 1) / (2 * factor_L));
delay_t *dat_delay = alloc_delay((cnt_taps - 1) / (2 * factor_L));
short *buff = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short) * channels * factor_M);
const float sync_porch_len = 0.003;
const float porch_len = 0.0015; (void)porch_len;
const float y_len = 0.088;
const float uv_len = 0.044;
const float hor_len = 0.15;
int missing_sync = 0;
int seperator_correction = 0;
const int width = 320;
const int height = 240;
char ppm_head[32];
snprintf(ppm_head, 32, "P6 %d %d 255\n", width, height);
size_t ppm_size = strlen(ppm_head) + width * height * 3;
void *ppm_p = 0;
uint8_t *pixel = 0;
int hor_ticks = 0;
int y_pixel_x = 0;
int uv_pixel_x = 0;
int y_width = drate * y_len;
int uv_width = drate * uv_len;
uint8_t *y_pixel = malloc(y_width * 2);
memset(y_pixel, 0, y_width * 2);
uint8_t *uv_pixel = malloc(uv_width * 2);
memset(uv_pixel, 0, uv_width * 2);
for (int out = factor_L;; out++, hor_ticks++, cal_ticks++, vis_ticks++) {
if (out >= factor_L) {
out = 0;
if (!read_pcm(pcm, buff, factor_M))
for (int j = 0; j < factor_M; j++) {
float amp = (float)buff[j * channels] / 32767.0;
cnt_amp[j] = do_delay(cnt_delay, amp);
dat_amp[j] = do_delay(dat_delay, amp);
do_ddc(cnt_ddc, cnt_amp, cnt_q);
do_ddc(dat_ddc, dat_amp, dat_q);
float cnt_freq = fclampf(1200.0 + cargf(cnt_q[out] * conjf(cnt_last)) / (2.0 * M_PI * dstep), 1100.0, 1300.0);
float dat_freq = fclampf(1900.0 + cargf(dat_q[out] * conjf(dat_last)) / (2.0 * M_PI * dstep), 1500.0, 2300.0);
cnt_last = cnt_q[out];
dat_last = dat_q[out];
const float cal_a = 0.05;
cal_avg = cal_a * dat_freq + (1.0 - cal_a) * cal_avg;
begin_vis_ss = fabsf(cnt_freq - 1200.0) < 50.0 ? begin_vis_ss + 1 : 0;
begin_vis_lo = fabsf(cnt_freq - 1300.0) < 50.0 ? begin_vis_lo + 1 : 0;
begin_vis_hi = fabsf(cnt_freq - 1100.0) < 50.0 ? begin_vis_hi + 1 : 0;
begin_hor_sync = fabsf(cnt_freq - 1200.0) < 50.0 ? begin_hor_sync + 1 : 0;
begin_cal_break = fabsf(cnt_freq - 1200.0) < 50.0 ? begin_cal_break + 1 : 0;
begin_cal_leader = fabsf(cal_avg - 1900.0) < 50.0 ? begin_cal_leader + 1 : 0;
begin_sep_evn = fabsf(dat_freq - 1500.0) < 50.0 ? begin_sep_evn + 1 : 0;
begin_sep_odd = fabsf(dat_freq - 2300.0) < 350.0 ? begin_sep_odd + 1 : 0;
const float vis_tolerance = 0.9;
const float sync_tolerance = 0.7;
const float break_tolerance = 0.7;
const float leader_tolerance = 0.3;
const float seperator_tolerance = 0.7;
int vis_ss = begin_vis_ss >= (int)(drate * vis_tolerance * vis_len) ? 1 : 0;
int vis_lo = begin_vis_lo >= (int)(drate * vis_tolerance * vis_len) ? 1 : 0;
int vis_hi = begin_vis_hi >= (int)(drate * vis_tolerance * vis_len) ? 1 : 0;
int cal_break = begin_cal_break >= (int)(drate * break_tolerance * cal_break_len) ? 1 : 0;
int cal_leader = begin_cal_leader >= (int)(drate * leader_tolerance * cal_leader_len) ? 1 : 0;
int sep_evn = begin_sep_evn >= (int)(drate * seperator_tolerance * seperator_len) ? 1 : 0;
int sep_odd = begin_sep_odd >= (int)(drate * seperator_tolerance * seperator_len) ? 1 : 0;
// we want a pulse at the falling edge
latch_sync = begin_hor_sync > (int)(drate * sync_tolerance * hor_sync_len) ? 1 : latch_sync;
int hor_sync = begin_hor_sync > (int)(drate * sync_tolerance * hor_sync_len) ? 0 : latch_sync;
latch_sync = hor_sync ? 0 : latch_sync;
// we only want a pulse for the bits
begin_vis_ss = vis_ss ? 0 : begin_vis_ss;
begin_vis_lo = vis_lo ? 0 : begin_vis_lo;
begin_vis_hi = vis_hi ? 0 : begin_vis_hi;
if (cal_leader && !cal_break && got_cal_break &&
cal_ticks >= (int)(drate * (cal_leader_len + cal_break_len) * leader_tolerance) &&
cal_ticks <= (int)(drate * (cal_leader_len + cal_break_len) * (2.0 - leader_tolerance))) {
vis_mode = 1;
vis_bit = -1;
dat_mode = 0;
first_hor_sync = 1;
got_cal_break = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "%s got calibration header\n", string_time("%F %T"));
if (cal_break && !cal_leader &&
cal_ticks >= (int)(drate * cal_break_len * break_tolerance) &&
cal_ticks <= (int)(drate * cal_break_len * (2.0 - break_tolerance)))
got_cal_break = 1;
if (cal_leader && !cal_break) {
cal_ticks = 0;
got_cal_break = 0;
if (vis_mode) {
if (vis_bit < 0) {
if (vis_ss) {
vis_ticks = 0;
vis_byte = 0;
vis_bit = 0;
dat_mode = 0;
} else if (vis_ticks <= (int)(drate * 10.0 * vis_len * (2.0 - vis_tolerance))) {
if (vis_ss) {
dat_mode = 1;
vis_mode = 0;
vis_bit = -1;
fprintf(stderr, "%s got VIS = 0x%x (complete)\n", string_time("%F %T"), vis_byte);
if (vis_bit < 8) {
if (vis_lo) vis_bit++;
if (vis_hi) vis_byte |= 1 << vis_bit++;
} else {
if (vis_bit >= 8) {
dat_mode = 1;
vis_mode = 0;
vis_bit = -1;
fprintf(stderr, "%s got VIS = 0x%x (missing stop bit)\n", string_time("%F %T"), vis_byte);
if (!vis_mode && vis_byte != 0x88) {
fprintf(stderr, "unsupported mode 0x%x, ignoring\n", vis_byte);
dat_mode = 0;
if (!dat_mode)
// we wait until first sync
if (first_hor_sync && !hor_sync)
// data comes after first sync
if (first_hor_sync && hor_sync) {
first_hor_sync = 0;
hor_ticks = 0;
y_pixel_x = 0;
uv_pixel_x = 0;
y = 0;
odd = 0;
if (pixel) {
munmap_file(ppm_p, ppm_size);
fprintf(stderr, "%d missing sync's and %d corrections from seperator\n", missing_sync, seperator_correction);
missing_sync = 0;
seperator_correction = 0;
if (ppm_name)
mmap_file_rw(&ppm_p, ppm_name, ppm_size);
mmap_file_rw(&ppm_p, string_time("%F_%T.ppm"), ppm_size);
memcpy(ppm_p, ppm_head, strlen(ppm_head));
pixel = (uint8_t *)ppm_p + strlen(ppm_head);
memset(pixel, 0, width * height * 3);
// if horizontal sync is too early, we reset to the beginning instead of ignoring
if (hor_sync && hor_ticks < (int)((hor_len - sync_porch_len) * drate)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
uint8_t *p = pixel + 3 * y * width + 3 * (width - i - 10);
p[0] = 255;
p[1] = 0;
p[2] = 255;
hor_ticks = 0;
y_pixel_x = 0;
uv_pixel_x = 0;
// we always sync if sync pulse is where it should be.
if (hor_sync && (hor_ticks >= (int)((hor_len - sync_porch_len) * drate) &&
hor_ticks < (int)((hor_len + sync_porch_len) * drate))) {
process_line(pixel, y_pixel, uv_pixel, y_width, uv_width, width, height, y++);
if (y == height) {
munmap_file(ppm_p, ppm_size);
fprintf(stderr, "%d missing sync's and %d corrections from seperator\n", missing_sync, seperator_correction);
pixel = 0;
dat_mode = 0;
missing_sync = 0;
seperator_correction = 0;
odd ^= 1;
hor_ticks = 0;
y_pixel_x = 0;
uv_pixel_x = 0;
// if horizontal sync is missing, we extrapolate from last sync
if (hor_ticks >= (int)((hor_len + sync_porch_len) * drate)) {
process_line(pixel, y_pixel, uv_pixel, y_width, uv_width, width, height, y++);
if (y == height) {
munmap_file(ppm_p, ppm_size);
fprintf(stderr, "%d missing sync's and %d corrections from seperator\n", missing_sync, seperator_correction);
pixel = 0;
dat_mode = 0;
missing_sync = 0;
seperator_correction = 0;
odd ^= 1;
hor_ticks -= (int)(hor_len * drate);
// we are not at the pixels yet, so no correction here
y_pixel_x = 0;
uv_pixel_x = 0;
if (hor_ticks > (int)((sync_porch_len + y_len) * drate) && hor_ticks < (int)((sync_porch_len + y_len + seperator_len) * drate)) {
odd_count += sep_odd;
evn_count += sep_evn;
// we try to correct from odd / even seperator
if (evn_count != odd_count && hor_ticks > (int)((sync_porch_len + y_len + seperator_len) * drate)) {
// even seperator
if (evn_count > odd_count && odd) {
odd = 0;
// odd seperator
if (odd_count > evn_count && !odd) {
odd = 1;
evn_count = 0;
odd_count = 0;
// TODO: need better way to compensate for pulse decay time
float fixme = 0.0007;
if (y_pixel_x < y_width && hor_ticks >= (int)((fixme + sync_porch_len) * drate))
y_pixel[y_pixel_x++ + (y % 2) * y_width] = fclampf(255.0 * (dat_freq - 1500.0) / 800.0, 0.0, 255.0);
if (uv_pixel_x < uv_width && hor_ticks >= (int)((fixme + sync_porch_len + y_len + seperator_len + porch_len) * drate))
uv_pixel[uv_pixel_x++ + odd * uv_width] = fclampf(255.0 * (dat_freq - 1500.0) / 800.0, 0.0, 255.0);
if (pixel) {
munmap_file(ppm_p, ppm_size);
fprintf(stderr, "%d missing sync's and %d corrections from seperator\n", missing_sync, seperator_correction);
missing_sync = 0;
seperator_correction = 0;
return 0;